Lmao the best part of the response, it was so straight up cultish.
Asking people if they are better off that they were 3 years ago. Let's not compare Biden with Trump's record, compare it after Trump dumped a dumpster fire on the Democrats laps and they spent a year scrubbing up after them.
I love the not realizing that by asking people if they are better that when Biden was president to measure against Biden is a pretty interesting concept. Technically if we look at Bidens presidency, at least what 13 million people have jobs now that didn't when he took office.
Wages increased. Once again outpacing the inflation rate by over a percent this last report.
3 years ago from today we had troops in Afghanistan.
Inflation is below where it was 3 years ago.
Mask mandates for fully vaccinated people that were in place have been lifted, and we are now pretty much back to normal outside of the idiots who are so brainwashed against modern medicine that they are passing around measles.
Yeah Bidens presidency in 3 years are arguably better in almost every way now, a year ago sure, you could talk all kinds of shit about it with the cherry picked timeframe. But a year later shit has gotten far better. The 3 year period is interesting.
But yeah, they can't ask about 4 years ago because that was when shit really was hitting the fan. 4 years ago today was when Canada saw its first death from Covid and the economy was still riding the Obama trend here in the states.
Let's just ignore that Trump left office with less jobs that when he took office.
Let's just ignore the loss of over a million people here in America because Trump cared more about his reelection chances and playing dictator while he milked his office to get as much tax payer money as he could for as long as he could.

Nah, fuck Trump.