Biden's State of the Union Thing


Well-Known Member
I only caught the end of it, but i can already tell, trump aint doin that... he isn't going to be able to carry out that kind of speech... Joe KILLED it man... and wtf is with the republican response? it's like a bizarre infomercial, only written and directed by some kind of freako cult... and that wackjob lady... the way she's all smiles and then turns into a total psycho on a dime... something's REEAALLYY wrong with that bitch. A lot of these trumpers remind me of the loons from the movie 2000 Maniacs- the way they smile and pretend to be all godly and shit, you know, real all american, humble pie, just good kind folks, but then as soon as they are encouraged to show their true selves, they prove to be total monsters... I'm high as fuck right now... anyway..."YYYEEEEEHHHHAAAAWWWWW!!!!"
I only caught the end of it, but i can already tell, trump aint doin that... he isn't going to be able to carry out that kind of speech... Joe KILLED it man... and wtf is with the republican response? it's like a bizarre infomercial, only written and directed by some kind of freako cult... and that wackjob lady... the way she's all smiles and then turns into a total psycho on a dime... something's REEAALLYY wrong with that bitch. A lot of these trumpers remind me of the loons from the movie 2000 Maniacs- the way they smile and pretend to be all godly and shit, you know, real all american, humble pie, just good kind folks, but then as soon as they are encouraged to show their true selves, they prove to be total monsters... I'm high as fuck right now... anyway..."YYYEEEEEHHHHAAAAWWWWW!!!!"

I remember reading about that movie in a Fangoria magazine when I was a kid!!
Uplifted by the job Biden done last night,CONFRONT,tell it,there is no reaching out to these sycophants and their ship is full of holes. Mar.Tay.Green is a gd.damn disgrace who can't be dropped on a deserted island fast enough,GO AWAY,I'm so FKN sick of her FKN face and antics. I also enjoyed watching the JOHNSON squirming in his seat knowing full well the Orange man's watching,had this uncomfortable look like bad sushi was brewing in his gut.Last night is a good launch for flooding the zone w/the REAL narrative of a inept R party and Nominee operating on spin,deception,and smoke and mirrors that had Exec. and legislative control for half of Trumps term and accomplished 0000 for 95% of citizens. Trumps platform is to squash his federal cases,throw out pardons like lollipops in a doctors office,burn down what remains of institutions,and find ways to enable persecution of dissenters to his scam,those are his policies behind the flag waving poser.
I thought Biden gave a good speech. Almost as good as last year's SOTU. For all of the talk about Sleepy Joe, this is the second year in a row where Biden expected to be heckled and he turned the heckling into emphasizing how bad are GOP ideas.

Last year, after all of the GOP talk about "saving" Social Security by cutting benefits and raising the retirement age, Biden put them on the spot on live TV to choose between their mega donors who want to cut SS and their voters who want them to fund it. By the time it was over, the GOP members of Congress were cheering Biden's proclamation that he enjoys a conversion and that we have unanimity. It was brilliant.

This year's SOTU was not quite as dramatic but still a good speech and I loved how Biden contrasted his own support for democracy with the GOP's aversion to it. The biggest threat to American democracy is the GOP and Biden understands the stakes.
I thought Biden gave a good speech. Almost as good as last year's SOTU. For all of the talk about Sleepy Joe, this is the second year in a row where Biden expected to be heckled and he turned the heckling into emphasizing how bad are GOP ideas.

Last year, after all of the GOP talk about "saving" Social Security by cutting benefits and raising the retirement age, Biden put them on the spot on live TV to choose between their mega donors who want to cut SS and their voters who want them to fund it. By the time it was over, the GOP members of Congress were cheering Biden's proclamation that he enjoys a conversion and that we have unanimity. It was brilliant.

This year's SOTU was not quite as dramatic but still a good speech and I loved how Biden contrasted his own support for democracy with the GOP's aversion to it. The biggest threat to American democracy is the GOP and Biden understands the stakes.
MTG is a vile,disrespectful bitch,her Springer like antics during SOTU's are a snap shot for gutter politics,she's more concerned w/Social Media hits than actually ah you know her FKN job,what is the FKN collective IQ of the people in her district?,I'd assume way more checkers than chess.
No GOP members want to touch Social Security or Medicare
"The Republican Study Committee released its annual alternative budget for fiscal 2023 back in June, which included a number of suggested reforms for Medicare and Social Security that aim to possibly prevent a looming solvency crisis for both programs. These reforms include raising the eligibility ages for each program, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain income, and privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes."

And Mike Lee, Senator from Utah, was quoted as saying that it was his goal to pull up Social Security by the roots and get rid of it.

And Nikki Haley's plan was to increase the retirement age to 70.

And Rick Scott's plan is to sunset SS after five years.

in 2015, most House Republicans, and a host of others in current leadership, voted to raise the retirement age to 70, which would cut Social Security benefits for tens of millions of seniors who paid into the system for years.

In November, John Thune, the number two Senate Republican in leadership, declared that Social Security and Medicare benefits should be slashed.

I could go on but a central tenet of GOP political philosophy is to cut "entitlements" with SS the main target.

Vote for whoever you want but don't kid yourself that GOP politicians intend to protect Social Security.
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No GOP members want to touch Social Security or Medicare
That’s just another lie you bought and willfully choose to repeat based on a democratic lie
Just the facts


With revenues off the table, the RSC proposes to eliminate Social Security’s 75-year deficit solely by cutting benefits.

Republicans also call for “pro-growth tax reform” (read: cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations); “work requirements” (imposing more requirements on poor people trying to attain social services); and “regulatory reforms that increase economic growth” (encouraging the sort of deregulation that welcomes crashing financial institutions, corporate-poisoned rivers, and more than 1,000 train derailments a year).

As far as taxes go, the party wants to make permanent the individual provisions of Trump’s tax cut bill, which gave a roughly $49,000 annual tax cut to the top 1 percent and only $500 to those in the bottom 60 percent. In doing so, they’d add nearly $2.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The party also wants to eliminate the estate tax, which only impacts those who inherit assets worth at least $13 million.

On work requirements, the budget calls for “all federal benefit programs [to] be reformed to include work promotion requirements.” As in, food stamps, Medicare, you name it: They want it subject to work requirements. And sorry, Andrew Yang: The budget explicitly says it opposes any efforts to implement proposals like universal basic income.
Additionally... Trump proposed 'touching' social security and medicare in all his budget proposals.

"The losers"
  • The Poor: Trump’s budget would slash Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program by $616 billion over the next decade. These programs provide health insurance for millions of poor families.
  • The Poor, Part II: Trump’s budget would cut the food stamp program by $191 billion over the next decade.
  • The Poor, Part III: Trump’s budget would cut funding for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program by $22 billion over the next decade.
  • The Disabled: Trump’s budget calls for cutting Social Security disability benefits by nearly $70 billion over the next decade by encouraging and, in some cases, requiring people receiving the benefits to re-enter the workforce.
That's just 2018. Hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts in medicare proposed in the following years despite his empty vows not to touch it.

And of course the Payroll Tax Cuts Proposal, which fund Social Security and Medicare.

"Look at the facts, you know how to read." - Biden
I'm just watching that nutjob Senator Katie Britt from the great state of Alabama and 10 min is enough of that.

Think I'll go watch Colbert instead.

Biden killed it for sure. You could tell by all the sour looking faces on the republican side of the room. :D

I am surprised Katie Britt spent so much time on the immigration problem.

I guess nobody told her that the GOP recently killed the bill that fixed many of the issues she was complaining about.
And it was THEIR bill. Written by Republicans, for Republicans!

Could they be any dumber?

Why do people vote for these idiots?
Lmao the best part of the response, it was so straight up cultish.

Asking people if they are better off that they were 3 years ago. Let's not compare Biden with Trump's record, compare it after Trump dumped a dumpster fire on the Democrats laps and they spent a year scrubbing up after them.

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I love the not realizing that by asking people if they are better that when Biden was president to measure against Biden is a pretty interesting concept. Technically if we look at Bidens presidency, at least what 13 million people have jobs now that didn't when he took office.

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Wages increased. Once again outpacing the inflation rate by over a percent this last report.

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3 years ago from today we had troops in Afghanistan.

Inflation is below where it was 3 years ago.

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Mask mandates for fully vaccinated people that were in place have been lifted, and we are now pretty much back to normal outside of the idiots who are so brainwashed against modern medicine that they are passing around measles.

Yeah Bidens presidency in 3 years are arguably better in almost every way now, a year ago sure, you could talk all kinds of shit about it with the cherry picked timeframe. But a year later shit has gotten far better. The 3 year period is interesting.

But yeah, they can't ask about 4 years ago because that was when shit really was hitting the fan. 4 years ago today was when Canada saw its first death from Covid and the economy was still riding the Obama trend here in the states.

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Let's just ignore that Trump left office with less jobs that when he took office.

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Let's just ignore the loss of over a million people here in America because Trump cared more about his reelection chances and playing dictator while he milked his office to get as much tax payer money as he could for as long as he could.

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Nah, fuck Trump.
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Biden really needs to have someone ai his face into this and end with dark Brandon eyes or putting his glasses on at the end.
I am surprised Katie Britt spent so much time on the immigration problem.

I guess nobody told her that the GOP recently killed the bill that fixed many of the issues she was complaining about.
And it was THEIR bill. Written by Republicans, for Republicans!

Could they be any dumber?

Why do people vote for these idiots?

They are using Goebbels's playbook that worked so well in WWII. Tell the big outrageous lies over and over again until they begin to sound like the truth. The more outrageous the lie the better it works compared to lies that are half truthful. tRump has even convinced many of the con leaders that should have enough intelligence to know they're lies or are falling in line as they've seen how well it works on the uneducated maga base.

That woman is deranged and just the right type to appeal to the maga base as well.

I'm fully confident that the cons will go down in flames in Nov. They're pissing off a good portion of what used to be their base who will either vote dem or not show up at the polls at all. The hardcore magats who will vote tRump no matter what are barely 30% of the whole rebub voting population.

Doesn't mean the Dems can slack off or Biden can screw up majorly. I'm pretty sure a lot of repubs watched that speech last night too and many of them will be thinking hard about many provable points Joe made.

In the meantime I'm looking forward to many entertaining hours watching tRump trying to dance his little sidesteps around his mounting court cases. Huge bond due on the 25th in his New York fraud case if he wants to appeal that one. I can hardly wait to see bus loads of migrants being dropped off in front of tRump Tower to go crap in his gold toilet. :D

Wages increased. Once again outpacing the inflation rate by over a percent this last report.

Meanwhile the federal minimum wage is stuck at $7/hr I believe. They are likely going to have a hard time keeping people at that rate or getting new workers to replace those that say fuggit and go down the street for better money in this employee market.

I heard a good idea on the news recently about giving work visas to all the undocumented waiting sometimes years for a hearing. Makes sense to me to have them paying their own way and paying some taxes while they wait but of course that's a big red flag to the repubs.
