"Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

Biden's making our country look weak. All the foreign leaders are watching him struggle. Putin challenged him to a debate after he called him a killer as a joke.
I'm over the reality-TV era of US politics. I have zero interest is watching our elected leaders take on a steel cage grudge match with foreign adversaries. Let Putin cool his jets a bit after he rides a rhino bearback or whatever he does these day to get his rocks off first.
Biden's making our country look weak. All the foreign leaders are watching him struggle. Putin challenged him to a debate after he called him a killer as a joke.

And it is President Harris. She's the one talking to all the foreign leader, not Joe. WTF?
Why do you think it matters? Do you think world leaders should be out there and wrestle it out?

Are you cool with the Russian military attacking our citizens?
These guys can't even get the fake shit right. It was a fake social media thing. And it wasn't 78. It was 73. If you guys are gonna post fake facts, at least make sure it's the right fake facts, lol.
I think folks are trying to give him the benefit of the doubt with the 78 number. I guaran-fucking-T you though that there's no way in hell his IQ is above 80. The guy is mentally incompetent, regardless of what you think of his politics.
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the fact is joe biden doesnt like pot smokers, to the point where hauls off and fires 5 of them even though you know damn well those 5 put in man-hours and labor for him. trump fired people who bad-mouthed him, and looking back that is a much better reason to fire someone than puffing on a few jointskies back in the day.
So all democrats tell the truth? You folks are either really young, or really sold on the bullshit. All I said was "All politicians lie...", If you don't see BOTH side fucking every time they can, you are BLIND.. Get me banned. Who cares I've been growing weed for over twenty years with no help from you or anyone on this forum.

You seem triggered and full of anger, must be a incel.
The Trump colon campers are baaack...must really suck to be them...what they’ve lost in coherence (yes, really) they’ve gained it sheer spleen. Go “moot” your points, fetishists
And yes weed makes people do crazy stuff like hang on a weed forum. What's the best new good tasting strain btw.

When I quit growing/smoking for my job, I gave my entire seed collection to my best friend. I had a pack from Thug Pug that I hadn't touched yet...it was called Afterglow, I believe it was OGKB x OGKB and he found an outstanding female in that pack. He says that is the best tasting weed he's ever grown and smoked, doesn't produce worth a shit though. He just keeps it around to throw a couple clones in each room to keep for his personal stash

I don't know if you can still find Afterglow seeds for sale anywhere, but I could get a couple cuttings for you if you want
When I quit growing/smoking for my job, I gave my entire seed collection to my best friend. I had a pack from Thug Pug that I hadn't touched yet...it was called Afterglow, I believe it was OGKB x OGKB and he found an outstanding female in that pack. He says that is the best tasting weed he's ever grown and smoked, doesn't produce worth a shit though. He just keeps it around to throw a couple clones in each room to keep for his personal stash

I don't know if you can still find Afterglow seeds for sale anywhere, but I could get a couple cuttings for you if you want
Probably not a good idea in my state. I wish. It seems most of the keeper strains aren't the best producers. I took a hiatus for 22 years due to work. Then after I got in the last 10 years or so I was celibate except on the weekends. Like father guido sarducci. It's a bit rediculous.
Pot is illegal under federal law, Joe is a law and order president, the answer is in changing the law or at least the scheduling. Perhaps this will be the trigger, legalization is popular with a near super majority, but there are bigger fish to fry right now. Beside only a small fraction of admitted pot users were fired, lying to the FBI or on their application will get them fired and compromise their integrity.
The White House said in February that admitting to past marijuana use on background check forms would not automatically disqualify candidates for White House jobs. But several knowledgeable sources told The Daily Beast that dozens had been fired, placed on probation, or put in a remote-work program because they had acknowledged previous drug use. The Daily Beast
All Presidents are law and order Presidents. Never seen one that wasn't. So they say.