Biden vs Trump


Well-Known Member
To legalize marijuana, lawmakers have to give up too many of their sponsors. Big pharma is one of them as is the private prison industry. Organized crime wants it illegal. Legalization will come slowly. One way to speed up the process is to remove incumbents and replace them with persons who have different sponsors.


Well-Known Member
Canna Law is running one Democrat a week grading them on cannabis. Uncle Joe was the first. They gave him a D.

“If Biden truly believes“Nobody should be in jail for smoking marijuana,”as he told voters this past March, he owes an explanation for why he previously supported the arrest and incarceration of countless Americans for weed.”

Of course he’s for it. Until he’s against it. We deserve better.


Well-Known Member
And don’t look behind you because it will slow you down but India is hot on the heels of China. With a huge population of workers of every skill level from manual labor to PhDs in engineering and science. The USA is going to discover in the next decade that all these “sub-par countries” are not as stupid, lazy or broke as the snobs here believe.
I can't wait, it will be very nice to have big stable trading partners. I think India has the most potential to set themselves up very well.
No, they weren't. The voting machines were perfect.

The 'irregularity' was that there were three stations that didn't have enough polling machines.

To offset that discrepancy, they held those stations open until everyone that was in line had voted.

Three stations were open until nearly 11pm .

There was no discrepancy.

Try again.
It is sick how shitty they make voting for people to vote in these communities. It shouldn't take longer to vote in the city as it does in the suburbs. Waiting for hours to vote is bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait, it will be very nice to have big stable trading partners. I think India has the most potential to set themselves up very well.

It is sick how shitty they make voting for people to vote in these communities. It shouldn't take longer to vote in the city as it does in the suburbs. Waiting for hours to vote is bullshit.
India has announced their lunar mission will land at the south pole of the moon. China already landed a craft. Honkies in America blind to it all except for hating them for being them.