Biden pardon all federal possession of cannabis

Blah Blah Blah
trumpfuck did nothing
Obama allowed them to sit in prison still too, where they got to read the paper or watch the news once in awhile, and have it rubbed in their face that the states monopolized it, and see pictures of people standing in line to buy the same amounts they got put away for. Oh.. and watch gay people be able to get taxe.. I mean married, because that was all more important at the time..
Maybe those Red state's voters should start letting their politicians know WTF they want instead of just voting for the sake of not voting Blue? Or are the majority of voters in these States against legalization?

Dr. No jumps into it with both boots! The snake-oil millionaire puts his hypocrisy on backlit display. No wonder he bears the orange seal.


Dr. No jumps into it with both boots! The snake-oil millionaire puts his hypocrisy on backlit display. No wonder he bears the orange seal.

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Wait til medical benefits of Cannabis and big Phartma enters the discussion. That'll be a hoot. I'll leave the typo as is.
Wait til medical benefits of Cannabis and big Phartma enters the discussion. That'll be a hoot. I'll leave the typo as is.
I gotta say, big pharma gave me money for making science. The science end is pretty cool, and we did work on things like real cures and better things than opioids or sledgehammer psych drugs. Three of my bench babies (I was in drug design) made it into the clinic, but alas, the big brass ring (being part of the team that got one with a brand name) eluded.

The weasels in Italian suits on the other end of campus were a drag though.
I gotta say, big pharma gave me money for making science. The science end is pretty cool, and we did work on things like real cures and better things than opioids or sledgehammer psych drugs. Three of my bench babies (I was in drug design) made it into the clinic, but alas, the big brass ring (being part of the team that got one with a brand name) eluded.

The weasels in Italian suits on the other end of campus were a drag though.
What exactly did you create? I hope it was a non addictive form of Benzo's... Been on that shit for 25 years.. can't get off of it without going into panic attacks... Xanax is the worst drug/best drug created. It works, but you'll be dammed if you try to get off of it.
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Cannot say without disclosing identifiers.
Being what you did... Xanax is a GABA replacer, as the the receptors cannot make the connection to calm yourself like a normal person.. like your brain cannot produce it anymore. Is there an alternative that would help someone get off of this Benzo?
If I don't have 1/2 mg as soon as I wake up, or 1.5 mg before bed, i'll have a panic attack..If I cut down, i feel very jittery, nervous, confused, or feel like something ominous is going to happen.... it takes me 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine, 1.5mg of Xanax, and a few puffs to slow my mind down to go to sleep every night. I really want to cut out the Xanax, cut down on the wine,.... I don't mind the weed... it does help.
Being what you did... Xanax is a GABA replacer, as the the receptors cannot make the connection to calm yourself like a normal person.. like your brain cannot produce it anymore. Is there an alternative that would help someone get off of this Benzo?
Not to my knowledge. Once it digs the hole in your receptor population, it’s there for life afaik. One has to develop collateral ways of dealing with the driver for the habit. The likeliest things to try are disciplines, like mindfulness and perhaps biofeedback.

If you have a withdrawal situation ahead of you, have a trusted doctor on board. Discontinuing benzos brings a chance of possibly dangerous seizures and is best done with fairly close supervision.
Keep in mind that I was a chemist, not an MD, and I didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express. Consult a pro.
Not to my knowledge. Once it digs the hole in your receptor population, it’s there for life afaik. One has to develop collateral ways of dealing with the driver for the habit. The likeliest things to try are disciplines, like mindfulness and perhaps biofeedback.

If you have a withdrawal situation ahead of you, have a trusted doctor on board. Discontinuing benzos brings a chance of possibly dangerous seizures and is best done with fairly close supervision.
Keep in mind that I was a chemist, not an MD, and I didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express. Consult a pro.
Thanks man. I know about the sudden “cold turkey” of these meds … it can be dangerous. Thanks for the input.
If I don't have 1/2 mg as soon as I wake up, or 1.5 mg before bed, i'll have a panic attack..If I cut down, i feel very jittery, nervous, confused, or feel like something ominous is going to happen.... it takes me 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine, 1.5mg of Xanax, and a few puffs to slow my mind down to go to sleep every night. I really want to cut out the Xanax, cut down on the wine,.... I don't mind the weed... it does help.
Weed for me is more likely to generate anxiety than to reduce it. I’ve had my alcohol rodeo. You’re already drinking toxic amounts; that needs to end if I may say so. I’m pretty grateful I never went all in on the benzos. I hope you can find a therapist with the right experience. An anonymous fellowship such as NA might be of use. I do not envy you your predicament.
What exactly did you create? I hope it was a non addictive form of Benzo's... Been on that shit for 25 years.. can't get off of it without going into panic attacks... Xanax is the worst drug/best drug created. It works, but you'll be dammed if you try to get off of it.
You need to switch to a longer lasting benzo wait to regulate your blood levels than split your daily dose into 3 separate doses per day wait to regulate blood levels, so if you take 6mg of xanax per day youd want to switch to a comparable dose of say klonopin or dizaepam from there after waiting probably around 2-3 weeks youd switch to 2mg morning 2mgafternoon 2mg evening (whatever the comparable dose is im just making it easier )

than you wait again till your blood levels have regulated than you can start literally shaving off with a razor one of your daily doses, usually the middle dose is best since the time between night and evening dose is longer due to sleep.

you literally shave off tiny ass pieces for years.

but your first step is switching from xanax to longer lasting medication like klonopin, its nearly impossible to get off xanax because its half life is so short so its not ideal for tapering. because your body goes into withdrawal way too quickly where as longer lasting half life medication doesnt have that smack your face onset which is probably long gone for you by now , but will reduce your withdrawals

You can do it :) promise itsnot easy , you can also manage some of the side effects with propanol and getting yourself on a legitimate SSRI or SNRI to reduce your panic attacks, as well as therapeutic methods for your panic attacks like belly breathing

Having a taper plan is first up you can dm me if you want :) i know way too much about this shit personally

also if you do drink stop. please.
Bernie's health care bill was not a finished product. The hotel industry service workers union in Nevada said it best: We fought for the health care coverage our workers receive and we aren't willing to give it up for a vague promise. What he was telling more than 200 million people was they had to give up the healthcare coverage they like for something that was just high sounding words with no substance. That isn't going to fly anywhere. Sanders, if he had managed to squeak in as the Democratic nominee would have handed Trump a second term. As such, I considered him a threat at the time.
I shouldn‘t be sharing opinions about Bernie simply cause I don’t know enough about him and fill in the rest from my own reference frame. Guy reminds me of founder of socialist party in NL, same tone, same message. Never made it into a ruling cabinet (partly cause “high sounding words but no substance”).

I don’t know all the details about your healthcare system either but I know I hate it and I’m maybe falsely under the impression that there’s no way 200mil people in the US can like what they have/had. A few years ago one of my best friends in the US died after making the choice to not sell the house to afford a costly life saving procedure so his wife would still have a place. Right now I have an aunt (sort of, more distant but family) who needs a procedure and runs into coverage issue at the 10+ places she contacted, causing a lot of (unhealthy) stress. She has a nice place, employed with a good income, pays her taxes, is insured, yet can’t afford a healthcare procedure. Really hard to understand.
I shouldn‘t be sharing opinions about Bernie simply cause I don’t know enough about him and fill in the rest from my own reference frame. Guy reminds me of founder of socialist party in NL, same tone, same message. Never made it into a ruling cabinet (partly cause “high sounding words but no substance”).

I don’t know all the details about your healthcare system either but I know I hate it and I’m maybe falsely under the impression that there’s no way 200mil people in the US can like what they have/had. A few years ago one of my best friends in the US died after making the choice to not sell the house to afford a costly life saving procedure so his wife would still have a place. Right now I have an aunt (sort of, more distant but family) who needs a procedure and runs into coverage issue at the 10+ places she contacted, causing a lot of (unhealthy) stress. She has a nice place, employed with a good income, pays her taxes, is insured, yet can’t afford a healthcare procedure. Really hard to understand.
It's a contradiction, for sure. Our health care system sucks in so many ways. I voted for Bernie in 2016 on this issue. And yet, in 2018 and heading into the 2020 election season, this poll caught my attention:

Most Americans Still Rate Their Healthcare Quite Positively

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the incoming Congress prepares to debate further changes to the U.S. healthcare system, solid majorities of Americans rate the coverage (69%) and quality (80%) of the healthcare they personally receive as "excellent" or "good." By contrast, Americans are much less positive about healthcare in the U.S. in general, with a bare majority rating the quality of U.S. healthcare positively (55%) and about a third giving positive reviews to U.S. healthcare coverage (34%).

Other polls show how confused most people in the US are regarding opinions and beliefs about single payer health care coverage.

Suffice it to say that we are at a tipping point and leaning toward some form of universal healthcare coverage but the issue is far from settled. Don't forget that in 2020 then President Trump loomed large. 30% hardcore support for him, 30% hardcore opposition to him and 40% swing voters. Sentiment toward Trump more or less mirrored sentiment toward government provided health care coverage. Then Bernie showed up like a huge wrecking ball for Democratic Party's chances of replacing him with a vaguely worded, unfunded mandate that bans single payer coverage without any details of what would replace it, how much it would cost and who would pay for it. It was an irresponsible act by Bernie. It was just a political act with no substance behind it. Swing voters were not going to support it. As it was, Bernie's bill almost cost us four more years of Trump and probably our democracy with it.

So, separate out the lunacy of our current system from the politics of Bernie's bill and his run at the nomination in 2020. Our system has to change to cover everybody. "Bernie and his Medicare for all" bill were a threat to our democracy in 2020. Both are true.
It's a contradiction, for sure. Our health care system sucks in so many ways. I voted for Bernie in 2016 on this issue. And yet, in 2018 and heading into the 2020 election season, this poll caught my attention:

Most Americans Still Rate Their Healthcare Quite Positively

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the incoming Congress prepares to debate further changes to the U.S. healthcare system, solid majorities of Americans rate the coverage (69%) and quality (80%) of the healthcare they personally receive as "excellent" or "good." By contrast, Americans are much less positive about healthcare in the U.S. in general, with a bare majority rating the quality of U.S. healthcare positively (55%) and about a third giving positive reviews to U.S. healthcare coverage (34%).

Other polls show how confused most people in the US are regarding opinions and beliefs about single payer health care coverage.

Suffice it to say that we are at a tipping point and leaning toward some form of universal healthcare coverage but the issue is far from settled. Don't forget that in 2020 then President Trump loomed large. 30% hardcore support for him, 30% hardcore opposition to him and 40% swing voters. Sentiment toward Trump more or less mirrored sentiment toward government provided health care coverage. Then Bernie showed up like a huge wrecking ball for Democratic Party's chances of replacing him with a vaguely worded, unfunded mandate that bans single payer coverage without any details of what would replace it, how much it would cost and who would pay for it. It was an irresponsible act by Bernie. It was just a political act with no substance behind it. Swing voters were not going to support it. As it was, Bernie's bill almost cost us four more years of Trump and probably our democracy with it.

So, separate out the lunacy of our current system from the politics of Bernie's bill and his run at the nomination in 2020. Our system has to change to cover everybody. "Bernie and his Medicare for all" bill were a threat to our democracy in 2020. Both are true.
My healthcare access suuuucks.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the incoming Congress prepares to debate further changes to the U.S. healthcare system, solid majorities of Americans rate the coverage (69%) and quality (80%) of the healthcare they personally receive as "excellent" or "good." By contrast, Americans are much less positive about healthcare in the U.S. in general, with a bare majority rating the quality of U.S. healthcare positively (55%) and about a third giving positive reviews to U.S. healthcare coverage (34%).
Interesting contrast, that leaves 66% that’s not positive about the coverage for people in general, which suggests there’s plenty of solidarity for a more social democratic system. I see in second link that‘s along the lines of 2/3rd feeling it’s the governments responsibility. That last part‘s wording triggers people like libertarians, but the government imo just happens to be the best candidate to organize what I see as a nation/community’s responsibility. Anything else seems like choosing to let (poor) people drown instead of helping without major personal risk. Thanks for the informative reply including links.