Biden & Harris :)

Literally said "I do think that there is a large number of Americans that are Republican because it is a family tradition." Not saying our parents have brainwashed us into being the political people we are. From my own experience, much of my family is Republican because of family tradition. They have not looked into it for themselves to even make an educated decision and don't care to. My family is not the only one to be how it is. Thus, out of the many Republicans out there, I stand by the statement, a large number are uninformed and their political party is family tradition. (Wasn't attempting to make a factual scientific statement there, reasons it begins with I think.)

I prefer that the federal government has less of them and the states make the rules that apply to their communities. There have to be some guidelines coming from the Fed, what we have now are less like guidelines for the states and are instead the rules the states must abide. If all the states make the same rule, awesome. If not, that is representative of the communities there and their opinion.

I do not know the solutions and don't pretend to. I just support a different candidate than you. If you'd like to see her ideas: or visit the VP candidates youtube page @Spike Cohen's Youtube channel
Based on my own family experiences and academic research, I challenge the idea that family tradition determines if a child becomes Republican. I posted one article from a credible source to back my opinion up. There are plenty of others but I'm pretty sure you didn't read the one I posted.

Your opinion is worthless without something to back it up from a credible source. Post something credible. Youtube is for entertainment and shock videos, not information or a credible source.

I asked why you want the FDA dismantled and you just repeated another worthless opinion. Don't you understand what real information is? Your preference is bullshit without facts to back it up. Your opinion is not even worth calling bullshit without facts to show why it is probably true.

So, post something up that I can read and digest. I'm not going to do the work for you. Damn you are lazy.
I Agree Trump should have closed our borders to everyone on day one. Im sure thats what Biden would have done.

actually, it is:

During a meeting with black community leaders on Monday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stated: “Whether we like it or not this COVID epidemic has basically shut down the country the last three months. And by the way, if we'd shut it down a month earlier we'd have probably another 45,000 to 60,000 people be alive instead of dead because he didn't listen to—and I'm going to say something outrageous—he didn’t listen to guys like me back in January saying, ‘We have a problem, a pandemic is on the way.’”

While a Biden campaign adviser wrote “We are past the ‘if’ question and squarely facing the ‘how bad will it be’ phase of the response” about coronavirus on January 22, Biden himself didn’t publicly mention the novel virus until an op-ed for USA Today published on January 27. In it, Biden said: “The outbreak of a new coronavirus, which has already infected more than 2,700 people and killed over 80 in China, will get worse before it gets better. Cases have been confirmed in a dozen countries, with at least five in the United States. There will likely be more.” Later in the article, Biden stated, “To be blunt, I am concerned that the Trump administration’s shortsighted policies have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic that will come sooner or later.”

His second, and final, mention of coronavirus in January came at a campaign rally on January 31, during which Biden referred to “a crisis with the coronavirus” in America (see the 10:34 mark of this video) and echoed the arguments made in his USA Today op-ed about Trump’s response to coronavirus. By coincidence, that happens to be the day that Trump restricted travel from China to only American citizens and their family members.

It's amazing how ignorant adults like @Dryxi are. I would bet you're from a Red state or a poorly funded county in a blue state. What happened to our education system? Oh that's right Republicans systematically dismantled it so there are adults like @Dryxi running around asking these questions and being influenced by propaganda. The questions make him sound like he's 16 and never paid attention in history and current events.
Shit, you read that?
Based on my own family experiences and academic research, I challenge the idea that family tradition determines if a child becomes Republican. I posted one article from a credible source to back my opinion up. There are plenty of others but I'm pretty sure you didn't read the one I posted.

Your opinion is worthless without something to back it up from a credible source. Post something credible. Youtube is for entertainment and shock videos, not information or a credible source.

I asked why you want the FDA dismantled and you just repeated another worthless opinion. Don't you understand what real information is? Your preference is bullshit without facts to back it up. Your opinion is not even worth calling bullshit without facts to show why it is probably true.

So, post something up that I can read and digest. I'm not going to do the work for you. Damn you are lazy.
There was never a fact presented for you to argue. There was an opinion, stated as an opinion, from the beginning.

I'm not here to convince you. My original post was to remind the folks here your vote is not a waste to vote against what we have. #jorgensencohen2020
Literally said "I do think that there is a large number of Americans that are Republican because it is a family tradition." Not saying our parents have brainwashed us into being the political people we are. From my own experience, much of my family is Republican because of family tradition. They have not looked into it for themselves to even make an educated decision and don't care to. My family is not the only one to be how it is. Thus, out of the many Republicans out there, I stand by the statement, a large number are uninformed and their political party is family tradition. (Wasn't attempting to make a factual scientific statement there, reasons it begins with I think.)

I prefer that the federal government has less of them and the states make the rules that apply to their communities. There have to be some guidelines coming from the Fed, what we have now are less like guidelines for the states and are instead the rules the states must abide. If all the states make the same rule, awesome. If not, that is representative of the communities there and their opinion.

I do not know the solutions and don't pretend to. I just support a different candidate than you. If you'd like to see her ideas: or visit the VP candidates youtube page @Spike Cohen's Youtube channel
There was never a fact presented for you to argue. There was an opinion, stated as an opinion, from the beginning.

I'm not here to convince you. My original post was to remind the folks here your vote is not a waste to vote against what we have. #jorgensencohen2020
Your opinion is flabby and uninteresting without a convincing argument to back it up.
Just here with a friendly reminder: Its not a wasted vote to vote against the government we have. #jorgensencohen2020

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so I guess Bill Barr is a cop too? an Attorney General is

The Crime Bill was actually in response to GOP demands that Dems were 'soft on crime'..and those who were bombing abortion clinics were only a few short years of Columbine in 1999.

You see, it's always the rightie who destroys this country with their religious demands, racist, bigoted and yes, slave owning mindset.

During the 1992 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton sought to reposition the Democratic Party, which had previously been attacked as "soft on crime," as an advocate for "get-tough" policing strategies as well as investing in community policing. Federal funding for additional police and community policing were both priorities of the Democratic Leadership Council, of which Clinton was a member.[2] In an announcement that the New York Times described as "a page from the Republican playbook," Clinton said on July 23, 1992:

We cannot take our country back until we take our neighborhoods back. Four years ago this crime issue was used to divide America. I want to use it to unite America. I want to be tough on crime and good for civil rights. You can't have civil justice without order and safety.[3]
Clinton's platform, Putting People First, proposed to:

Fight crime by putting 100,000 new police offers on the streets. We will create a National Police Corps and offer unemployed veterans and active military personnel a chance to become law enforcement officers at home. We will also expand community policing, fund more drug treatment, and establish community boot camps to discipline first-time non-violent offenders.[4]
The 135,000-member National Association of Police Officers endorsed Clinton for president in August 1992.[5]

Senator Joe Biden drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with National Association of Police Officers president Joe Scotto. According to the Washington Post, Biden later described their involvement: “You guys sat at that conference table of mine for a six-month period, and you wrote the bill.”[6]

They can add Oleandrin to the “ yuge “ stockpile of the other useless Hydroxychloroquine mass dosage buyout.
Hopefully this pretty much sinks that fat kiss ass.

In case your wondering .... that “ patent pending “ fill used in his pillows are the shredded odd pieces of foam from manufacturers....... lame.
They can add Oleandrin to the “ yuge “ stockpile of the other useless Hydroxychloroquine mass dosage buyout.
Hopefully this pretty much sinks that fat kiss ass.

In case your wondering .... that “ patent pending “ fill used in his pillows are the shredded odd pieces of foam from manufacturers....... lame.

how about a ketchup bath while i suck on a 9 volt think that will work?
Or like one of Robin William’s old comedy jokes about grabbing the back of the TV and let the power of jesus “ flow thru you “.

RIP ROBINbongsmilie
What's the deal with Mike Lindell's wild mouth motion? Looks like a drug problem.

he's jonesin' for a hit of hydroxychloroquine; Trumpy*'s hookin him up later..

it's just so shameful, already..i'd like to take that cross and shove it down that cheezy moustached throat.

hide behind the cross, hypocrite.
Every magat in the US has at least one........he's on Fox regularly. The only way I would want one would be to smother Mike Lindell.
I had a guy call me and tell me shoving a My pillow up your ass cures covid 19.

i was in Walmart and saw the 'as seen on tv' stuff checked out the pillow and the fill was 2x2x2 chunks of hard irregular foam and the pillow was like $30..i thought to myself who would by this shit?

the guy's a charlatan.