Biden & Harris :)

Obama didn't legalize weed = Trump delayed dealing with the Coronavirus so 100,000s die. Got it. Add another to the moron list.

Build a wall of morons on the Canadian border so the sane have somewhere to flee.
The difference between me and you is I can disagree with someone without hating them or name calling. I don't hate anyone because of who they love, worship (or not), or vote for or not.
Just here with a friendly reminder: Its not a wasted vote to vote against the government we have. #jorgensencohen2020

The difference between me and you is I can disagree with someone without hating them or name calling. I don't hate anyone because of who they love, worship (or not), or vote for or not.
This is more than just a disagreement.
It's still an awfull comparison and you're voting for the worst president in history. He is a racist with the IQ of a moron. He has no business running this country and he's a traitor. His campaign gave away demographic info on idiots like you so they can bombard you with propaganda through social media. And it continues to work on you. So no I can't respect you based on your decisions and you deserve all the derision and disrespect you get.