Better way to measure than g per w?

from 1 plant? i don't see that happening.

If You search 1g per watt you will find a few grow journals of people who have cleared that mark! Again Im not saying that it is easy as you really have to have the right enviroment/nutes/strain etc. but i promise you that it can be done.
as far a gr./watt, i am sure that i could do better, but not really sure as to what i really get. i am improving all the time and when i open my medicine cabinet and see all the jars and i know i wont have to buy any before next years harvest, i am really not concerned with gr./watt. except maybe as a formula to help me find ways to improve.

alot of things even the strain will influence the end result.
as far a gr./watt, i am sure that i could do better, but not really sure as to what i really get. i am improving all the time and when i open my medicine cabinet and see all the jars and i know i wont have to buy any before next years harvest, i am really not concerned with gr./watt. except maybe as a formula to help me find ways to improve.

alot of things even the strain will influence the end result.

I understand where your coming from when your talking about you have enough just for you. But I bet if you try to reach that 1gpw you would get better bud and more of it. Unless your already getting bad ass bud you just dont grow a lot of it. Hey if it works for you why change it? Im looking to get the most wiegh with the lowest bill for electric while still keeping the quality top of the line!
wattage of the light? per plant? so if you were to grow one plant under a 600 watt hps you would get 21 ounces?


Exactly.. too many factors involved to use gpw as an accurate measurement. The Size of the room/cab, how many plants in the space, and if they all get grown the same from babies to harvest, or is it a perpetual system, where only 1/3 of the total plants get harvested at a time. I used to do a SoG, where 18 plants were in a 3 stage rotation.. 6 plants cropped out every month, with 6 new ones inserted during rotation. I averaged about 18-20 grams for a 18-22" plant. So.. I "averaged" 1 gram per inch.

But even that's not an accurate way to measure. Different strains produce different amounts, even if the same heights.
gram per watt doesn't really tell u much, i could grow 10 plants and veg for 6 weeks 1k light and get maybe 20 oz's a little over .5 gpw.
some other guy grow 10 plants and veg for 6 months and get alot more than a gpw. a more accurate measure would be grammes per kilowatt including adding in the wattage of all your fans and pumps and AC or whatever else your running