Best ways to hide smell and smoke of weed

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Hi, I'm new here and this is my first thread. I just wanted to ask if a body has any advice on hiding the smell of weed when smoking it indoors, I've tried blowing it out the window but it just blows straight back in. My friend told me about smoke buddy air filter things but I don't know if they are worth buying or if they last long because I'll ha e to buy them of Amazon or eBay and I don't want anyone else who lived with me checking my parcels. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thank you! :)
welcome to RIU. one of the reasons i use a bat is because it reduces the amount of stink, plus only smoke in a certain spot in the house so that i don't smell the entire house up. if you're burning a joint, that is the smelliest way to smoke cannabis.
Hi and welcome.

Its easy and cheap to built a small filterbox.
In the diy section you can find some threads about how to build a filter. Just adapt this knowledge to your situation. A small device should do the trick. Its low cost and easy to build.

Walmart has decent "Holmes" brand air purifiers.. Get the filter for smokers.. They pull a lot of air and they have an ionizer. They are $40.
welcome to RIU. one of the reasons i use a bat is because it reduces the amount of stink, plus only smoke in a certain spot in the house so that i don't smell the entire house up. if you're burning a joint, that is the smelliest way to smoke cannabis.

Yeah I usually just smoke in my bedroom because I have a big window big enough for me to climb out onto the roof easily but there are so many flats and houses in clear view of my window that it's risky.

What other ways of smoking are less smelly? Thanks
Yeah I usually just smoke in my bedroom because I have a big window big enough for me to climb out onto the roof easily but there are so many flats and houses in clear view of my window that it's risky.

What other ways of smoking are less smelly? Thanks

Ummm.... Smoking smells.... No matter what. The TP roll with dryer sheets works decent. Thats what we did in jail.
use a cheap inline fan and some ducting from any grow shop. Turn fan up full, sit near the intake, exhaust duct out the window and far away enough to no blow back in. Simple
Yeah I usually just smoke in my bedroom because I have a big window big enough for me to climb out onto the roof easily but there are so many flats and houses in clear view of my window that it's risky.

What other ways of smoking are less smelly? Thanks
Is it illegal to smoke cigarettes there? Roof sounds like a nice option if you want to do a J by yourself. Who could not deny it being a cigarette?
Like @undercovergrow, I too mainly 'bat' it which causes little stink...while windows get opened, ceiling fans turned on, and/or aroma therapy pots get kicked in when I decide to create a cloud.
Hi and welcome.

Its easy and cheap to built a small filterbox.
In the diy section you can find some threads about how to build a filter. Just adapt this knowledge to your situation. A small device should do the trick. Its low cost and easy to build.


I couldn't find the diy section, can you send a link please? I'm new to this site so I'm still getting the hang of it haha
Is it illegal to smoke cigarettes there? Roof sounds like a nice option if you want to do a J by yourself. Who could not deny it being a cigarette?
Like @undercovergrow, I too mainly 'bat' it which causes little stink...while windows get opened, ceiling fans turned on, and/or aroma therapy pots get kicked in when I decide to create a cloud.

It's not illegal and my mother smokes them out the back garden but it's illegal for people my age to smoke cigarettes. What is 'bat'? I'm so clueless haha
Hi, I'm new here and this is my first thread. I just wanted to ask if a body has any advice on hiding the smell of weed when smoking it indoors, I've tried blowing it out the window but it just blows straight back in. My friend told me about smoke buddy air filter things but I don't know if they are worth buying or if they last long because I'll ha e to buy them of Amazon or eBay and I don't want anyone else who lived with me checking my parcels. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thank you! :)
I'm dealing with the same exact issue. I bought a smoke buddy and it was wonderful the first 20 days then it started getting dirty and by day 30 I almost threw up because of how hard I was trying to cram its last hit and I had blown or the sides of my mouth and was coughing for 20 minutes its crazy out how much mucus i had using the smoke buddy, so the past month I've been using a box fan and blowing at an angle to try and get it to blow out right in front, but because the way the wind always blows in the direction of the window because of the lake it ends up blowing right past my face into my room its so annoying. not to mention my landlord said no smoking and he saw me using the fan to blow it info the yard and hasn't said anything. With as much as i do have at stake im going to get another one tomorrow possibly
2x2 grow tent with fan & carbon filter. just stand in there when u wanna smoke..
then when you wanna start growing you're half way there. :)
It's not illegal and my mother smokes them out the back garden but it's illegal for people my age to smoke cigarettes. What is 'bat'? I'm so clueless haha
closed for being underage the legal age in UK for cigarettes is 18
if you cannot smoke them you cannot be on riu.
please though youre welcome to come back when youre 18
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