Best way to get soil cheap?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yup just manure my friend. It has a lot of hay in it so the drainage is amazing. Its my native clay soil that holds the water in. So I have to drain them of water when it rains too much.
Work garden Gypsum into the clay to break it up. Clay will have copious amounts of nutrition!

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I understand :cool:
Just a suggestion - it does "work"! A shit ton of it though! ;-);-)
Yeah...sorry I sound bitter. We have been getting hammered with rain. Like about 9 inches in the last month. Im kinda hating the hell out of clay right now. Pulling 10 gallons of water from my holes and repeating that 5 times a day lol


Active Member
Truely composted manures have no smell other then the earthy goodness of a fine humus!

To the OP - BUILD IT

Your on track there.

For a great base
1/3 Peat
1/3 perlite
1/3 Earth Worm Castings
and add 20% by volume Composted steer or cow manure!
Do you know where can I get some cheap worm castings? I payed $20 for a bag last time and don't want to again


Well-Known Member
Do you know where can I get some cheap worm castings? I payed $20 for a bag last time and don't want to again
Craigslist, try and find a lil local farm that makes worm castings.

I gotta lil old couple that lives a few miles away from me that are just wonderful people and they sell me EWC for about $2 a gallon, which is a great price.

Not only am I getting cheap, but I am getting fresh and really good EWC, but I'm also supporting your small time local farmers!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yeah...sorry I sound bitter. We have been getting hammered with rain. Like about 9 inches in the last month. Im kinda hating the hell out of clay right now. Pulling 10 gallons of water from my holes and repeating that 5 times a day lol
It's like the desert here :(. Haven't had rain in 4-5 weeks! And for anyone who has never tried to dig up clay and use it ...... Try it and get back to me lol. I can buy 12 yards of nice garden compost for a $100 Canadian, that's like $20 US lol. I used to get paid in US, still have some somewhere ;). Ok gotta go water the fucking garden again :(.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
It's like the desert here :(. Haven't had rain in 4-5 weeks! And for anyone who has never tried to dig up clay and use it ...... Try it and get back to me lol. I can buy 12 yards of nice garden compost for a $100 Canadian, that's like $20 US lol. I used to get paid in US, still have some somewhere ;). Ok gotta go water the fucking garden again :(.
Wow that sucks....wanna trade weather? Im not too far from canada lol


Well-Known Member
Depends on the soil. If you have clay soil it wont work.
Well manure, bio tone, happy frog, granulated chicken manure, epsom salt and a dash of urea when we get several inches of rain but only as needed. And im talking a dash. And I water with molasses ...
Yup just manure my friend. It has a lot of hay in it so the drainage is amazing. Its my native clay soil that holds the water in. So I have to drain them of water when it rains too much.
Actually yea, I mixed about 30 lbs of cow manure in my potting soil for my plants I already got planted...

Are those planted directly in manure? Not potting soil or perlite or anything?
Two days of growth from the manure... in betweenView attachment 3696957 View attachment 3696962 View attachment 3696963 View attachment 3696964 pics I added another 50 gallons around the plant. I added a lot of nutes to it though but same recipe I used in soil.
Composted manure doesnt smell. Lol dork!
If I could go outdoors and grow...GG would be the first I would talk to...she REALLY knows her shit!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha ur trying to be funny? I know my shit....hahahaha
HMMM..yup...trying to be funny...did I fail??? I mean I am not suggesting that you like talk to shit and get to 'know' it or anything...LOL!

Then again a lot of folks talk shit, don't they??? ROFLMFAO!!!

shit.jpg <<<Now THAT'S FUNNY!!!!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
i am growing outdoors and have started around 10 plants. I don't have good soil around here so holes filled with potting soil is a must. I used high quality soil and lots of nutrients, which cost too much and I'm not trying to do it again, but I have more plants that need to be put in holes.

I was thinking of buying peat moss in bulk and mixing perlite (and maybe vermiculite?)
And then adding as many nutrients as I can afford. Any other ideas?
When I was young and foolish (just foolish now) I would take a boat out into the middle of Lake Ontario and collect composted cormorant poo and use that mixed into the soil. If you have access to any composted poo it will work if mixed with other amendments.


Well-Known Member
I have been farming in 100% composted horse is composted for 2 years..turned weekly..I buy it from a horse farm...its 15$ a yard...

I grow in raised beds and in greenhouse...I add some bloodmeal...kelp meal..bone meal...alfalfa ...azomite ..and Epsoma bio start ..I activate my beds every year with these amendments...let them cook a few weeks before planting...plants grow like mad...all I do is make teas weekly to feed and every once in awhile give them some fish emulsion or some grow more Sea Grow fert...this soil is so alive I swear it reuse same soil every year..just freshen it some and till it...

I use to use a peat base soil before but as time went on it decomposed it got very acidity...

my soil now is very black..drains well...holds water soil PH is about 6.6 or 6.7 perfect...

I have never had better plants since doing this...the bio life in the soil just feeds the plants and keeps them happy...

I do top dress along the way with Ancient Forest and Lobster great

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I have been farming in 100% composted horse is composted for 2 years..turned weekly..I buy it from a horse farm...its 15$ a yard...

I grow in raised beds and in greenhouse...I add some bloodmeal...kelp meal..bone meal...alfalfa ...azomite ..and Epsoma bio start ..I activate my beds every year with these amendments...let them cook a few weeks before planting...plants grow like mad...all I do is make teas weekly to feed and every once in awhile give them some fish emulsion or some grow more Sea Grow fert...this soil is so alive I swear it reuse same soil every year..just freshen it some and till it...

I use to use a peat base soil before but as time went on it decomposed it got very acidity...

my soil now is very black..drains well...holds water soil PH is about 6.6 or 6.7 perfect...

I have never had better plants since doing this...the bio life in the soil just feeds the plants and keeps them happy...

I do top dress along the way with Ancient Forest and Lobster great
That is a fortified soil or a water only super soil, not a base ! You do not fertilize with anything using that soil! The OP was looking for a BASE soil.....

I do like your style and your methods!

Just a friendly FYI on a cpl things.

Blood meal - Can contain antibiotics and hormones/steroids. There are better sources for N. High N Bat & Bird guano's and Fish meal come to mind. Corn gluten meals (9%) comfry and stinging nettels work well too.

Bone meal - Can contain several nasty diseases, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (Mad cow) among others (I know, chances are low but!). At the very least - use a mask when handling bone meal. FISH bone meal is better in my book and you get more P by weight, at a lower price per.....There are other sources for P.

My 2 cents
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
And just to add to ^^^^^ I don't think there has been a documented case of mad cow disease from blood meal. Fish products can contain heavy metals and bat guano can be very dangerous if ingested, don't eat it or snort it :o. The moral of this story is everything is dangerous lol. Careful out there!!!!