Best way to get soil cheap?


Active Member
i am growing outdoors and have started around 10 plants. I don't have good soil around here so holes filled with potting soil is a must. I used high quality soil and lots of nutrients, which cost too much and I'm not trying to do it again, but I have more plants that need to be put in holes.

I was thinking of buying peat moss in bulk and mixing perlite (and maybe vermiculite?)
And then adding as many nutrients as I can afford. Any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
Top soil is usually only 2$ a bag from Wal-Mart. It's not very consistent, bit it seems to be mostly compost.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
i am growing outdoors and have started around 10 plants. I don't have good soil around here so holes filled with potting soil is a must. I used high quality soil and lots of nutrients, which cost too much and I'm not trying to do it again, but I have more plants that need to be put in holes.

I was thinking of buying peat moss in bulk and mixing perlite (and maybe vermiculite?)
And then adding as many nutrients as I can afford. Any other ideas?
Any farms around you??? Im growing in composted manure that I added dry nutes to and the growth is off the hook. I will never grow in soil again. Btw around 200 gallos was 15$. I bought 3000 gallons.


Well-Known Member
Any farms around you??? Im growing in composted manure that I added dry nutes to and the growth is off the hook. I will never grow in soil again. Btw around 200 gallos was 15$. I bought 3000 gallons.
Shit...3000 gallons of shit, that's a lot of shit, that's a shit load of shit, why you need so much shit? You wanna be full of shit? Holy shit, I can't even think about that much shit and not say to myself...Damn! that is a lot of shit! How much did you pay for all that shit? Shit, I hope you didn't get all ripped off on that shit. Geeze, if I brought home that much shit when I was married my piece of shit ex would have had me eating a shit sandwich...You know what a shit sandwich tastes like? I'll give you a hint...and it ain't chicken! LOL!!!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
How about adding nutrients to the native soil
The native soil in a lot of places is not conductive for good gardening, like here :(. 15 yards is a dual wheel dump truck load, way more than 200 gallons :o. I used 3 yards (pickup full) to fill 17 10 gallon bags with a bit left over. The truck load of garden soil cost $35 and I could have shopped around lol. We bought 200 huge bags of promix one year from a bunch of wall marts :). I have found the garden mix if u can get it works great mixed with composted manure and vermeculite. But yup I'd like to use the dirt (clay) here if I could lol.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
The native soil in a lot of places is not conductive for good gardening, like here :(. 15 yards is a dual wheel dump truck load, way more than 200 gallons :o. I used 3 yards (pickup full) to fill 17 10 gallon bags with a bit left over. The truck load of garden soil cost $35 and I could have shopped around lol. We bought 200 huge bags of promix one year from a bunch of wall marts :). I have found the garden mix if u can get it works great mixed with composted manure and vermeculite. But yup I'd like to use the dirt (clay) here if I could lol.
Lol I said 1 yard is 200 gallons.
..I needed a total of 15 yards. Which is 3000 gallons.


Active Member
Any farms around you??? Im growing in composted manure that I added dry nutes to and the growth is off the hook. I will never grow in soil again. Btw around 200 gallos was 15$. I bought 3000 gallons.
Actually yea, I mixed about 30 lbs of cow manure in my potting soil for my plants I already got planted...
Two days of growth from the manure... in betweenView attachment 3696957 View attachment 3696962 View attachment 3696963 View attachment 3696964 pics I added another 50 gallons around the plant. I added a lot of nutes to it though but same recipe I used in soil.
Are those planted directly in manure? Not potting soil or perlite or anything?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Actually yea, I mixed about 30 lbs of cow manure in my potting soil for my plants I already got planted...

Are those planted directly in manure? Not potting soil or perlite or anything?
Yup just manure my friend. It has a lot of hay in it so the drainage is amazing. Its my native clay soil that holds the water in. So I have to drain them of water when it rains too much.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well manure, bio tone, happy frog, granulated chicken manure, epsom salt and a dash of urea when we get several inches of rain but only as needed. And im talking a dash. And I water with molasses ...