Best Value LED lights for a 4x4?

Well, you can compare PPF and PPF/$ to their specs. Ignoring shipping, $500/1400PPF is about $0.36/PPF. If I didn't make up these numbers.

Anyway, I'd be checking what BG Micro charges for shipping. Then I'd get my hands on 6 1825s, and figure out how the hell to cool them.
Righto, so this is what I've gathered so far.

- I'll be following this video to build my COB Bars. How many bars would I need to effectively manage a 4x4 grow tent with about 16 plants in?

Everything I'll need is listed in the description, however I might use the CreeCXB3590's instead. Just need a heads up if that's the right decision. :confused:
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uhh, guys? Am I good following that setup? :-?

If you can offer me a lil advice, I'd be more than appreciative. wanted to buy everything today if possible

3 200W Single output LED power supply
3 140mm cooling fan
12 BJB 3070 Holder/Adapter
Thermal Paste

and the cobs, is that all I need? beside the extra miscellaneous stuff.
There isn't a BJB 3590 holder that I am aware of. And this is about the most standard build in existence. 4 3590s on a 200W driver 56% efficiency yada yada yada. Time to search the site.
Hello m8 why not use active coolers like this one ?

And like other ppl I suggest you running them on 1750ma and whit this cooler it will do more then fine.

Dont go for a driver that you need to paralel wire like the one from micro grow paralel is risky and you are doing already risky things:)
If you do those cpu coolers, you might as well just use pin sinks. They're passive up to 2100mA. 75 watts.
Nice but he is in the UK so shipping+vat is going to hurt. Ore can you tell me where we can those sinks you talking about for lets say 10€ ?
Also, how the hell can you cool 800W with aluminum rails...that's where you win by a country mile, but I've asked that question before and gotten no answer.
3x2 6063 Al rectangular tubing with either 40mm 8k rpm fans in the ends and a vent in the middle or an 80mm fan in the middle blowing out both ends. Frankly passive cooling might work with a large enough rail or pipe, I have to test this. I've got 200w of blurple 50w COBs cooled to Tj 55C on a 12" section of 2x5 6063 rectangular tubing with 2 x 40mm Sayo Fine Ace fans blowing into both ends and out two cut vents in the middle (4 fans total) , I'll post a picture shortly.
Sry about the delayed response but if you want to ask direct questions its best to PM me, I don't shy away from discussions but I'm not lurking daily either ;)
3x2 6063 Al rectangular tubing with either 40mm 8k rpm fans in the ends and a vent in the middle or an 80mm fan in the middle blowing out both ends. Frankly passive cooling might work with a large enough rail or pipe, I have to test this. I've got 200w of blurple 50w COBs cooled to Tj 55C on a 12" section of 2x5 6063 rectangular tubing with 2 x 40mm Sayo Fine Ace fans blowing into both ends and out two cut vents in the middle (4 fans total) , I'll post a picture shortly.
Sry about the delayed response but if you want to ask direct questions its best to PM me, I don't shy away from discussions but I'm not lurking daily either ;)

Hey that's a good idea. I was thinking about that today with cheap LED fluorescent replacements. Fan on top, two vents on the end.

How are you measuring Tj? Or is that at the Tc point? I've found Tj pretty much impossible to measure. I think the only good way to measure is to use the LED itself as a thermometer, I think they measure the response curve with pulse measurements at set temperatures, and then do a steady state measurement to see where it lands.

Anyway, thanks for explaining.