Best Soil and Nutes?


Well-Known Member
For growing indoors (closet), what is the best soil to use? I am trying to be cost friendly, but Im sure I can splurge a little on some great soil. I would prefer to buy one that I dont have to mess with much as far as nutes go, just because of my inexperience. If nutes are a must, Im sure I can handle it though. Will the bucket size have much to do with yield and/or quality? Suggestions.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Why ujse soil!?
Use coco fibers!
It will give you the yeilds close to hydro, and the aromas and flavors of the old school soil mixes.
There is a great fert line, Canna Nutrients (not related to my sn, lol)
Its a very simple and painless nutrient solution, with amazng results. Though it is a more expensive line.
There are other good lines though, as I'm sure others will chime in with. I've been stuck with Canna for years now. I've watched my local shop bring many others in, and see them off the shelves just as quickly.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Oh, and pot size makes a huge difference.
bigger pot means bigger healthier pot plants, lol.
I use 1 gallons for veg, then transplant to 5 gallon pots for bloom.


Well-Known Member
if ur a beginer id start out with fox farm nutes, cuz their cheap, good , and hard to mess up with, as for soil id use foxfarms ocean forest, it has nutes in it already and u usally dont need to add untill like a month later, and the bucket size depends on how big u want ur plants


Active Member
i usually determine my buckectt size a galon per foot of plant hieght, i have had success in the past with fox farms oceans forest soil, and also roots organic 707 soil (#1 seller in humboldt county).....i always enjoy the outcome of my botanicare nutes, however i am on my first indoor grow. Good luck!

if ur a beginer id start out with fox farm nutes, cuz their cheap, good , and hard to mess up with, as for soil id use foxfarms ocean forest, it has nutes in it already and u usally dont need to add untill like a month later, and the bucket size depends on how big u want ur plants


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of your opinions (and some SPAM from a Canna bot). Sounds to me like Fox-Farm is the way to go.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Spam from a canna bot huh, lol?
Ok, don't ask for an opinion if you're not willing to take on all sides. Canna is by far the superior line mentioned out of all of these.....
anyways. my SN originated because I've been pro obama (you know, yes we can!) And since he's kept his word to keep us medical patients safe, he's getting mad props from me.
Fox farms is ok, but there are MANY better lines out there, Advanced Nutrients being one of them, and also less expensive than Canna...and also a direct competetor.
So, just be careful who's advice you're dismissing, I hand out gold all day long on this site, just depends on what people do with it....


Well-Known Member
use fox farm soil, but then use jack's classic nutes. check my sig for my grow with the veg & flower food that i use. $4.99 each.


Well-Known Member
You need to decide how your gonna grow before you pick your soil/medium?

If you going to grow organic then FFOF is a good choice.

If you are gonna use chem nutes then organic soil is a waste of time and money, you should just use a good potting mix (not soil)

once you decide how your going, you need to stick with it, changeing in midstream can cause problems


Well-Known Member
i use 3 parts ff ocean forest and 1 part ff light warrior and i use earth juice grow during veg and fox farm tiger bloom for flower

haha handin out gold all day in a few months


Well-Known Member
use fox farm soil, but then use jack's classic nutes. check my sig for my grow with the veg & flower food that i use. $4.99 each.
I agree with the use of Jacks Classic Nutes. I have been using fox farm nutes on my soil plants. Slow Grow. But, My bubbler plants on Fox Farms is unbeatable. I used Peters on my soil grows years ago, which is actually Jacks Classic with nothing but superior results. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Organicare aeration mix by botanicare, ill take it over fox farm, its cheaper, plus they have an entire line of omri nutes that are very cheap.


Well-Known Member
fox farm would be the easyest for you. and ocean forest has nutes already in it. so need for nute for 3-5 weeks, but then botanicare will work fine, i use both,


This is our first grow and we have nothing but Happy Frog. I see that SticherVA uses 1/3 Ocean Forest. Will it be alright if we just use all Happy Frog since that is all we have for now?


Well-Known Member
This is our first grow and we have nothing but Happy Frog. I see that SticherVA uses 1/3 Ocean Forest. Will it be alright if we just use all Happy Frog since that is all we have for now?
Happy Frogs is great soil, you'll be fine