Best Site to Get Seeds From If U Live In The Western US?


Active Member
So what's the best site? I do plan on having them sent to the western part of the US (colorado to b specific) and I guess they have a hard time making it thru so many customs checkpoints? My understanding was they went tru customs entering the US and that was it. Neone have theirs seized?As far as sites, I've heard is good but not completely convinced, drchronic i've heard has a hard time gettin thru customs to the western states, another site I was looking at is but I don't know much about them. any experience w/ these sites or gettin seeds shipped to the western states would be awesome. thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Nirvana is good. I got my package about a week and a half. I live in the South as well.
Nirvana is a luck kinda thing. A lot of people post on here about lost packages but apparently some get through. I'd say Dr.Chronic also I got my seeds in about 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Got mine from Nirvana, and I can't say I'm disappointed in any way. Came through in about a week to Cali.


Well-Known Member
High... am relativly new to this forum and some others.

I also admit to not being able to grasp concepts, easily.
I am sometimes aloof of things going on around me because of focus on
another area, while trying to grasp the 'NEW concept' at hand.

These forums have concepts that I've been overlooking for the 18+ months I've been into my little hobbby..

A week or so ago, I learned about 'rep', still not able to bring 'rep' to
my concious thinking yet.. even after I learned about it.. I still can't do it because I forget the concept (rep)..
I'm not here for rep.. but I understand the 'line in the sand' theory of 'this user has gotten alot of
'rep' so he/she (<<politacally correct..LOL!!
asshole) must know what he/she is doing/advising".


The sooner I know about anything the sooner I can bring it into my workin
routine thought process.

(I gotta stop getting high at 5am.. I really ramble! LOL!!! sorry..):mrgreen:

I ask here now:

Are there any other little pearls that I am over looking?

I'd like to list them.. but I don't know what they are..
can you help other new to the forum souls (me), and the forum in general, be more advised to un-written nuances that might exist?:joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
When you buy from Nirvana you are rolling the dice. You do not know if you will get them or not. I have always used Dr.Chronic and never had a problem before. I got my seeds within 4 days of being shipped and I am on the East Coast.


Well-Known Member
I also want to point out that you should only buy from Dr.Chronic because he is in England and customs would overlook a package from England rather then the Netherlands.


Well-Known Member
When you buy from Nirvana you are rolling the dice. You do not know if you will get them or not. I have always used Dr.Chronic and never had a problem before. I got my seeds within 4 days of being shipped and I am on the East Coast.
dude I bet you never tried Nirvana. i live in Australia, a country with super strict customs and everything, and ive ordered from Nirvana a bunch of times, and got every order through in less than 3 weeks. One order took a week, and the longest took 3 weeks exact. BC seed king is still ment to be hear. Been 2 weeks now....
just hoping


Active Member
well i ordered 5 lowryders #2's from dr chronic monday so i'm hoping they get through. if not, guess i'll try some place else. i figure 42 bucks down the drain isn't too much of a loss if they get seized