best setup for a NOOBIE


hi all

ok ive been advised on a pc growth box to start off with
anyone have any links to where i can get a it from (ebay doesnt show much)

what would u advise to start with a secret jardin tent the grow box or another soultion

i have kids an limited space so these factors have to be taken in to acount i could put a 1.2 by 1.2 tent in my bedroom or the grow box any advice would be welcome pls:?:

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Thanks. It is Deep Water Culture. You could do one bucket with an air stone and a submersible pump. I have all the buckets linked making it an RDWC (Recirulating Deep Water Culture).


Active Member
It seems we might have missed the noob part. I know and am pretty sure most people that grow will agree. This is an ever going learning exp. I personly belive that for your fisrt grow you need to start small with as many constants as posable.

I would suggest if your first grow getting maybe a 30 gallon rubbermaid box with lid. and start with CFLs they are cheap and work very well as long as you get the right temps IE 5000k-6500k for veg and 2700-3500k For flowering. Get a powerstrip and a few of the those things that let you plug a bulb right into a lite socket. poke holes in the top and attach the power strip to the top with zip ties. you will also want to poke wholes in the sides for air flow. You now have nice little self contained grow box.

Once you run this with your choice of soil and nutes you can then expand and expairament.

My only suggestion for starting small is I have seen way to many first time growers go balls to the walls and up way over thier heads so fast they end up with hermies or worse yet killing thier entier grow. A nice hydro or areo system even for just a few plants can run with lites and everything from 500$-3,000$ not the kinda money I would wana spend on my first try imo.


ive seen these complete jardin secret tent kits come with lights an tent extraction fan an a carbon filter

honestly theres more out there im looking 2 spend about £250 uk pounds but havent a clue only prob i can see with the bucket idea is i have 4 children so wouldnt want them 2 see them as with a tent or stealth box they would be hidden


any surgestions or links 2 complete kits would be helpfull not bother if it goes over 250 but would like a uk seller if poss


Active Member
ive seen these complete jardin secret tent kits come with lights an tent extraction fan an a carbon filter

honestly theres more out there im looking 2 spend about £250 uk pounds but havent a clue only prob i can see with the bucket idea is i have 4 children so wouldnt want them 2 see them as with a tent or stealth box they would be hidden
This is by no means a cheap hobby.But the rewards you feel are worth every cent! The first link you have here Is perfect has everything you need except for growing medium and pots.If you want to do a DWC grow you can use a tote with net pots or you could do single buckets.Its really up to you.Bendbrewer mentioned rdwc (recirculating) I dont use a pump in mine I just do dwc its real easy an all you need is hydroponic nutrients an air pump and airstones some net pots and hydroton and your set.


so basically if i went for the first link then all i would need is the seeds an some decent sized pots?

as said if i did in buckets id have 2 wait untill i board my loft out for the space as kids dont go up there if i put a tent in the corner of my room (where i could nicely fit a 1.2 x 1.2 tent) then all they would see is the tent an know not to go near it if they ever have 2 go in my room


Active Member
so basically if i went for the first link then all i would need is the seeds an some decent sized pots?

as said if i did in buckets id have 2 wait untill i board my loft out for the space as kids dont go up there if i put a tent in the corner of my room (where i could nicely fit a 1.2 x 1.2 tent) then all they would see is the tent an know not to go near it if they ever have 2 go in my room
then yes all you need is a GOOD quality soil.I hear good things about fox farm brand.and something to start your seeds in like solo plastic cups(its wat i use)make sure to cut slits for drainage. then 3 gallon pots to move to and your set bro.good luck and post pics of progress!


will do mate i have 2 research this a little more as in types of soil nutrients feed an so on soon as im all set up il start a bio on my progress as im sure il need lots of advice


Active Member
will do mate i have 2 research this a little more as in types of soil nutrients feed an so on soon as im all set up il start a bio on my progress as im sure il need lots of advice
Yeah this is the best site ive found.alot of folks recomend fox farm nutrients or jacks classic.I do hydroponics so I use different nutes so i cant comment on them.I just know NEVER use miracle grow soil or nutrients! its shit! there all salt and lock your plants up.Ive tried them and failed each time then i made my own soil mix and the plant grew awesome(turned out to be male :( ) but it grew great.but i hear good things about fox farm their the most mentioned on this forum by far.good luck to you


cheers m8 will keep a thread updated when all set an list everything i use so ppl can advise me what they think is shit an whats good to use


Well-Known Member
well i just went to the range! lol and bought

1x 4ftx1.7ft tray
5x6 litre pots
length of hoses and dripper pipes
1x20 gallon flexible bucket for the res
and 1 x 10 litre bucket for waste
got a 400wtt ballast
avk extractor
oh and growell rockwool ofc :)

stands me at all in about 75uk

bah to wilma systems heard to many bad things about them make ur own im a nooba nd pround!!!lmao

gunna get 5 plants on to start see wat this seed supplier is like then if good il slide another tray and 5 pots in trying TRYING to keep it simple as possible why waste money on systems and such wen u can build ur own?


Well-Known Member
It seems we might have missed the noob part. I know and am pretty sure most people that grow will agree. This is an ever going learning exp. I personly belive that for your fisrt grow you need to start small with as many constants as posable.

I would suggest if your first grow getting maybe a 30 gallon rubbermaid box with lid. and start with CFLs they are cheap and work very well as long as you get the right temps IE 5000k-6500k for veg and 2700-3500k For flowering. Get a powerstrip and a few of the those things that let you plug a bulb right into a lite socket. poke holes in the top and attach the power strip to the top with zip ties. you will also want to poke wholes in the sides for air flow. You now have nice little self contained grow box.

Once you run this with your choice of soil and nutes you can then expand and expairament.

My only suggestion for starting small is I have seen way to many first time growers go balls to the walls and up way over thier heads so fast they end up with hermies or worse yet killing thier entier grow. A nice hydro or areo system even for just a few plants can run with lites and everything from 500$-3,000$ not the kinda money I would wana spend on my first try imo.
Now that's some solid advice right there Bra. After you decide how and start thinking what, may I suggest you look into dwarf autos. I think it would work out well for ya in a small area.


dwarf autos??

and yes will start small with about 4 plants and know somewhere im gonna fail but thats all part of the learning experience
not fail as in not grow but may fail on one plant or a couple somewhere along the line my aim is 2 get 4 plants grown properly then when fully confident think about more


Active Member
you should look at these and read them before you start... it should help you.... (you need to download the VEOH web player)

this should help you denoobify.... then maybe you'll have an idea.....
hope this helps...