Best pest deterrent ever!!!!

don't use margerine tub to keep lbs in fridge, your wife will make some real unpleasent noises right before she starts chewing your ass, and you have to go herd 200 lbs out of the kitchen
I would be careful, i think the praying mantis' might eat your ladybugs. I have looked into praying mantis' for my "regular garden" and i read that they can be detrimental to other beneficial bugs like ladybugs. Mantis' are the ultimate predator and will eat anything, unfortunately, some bugs are too small for mantis' but perfect for ladybugs. Finding the perfect ecosystem harmony is the key.
very cool I've seen some mantis in southern Ontario that were about 6 to 8 inches long and I ran away from them scary big ass bugs. my little cuz just picks them up and plays with them keeps them as pets.i don't think I could handle :) fdd will you take a few pics of them.I love bugs I'm just scared of them.
i just moved some pots around in my veg room, found a spider web with about 10 mantis babies in it. so sad.
After trying my first batch of lady bugs, I am not too happy.I put them on just as i got dark, maybe a few hundred a night until they were gone, and the stupid things just ran in circles along the top edge of the pot.Very few went up the main stem and did something.So after the first night I started flinging them into the plants themselves, some stayed on there for a day or 2 but I swear they didn't look for bugs to eat or anything they just hung out.

I think I got a bad batch O' lady bugs... mentally challenged or something..
home depot carries ladybugs. i just bought 1500 for $3.96. i will release them in my inside flower room to wipe out the few mites i have.
hey anyone is free to come to my house and take as many lady bugs as they want!
They infest this place like crazy! But its gotta be good for the plantz