Yer just doing it wrong then

i have a nice couch and 32" tv rigged to a gaming computer in one room and another gaming pc and a 42" in my bedroom with comfy leather chairs

only reason i can say buy a console is spit screen and that normally they work, although xbox 360's are hardly great in the reliability field. My opinion is that consoles are for joking around, pc's are for when you want to get serious as well. I really really want to see a clan based FPS console vs pc match, i think it would be safe to asume the previously pro console players would find themselves being annihilated. I think in a way they are for such different uses that it's not relly fair to compare them like for like, they each have merits.
Bottom line for me though is the graphics on consoles are god damned awful so well, pc every time
farcry 2 get's a touch repetitive in it's missions and goals, but it's hella fun, as is just cause 2, both need a slightly beefier laptop though. If i'm bored, i always install GTA vie city, love that game