Well-Known Member
It would help to say how fast your PC is when you asked this question, but I`m not a beliver that high graphics=good game so I`ll give you some!yea I'm into strategy. I love FPS and 3rd person shooters the most....but if its not online its usually not fun.
used to play the age of empires stuff back in the day...bout as far as I've gone into strategy games.
I'll take any suggestions, for any category, as long as it isnt an online only game.
For FPS:
Quake3 arena, thats the real speedy quick action FPS game

Unreal Tournament 2004: Try playing it online/offline in Onslaught mode, two teams of 16 capturing power nodes. There are vehicles etc... I had to uninstall it due to my exams coming up

For the best offline RPG`s (these aren`t wow shit, they are legends)
Fallout & Fallout 2 (they are better than Fallout3 unless your a commercial-after the graphics gamer) These are turn-based 2D RPG`s and are the best 2 games I played in my life

The game I spent the most ever time playing was a map extension called DOTA (defense of the ancients all stars) for Warcraft 3 The frozen Throne. Its so damn good, it converted Warcraft3 into a single unit controlling role playing game, which you don`t have a constant character but build one up to level25 every game (which lasts an hour or 20-30min if your awesome). This single map took off so well its created into 2 stand alone games now called Heroes of New Earth and League of Legends.
And IMO the best MMORPG ever created was Ultima Online 2D... Fuck WoW!! In UO, you level up just like another MMORPG but lose all items (except a few spellbooks&runebooks) upon death. In WoW, your prone to be beaten to the ground by a level 85 time waster with epic weapons or whatnot, lol In UO, you can set a trap up and kill him to get his weapons. Big difference. Plus in UO your character is max level (in most unofficial servers) in 1 week - 4 weeks - 3 months (rare).
I advise you the Fallout`s most! Enjoy!