Well-Known Member
The spyder x plus is a bit more tough built than my buddy's old Bml. But while I have not been a huge fan of amare the bar 8 certainly has me interested. That said my fluence has not had a single problem and I'd by the spyder 2 in a heartbeat. I'd also buy timber or hlg without having to think twice about it, they are all good companys in my book. Opinions are like ass holes everyone has one and what makes my light good for me may not be good for you. The old bml does not compare to the spyder x plus in terms of performance along with probably anything timber or hlg offer as well. i think the tech has improved ALOT since then. JMO as I'm not a led pro or anything. HAPPY GROWING!
I was not referring to performance, but my ~ 6 yo SPYDR 600 still grows really well. I was referring to the actual execution of their design, which is pretty mediocre