Best Herb For Anxiety?

Alright so higher CBD content and indicas seem to be the general concensus. From what i understand when thc begins to break down doesnt it turn into CBD? Like the longer you let it go in flower and ending up with more amber trichs the more of a relaxing couchlock high you will get?

I'd rather self medicate then have to eat a bunch of different pills untill they find one thats works...and then become dependant upon it and have to deal with side effects.
I found the Master Kush to be extremely pleasnat high, that would be perfect for anxiety if you ask me. I didnt think it had a real high ceiling, meaning it doesnt really fuck up by smoking more but it just adds leg to the longevity of the high.. Its the clearest, most comfortable social high ive had. The abscence of sativa in it means there isnt the jittery nervous feeling you can get in public from some of those, and i found it to be like Nirvana describe the high, where it doesnt make you a complete log. Great for chilling, talking, and going places where there are people your not usually around high.

I just found this thread, and am also interested in learning more. Last time I smoked, 10 yrs ago, I got hyper paranoid with anxiety, and have not smoked since. I too would like to start growing and smoking again ... But my question is slightly different than the original posters ..... I want to know what strain would possibly help with anxiety, but NOT cause couch lock ? Because I get twice as anxious when I am so stupid stoned I can't even do anything. I absolutely HATE that dumb and lazy feeling.
The Master Kush has zero couchlock to me, just a clear headed high...
The description on the attitude is spot on perfect "No desire to get up and do anything; however, it doesn't turn you into a complete log".... It doesnt make you feel dumb or lazy, but it does relax you and make you comfortable but doesnt hinder you from getting up to do what you have to do.
try ak47 for me its just very mind easing no couchlock or dum feeling but i dont get jittery either its just a good strain imo
OK ... now I just HAVE to try some Jilly Bean ! Not sure how I will go about it though, as where I am in VA does NOT have any medical dispencaries. At least i know the strain that sounds like is a good one for me to try !
Get jilly bean from attitude, TGA subcool makes it....

I just got my jilly bean today and hope it is as good as i think it will be...
OK ... now I just HAVE to try some Jilly Bean ! Not sure how I will go about it though, as where I am in VA does NOT have any medical dispencaries. At least i know the strain that sounds like is a good one for me to try !

This thread makes me super happy that I got 2 jillybeans 3 weeks from chopping.
OMG, green crack has to be my all time favorite! I get so happy and i just wanna talk and talk and talk:) Its uplifting and a soaring, controllable high. Little goes a long way too.