Best Herb For Anxiety?

I found this thread really interesting and wanted to like it but dnt know how to :s I'm new on here and dnt know how to use the site lolz, so while I'm on the subject can any1 tell me how I can start my own journal?? lolz and thanx :) <3
Best herb for anxiety are:
1. Valerian root,
2. Kava kava,
3. Chamomile,
4. Ginseng,
5. Catnip,
6. Damiana,
7. Bugleweed.

I have also heard skullcap to have medicinal properties that target and regulate your adrenal glands (where stress hormones are produced). cannabis is just one of many many herbs that can be used for this reason.
i have recently tryed st jons wort and lemon grass both help relax me but lemon grass makes me quite sleepy. While St. Jons seams to take away bad thoughts but one of them made my left eye could be dust or w.e but i believe its some sort of after effect which is unpleseant but not unbearable. kava kava is great! also meditation
I'm sorry to break it to you all but marijuana increases anxiety in people. No strain will do the oposite. Its not to sayy that all people devolpe anxiety from smoking, but many can and will. I've found it to be the number 1 reason why people stop long term or quit period. Anxiety related problems.

I'm not here to say that marijuana isn't a miracle drug, because it IS. But as far as anxiety goes 9 out of 10 legitmate doctors (not nurse practiontioner) will agree any type of pot can increase anxiety. If you don't get anxiety from smoking it does not prove me wrong, but simply that there are exceptions to the rule.
I'm sorry to break it to you all but marijuana increases anxiety in people. No strain will do the oposite. Its not to sayy that all people devolpe anxiety from smoking, but many can and will. I've found it to be the number 1 reason why people stop long term or quit period. Anxiety related problems.

I'm not here to say that marijuana isn't a miracle drug, because it IS. But as far as anxiety goes 9 out of 10 legitmate doctors (not nurse practiontioner) will agree any type of pot can increase anxiety. If you don't get anxiety from smoking it does not prove me wrong, but simply that there are exceptions to the rule.

There are exceptions to the rule. I smoke many varieties I grow and I can tell you, some strains give you anxiety, and some take it away. Sure more GIVE it than take it away, but I don't think you quite grasp how diverse the effects of this wonderful plant are.
I agree with Tardis. Saying "marijuana causes X reaction in people " makes no sense at all. The effects of one strain vs another are so wide ranging that it is impossible to generalize the effects of marijuana.
In my experience, is not just about the strain. A very important thing is the dose and the via of administration. I had heavy panic attacks so I studied myself. I discovered that when I smoke my respiratory system goes irritated and contracts, I cant breath normally. Plus more than three hits of a good quality harvest is too much for me. When I smoke I cant breath normally but at the same time my cells needs more air because Im high, I feel that my body when Im high needs more air but with my respiratory system contracted I cant breath the air that I need. A week ago I have my last panick attack after smoking five hits. I went outdoors, breath slowly and then I calm myself down. Because of that I will buy a vaporizer because after smoking my voice crash and I cant breath. Im pretty sure that with a good vaporizer you will not get the panick attacks if you dont overdose because your respiratory system would breath without issues.

English is not my native language but I trying to say this: when you smoke you need good fresh air for your body but your irritated respiratory system cant breath very good. In my case, that is what make feel me the panic attack.
In my experience, is not just about the strain. A very important thing is the dose and the via of administration. I had heavy panic attacks so I studied myself. I discovered that when I smoke my respiratory system goes irritated and contracts, I cant breath normally. Plus more than three hits of a good quality harvest is too much for me. When I smoke I cant breath normally but at the same time my cells needs more air because Im high, I feel that my body when Im high needs more air but with my respiratory system contracted I cant breath the air that I need. A week ago I have my last panick attack after smoking five hits. I went outdoors, breath slowly and then I calm myself down. Because of that I will buy a vaporizer because after smoking my voice crash and I cant breath. Im pretty sure that with a good vaporizer you will not get the panick attacks if you dont overdose because your respiratory system would breath without issues.

English is not my native language but I trying to say this: when you smoke you need good fresh air for your body but your irritated respiratory system cant breath very good. In my case, that is what make feel me the panic attack.
i wouldn't say this is the only solution or is a solution in itself but it does play a role ive noticed.
i have a vaporizer and its not so much my lungs but the back of my throught still gets a touch scratchy and once and a while a smale wheeze comes out of me lol, but no doubt vaping is way better for you than smoking its also usualy much cooler when it hits your lungs so they dont get burnt at all. which is a problem with small pipesfor some medical users. anyway i was going to say opium is good for anxiety but is quite addictive
i have a vaporizer and its not so much my lungs but the back of my throught still gets a touch scratchy and once and a while a smale wheeze comes out of me lol, but no doubt vaping is way better for you than smoking its also usualy much cooler when it hits your lungs so they dont get burnt at all. which is a problem with small pipesfor some medical users. anyway i was going to say opium is good for anxiety but is quite addictive

yeah no kidding lol

ive heard Strawberry Cough is fantastic for anxiety by a pretty wide range of sources/users. So ive decided to grow it for myself. I'll report back with results in about...idk 7-8wks. Im gonna need to figure out when i should chop it (i know when its "ripe" but im not sure when would be ideal for this strain to be chopped).

Ive tried a few other strains for anxiety and they all either didnt do anything or made it worse. ive never read so many positive reviews of a strain thats good for anxiety relief as i have with the SC. so it only made sense to try it out.

Fingers crossed!
pretty sure this website has been posted shows you what strains are used for what and what strains are likely to cause...
Anxiety attacks are a real bitch... With me, If I take one toke over the line (at times), Im screwed and I feel like im going to die...Last year I had one so bad I was for sure headed for a heart attack... My wife took my blood pressure with a digital bps machine, My bp wasn't to bad but my heart rate was 165!!... I only get them when Im around my kids (teenagers) or when something out of my daily routine occurs...I know of no strains for this but just thought Id share my thoughts and let you know you are not alone man...
Ever try Kava? You can find kava extracts at many natural health food stores - it's an herb (well a root) and works wonders for anxiety. Pairs well with bud.