Best Friend Now Addicted To Heroin...Help

No matter which way you go - there's some pain. You can spread it out but I doubt if you can avoid it altogether. Consider getting a bit of counseling. It sounds like it might be helpful.

The pain always made sense to me. Just a settling of accounts for you taking an advance on pleasure.
Yea I just needed a little break from the wd, this sub should be out by 12is tomorrow afternoon, I'm wondering if I'm gonna just pick up right where I left off or if my body continued to try and right itself and I'll be a little better, either way I'm ready for what's to come
this is a odd thing to me

i done about every drug under the sun on the market now ....except real peyote button (still trying down for tripping for a week)
crack... we smoked about 3/400 bucks in one night me it is just the same head rush from a large bong hit
heroin shot smoked snorted ......again same effect as several bong hits
Meth hyper is a super bad thing ...did not like
coke .....coke i am ok on just clean the house
LSD .....oh god i love this stuff........over 5000 hits
shroom......good on a pizza or with peanut butter ...weak lsd
PCP.....good stuff too ....take it if i can find it
opium .....this stuff is good for passing the time
even fake weed/thc ....taste like crap high is completely wrong more of cross with a high of weed and some heroin

i tried them all and i walk away from them with out need for anything ......other then a bong hit

to clean your buddy up u are going to need to do some stuff u might not like ..........i know how to use the system so if u want i can tell u how to get him checked into a hospital for a 72 hour hold by then the withdrawls will kick in...he will go crazy say and do the wrong things and they will send him to a drug rehab once they settle him down with a shot in the ass (lock down ward as he did stuip stuff with doctors)

it is not the first time nor will be the last time i tell someone this trick or have to do it to one of my friends ..........about to do it again now to one of my oldest buddies (head is messed up and he is refusing to get help just getting worst i can see him soon eatting the gun )

other then that i would take sunni up on her offer ........i am a blunt tool she is more a fine tool (ment it in a good way sunni )
So I'm just gonna finish login this wd here someone might find it's officially 36 hrs since I took the bup and I took it around the 48 hr mark of no h so I was hurting pretty bad when I took it and 8mg pretty much got me functioning again, now I'm pretty sure the bup is out of my system and I'm actually still feeling pretty damn good at 72 hr no I'm guessing my body did continue to try a fix its chemistry while on the sub...funny thing is I did so much reading about short term suboxone and there wasn't much about it or people would just say it wouldn't work but I have to say I'm pretty amazed how well it worked wish Ida just taken it at 24hr mark and done it maybe 2-3 times every 36 hrs...Also Xanax was a huge help too I didn't even bother with the rest of the shot on the Thomas recipe...anyway iv got to go meet my dude cause I owe him money and he been callin so hopefully I'll be able to control myself when I get a wiff of the shit in the car