Bernie sanders got lots of help from russia

a response at 316am after she's probably been up for a few days doesn't compute?

do you have an issue with me? I would appreciate your not talking about me as if I'm not here and can't read the post. what gives you the right to talk about me like that? take a look again mr. was 5:16 when i got up for WORK.

don't stoop to others' low's not becoming.
do you have an issue with me? I would appreciate your not talking about me as if I'm not here and can't read the post. what gives you the right to talk about me like that? take a look again mr. was 5:16 when i got up for WORK.

don't stoop to others' low's not becoming.
sorry there sweetheart but you were the one that accused me of abusing the system wiht a fake disabilty. remember that?

sorry you have to work. somebody needs to sell urinal cakes though. better you than me.

schuylaar, Today at 3:16 AM i thought you were in mountain time zone?
do you have an issue with me? I would appreciate your not talking about me as if I'm not here and can't read the post. what gives you the right to talk about me like that? take a look again mr. was 5:16 when i got up for WORK.

don't stoop to others' low's not becoming.
Awe poor snowflake got hurt

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only reason he even got within 15 points of Clinton was an army of Russian bots with a multi million dollar budget pushing propaganda and disinformation at anyone dumb enough to believe it
Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 7.35.22 AM.png

Here you go:

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 11.53.44 AM.png

I didn't like Bill Clinton. I never liked that his primary focus, economically, was to balance the budget. Furthermore, I didn't like how he achieved this thing, that I didn't think should have been top priority. He drilled holes into the social security piggy bank. He could have made huge cuts to the "defense budget" seeing as how the cold war had recently ended. He tore down the piece of legislation that would have prevented the housing bubble.

With all of that said, he didn't act alone. He was battling Newt Gingrich and honestly, he was taking some licks in that fight, but at least he did something and at least he kept high approval ratings. In fact, I wonder how much I blamed him for things simply because they happened in gov't while he was president.

One thing I got wrong though, was that I simply assumed his wife would preside as a continuation of his administration. Looking back on her experience and on the things she always said while she was first lady, I think she was really slandered and libeled quite a bit leading up to and during her campaign. As secretary of state, she acted as a faithful lieutenant to president Obama. As a senator, she acted in accordance with her constituents.

I'm not praising her and I don't agree with her views on a lot of stuff, but if her term would have been like an Obama third term, I would have been fine with it. I'm just saying that she was dealing with a lot of prejudice and lies that really hampered her actual message from reaching the electorate. In 2016, most of it came from the Bernouts. From what I have seen, there is a lot of overlap between the Bernouts and Trumptards. A few of the Bernie supporters were cool. The obsessed Bernouts however, who couldn't handle that their hero wasn't as popular as they thought he'd be, sure did a lot of work for Trump.

Most of this is in hindsight. I didn't really give her a chance either. I opposed her because I didn't think she could possibly lose to Trump. I figured it was a good time to help a third party grow by getting votes in blue states to try to reach 5%. I refrained from bashing her though. I was careful never to help Trump win. That's my main gripe with Bernouts. They celebrated Clinton's loss. Not all Bernie supporters in late 2015 to early 2016 became Bernouts.
The quickest way to fix SS is to stop the tax loophole and make every dollar earned have the ss tax, and not just the first $137k. There is plenty of money flowing to the top earners that could shore up this needed program. Great post.
citation, old man.
citation? I've never said any such thing.
citation <yawn>
<yawn> Citations? Even @UncleBuck updates his material occasionally and so should you.
Just eight more pages to go...

I have some shit to do. I will post the most recent nine pages of her asking for citations later.
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You know the rules. Citation?
I accept the challenge..

Citations. Knock yourself out, freak.'re talking about me while I'm not here to defend myself and what you claim is my quote, is NOT has done the damage..because the retards here can't figure out that it's something YOU CLAIM I've said.

I'm putting an end to it here and now. You either come up with citation of your allegations or your ass is going be reported to the FCC. I cannot be any clearer.

This includes you too, @UncleBuck.
Why would Trudeau steal Ivankas afflictions?:lol:

Seriously though..citation on tariff?

Respect for mods or afraid of impending butt hurt when you see what the membership will do to you for going against me?'re not very good at this.

Just eight more pages to go. :oops:
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