Bernie sanders got lots of help from russia

No, he didn't.

He proved the Russians interfered with the election. The private deal Hillary had with the DNC in 2015 before the primary election wasn't even discussed at all in the indictment
No, he didn't.

He proved the Russians interfered with the election. The private deal Hillary had with the DNC in 2015 before the primary election wasn't even discussed at all in the indictment
Included in Mueller's indictment were the exact kremlin lies the perpetrators spread. You just repeated one of them. You can look up the indictment and see for yourself or keep repeating the kremlin lies.
Another fun fact from "Slow Burn". Immediately after the Watergate burglary, John Mitchell's wife, Martha was kidnapped and held against her will at the behest of her husband and CREEP. Ya see, she knew that burglar James McCord had a close relationship with CREEP as he had for a time been provided by the committee to drive her daughter to school. Martha was very upset about the fact that her husband was obviously lying about McCord's relationship with the re-election committee. She was also friends with many reporters including Helen Thomas. So CREEP had her spirited away to seclusion under the watchful eye of Stephen King - former FBI agent and CREEP employee. When he caught her on the phone with Helen Thomas he ripped the phone from the wall, summoned a doctor and had him inject her, kicking and screaming with a heavy dose of barbiturates. “Before [the shot] took effect, she tried to get away, but according to Martha, King saw her dashing toward the door and ran over and slapped her across the room.”

Where is Steve King now? Trump appointed him ambassador to the Czech Republic.

Drain that swamp. MAGA!

"Among them is Stephen King, 76, a longtime confidante and booster of House Speaker Paul Ryan (and former business partner of Ryan’s brother, Tobin), who is the new U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic. He has no diplomatic experience and had never spent a day in Prague before taking up his post there on December 7. Radio Prague, the official state news outlet, called him “a rich Republican businessman…who worked for the FBI early in his career.”"

I recommend Slow Burn highly. It shows just how close Nixon came to getting away with the whole thing. The only thing that did him in was the fact that the idiot taped his cover-up. I hope we are as lucky this time.
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Included in Mueller's indictment were the exact kremlin lies the perpetrators spread. You just repeated one of them. You can look up the indictment and see for yourself or keep repeating the kremlin lies.
They will.


(published by Henry Ford, nazi)
FACT: The DNC rigged the primary for Hillary by intentionally throwing Bernie under the bus. That's why the ENTIRE DOC leadership was shitcanned.
That's not a fact. It's a fever dream of Berners who simply want to believe it. Bernie couldn't win the nomination -- nobody could win the nomination -- without gaining a modicum of support from Black, Latino and Women members in the party. The only group Bernie did well in was white men.

Please explain to me why, if your claim is true, only white men were immune to DNC rigging.

As far as your claims of party leaders admitting rigged. Nonsense.

Elizabeth Warren on the Primary Being “Rigged”: Never Mind
She walked back her statements about Hillary Clinton's deal with the Democratic National Committee.
She's irrelevant. I don't get why so many people still want to talk about her. I once hoped that a left leaning third party would grow, but it won't happen. I didn't read the rest of your post.

GA is a backwater though. It's even worse than NC. NC doesn't allow write ins, basically. GA will always be a red state. Don't blame anyone but the KKK for that. You know it's true.

perhaps we're all wondering why she was seated at putin's table with flynn?
perhaps we're all wondering why she was seated at putin's table with flynn?
Nope, never wondered why. Maybe you can explain why I should give it a thought.

Did she hold a public or government position like Flynn did? Does she have any influence or access to people in office?

Now then, about Bernie's support from Russia. It's probably true that unlike Trump, Bernie didn't invite Russians in on his campaign and definitely true that unlike Trump, he didn't publicly ask for help. BUT, the allegations in Mueller's recent indictments of Russian meddlers in our election does specify help given to Sanders by those alleged criminals:

The indictment revealed that the efforts included “operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump.”

Russian “specialists were instructed to post content that focused on ‘politics in the USA’ and to ‘use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump—we support them.),’” the indictment continued. It said that message was sent around Feb. 10, 2016, the day after both Sanders and Trump won their respective parties’ all-important New Hampshire primary contest.

Clinton and her spokesman have not yet commented on the indictments.

Of course, Clinton is taking the high road by staying out of it.

I know you can't understand this but Bernie lost in spite of Russian help.
Nope, never wondered why. Maybe you can explain why I should give it a thought.

Did she hold a public or government position like Flynn did? Does she have any influence or access to people in office?

Now then, about Bernie's support from Russia. It's probably true that unlike Trump, Bernie didn't invite Russians in on his campaign and definitely true that unlike Trump, he didn't publicly ask for help. BUT, the allegations in Mueller's recent indictments of Russian meddlers in our election does specify help given to Sanders by those alleged criminals:

The indictment revealed that the efforts included “operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump.”

Russian “specialists were instructed to post content that focused on ‘politics in the USA’ and to ‘use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump—we support them.),’” the indictment continued. It said that message was sent around Feb. 10, 2016, the day after both Sanders and Trump won their respective parties’ all-important New Hampshire primary contest.

Clinton and her spokesman have not yet commented on the indictments.

Of course, Clinton is taking the high road by staying out of it.

I know you can't understand this but Bernie lost in spite of Russian help.

the russians didn't do a very good job then did they?