Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Dd214 or gtfo. At least he deployed to a combat zone and walked around with a rifle. You didn't. You're just another sock puppet who spews far right and antisemitic conspiracy theories while supporting extremist demagogue politicians.

Even if you did cross train with combat controllers, lol so the fuck what? You're clearly still a chickenshit.

The site's top admin @rollitup has my dd214 and he's a Vietnam veteran. Send him yours and verify this shit you talk.
You sound like a fool everytime you ask me to send Info about me on a weed site. I trust rolli as much as I trust you and Uncle Buck. Yeah you have to be drinking again. Dont try to collect a check for that. How do you make your income now, you spend way to much time here to be claiming that diving overseas shit. I bet you still collecting a disability check, whilst complaining about Bernie free shit. Again find a wife and have some kids. A man over 40 should have that shit In order by now you fucking loser.
@rollitup is close with the Epsteins, figured you were a solid fit for Don Jr or Eric.You guys troll sensible democrats non-stop. You never argue REASON or LOGIC. Just sit back, whine, bitch, condescend, its rather sad. Take a look over on GC. Actual political discussions take place without the moderators puking up their morning breakfast all over every reasonable thought. You never have an opinion except to call names. Who do you support? Why? What ideas do you think are good? Bad? Can you construct a logical comment? I'm not sure you can.
You’re a fucking fake, you won’t get away with it here.
You sound like a fool everytime you ask me to send Info about me on a weed site. I trust rolli as much as I trust you and Uncle Buck. Yeah you have to be drinking again. Dont try to collect a check for that. How do you make your income now, you spend way to much time here to be claiming that diving overseas shit. I bet you still collecting a disability check, whilst complaining about Bernie free shit. Again find a wife and have some kids. A man over 40 should have that shit In order by now you fucking loser.
You forgot your fake blaccent.

DD214 or gtfo fake veteran.
You sound like a fool everytime you ask me to send Info about me on a weed site. I trust rolli as much as I trust you and Uncle Buck. Yeah you have to be drinking again. Dont try to collect a check for that. How do you make your income now, you spend way to much time here to be claiming that diving overseas shit. I bet you still collecting a disability check, whilst complaining about Bernie free shit. Again find a wife and have some kids. A man over 40 should have that shit In order by now you fucking loser.

:shock: SSDI? he's going to have to re-certify every two years now..

Thank you, Trump*!
Just came here to say Bernie will never be president. Right leaning americans will never vote for a commun-er-socialist, and neither will centrist americans. Trumps taking 2020 by a landslide, and that's a good thing.
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