Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Settle down now. No need to lose composure.

Go ahead and post that mountain of evidence your sitting on tying Russia to Bernie. Ima smoke a bowl enjoy my night, watch the debate (Go Bernie!), and I'll check to see what nonsense you're up to later.
You are so full of shit man. I tried to talk with you but there is no point.

I find it very telling that all the Bernie supporters dodge the Russians supporting Bernie Sanders. This is why I don't trust him, if they just sucked it up and admitted it and accepted that it is a knock against him I could respect that, but they are as incapable of admitting wrong doing as Trump is. But expect everyone else to abandon their candidates because of manufactured dirt on them.
You're the idiot who doesn't seem to know the difference between universal health care and single payer.

You're dumb.
Says the fool who sees a man with a M4 and says the man is a combat vet...even when the man himself says he was not a combat vet. You back to drinking again? Find a new wife and get some kids. Might help complete your lonely life
I concede that the Russians helped Bernie. I just don't think he has a hand in it. I think it was to take out Hillary or because he wants to bring the troops home, maybe? Idk. I don't think it's a knock agaisnt Bernie.

you are spending days trying to convince people that Russia didn’t help Bernie. You asked for my source after I already named it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a weaker move

A couple weeks ago you spent days methposting about Bernie before telling everyone it was impossible to reason with the left

I’m sorry, you’re just no good at this. For your own good, please stop embarrassing yourself
Days? I just heard about it... You provided zilch, lol c'mon Bick, do you expect people to take the sites biggest troll seriously? Why do you attack more liberals than the trumpers?
You are so full of shit man. I tried to talk with you but there is no point.

I find it very telling that all the Bernie supporters dodge the Russians supporting Bernie Sanders. This is why I don't trust him, if they just sucked it up and admitted it and accepted that it is a knock against him I could respect that, but they are as incapable of admitting wrong doing as Trump is. But expect everyone else to abandon their candidates because of manufactured dirt on them.
Which of Sanders policies does Russia support?
Says the fool who sees a man with a M4 and says the man is a combat vet...even when the man himself says he was not a combat vet. You back to drinking again? Find a new wife and get some kids. Might help complete your lonely life
You didn't even deploy. Pete Buttigieg carried a rifle around dismounted many times in Afghanistan. He is a combat veteran. You're too chickenshit to do anything like that. A lying coward's opinion about a courageous Intel officer is about as useful as a sockful of vomit.
Which of Sanders policies does Russia support?

Fracturing the DNC.
You didn't even deploy. Pete Buttigieg carried a rifle around dismounted many times in Afghanistan. He is a combat veteran. You're too chickenshit to do anything like that. A lying coward's opinion about a courageous Intel officer is about as useful as a sockful of vomit.
Google USAF CCT and then get back with me for any questions. That was my second cross-training AFSC. My first required me 35,000-50,000 feet in the air doing shit onboard ? and you ? I mean besides coming out claiming a disability. and please learn how you become a combat vet, you insult real combat vets
real combat vets
not a combat vet , but still a vet
Dd214 or gtfo. At least he deployed to a combat zone and walked around with a rifle. You didn't. You're just another sock puppet who spews far right and antisemitic conspiracy theories while supporting extremist demagogue politicians.

Even if you did cross train with combat controllers, lol so the fuck what? You're clearly still a chickenshit.

The site's top admin @rollitup has my dd214 and he's a Vietnam veteran. Send him yours and verify this shit you talk.
Which of Sanders policies does Russia support?
Keeping Mitch McConnell in control of the Senate so Russia can continue to interfere in our countries elections.
I concede that the Russians helped Bernie. I just don't think he has a hand in it. I think it was to take out Hillary or because he wants to bring the troops home, maybe? Idk. I don't think it's a knock agaisnt Bernie.

That is something at least to admit the Russians helped Bernie. I have no clue why and hope it is something innocent too, but I also get worried that we are talking about Putin and the Russian military supporting one of our Presidential candidates, just like they did Trump. Whatever their reasoning, we at least know it is not in our best interests.

And it could be something very embarrassing from when he visited the Soviet Union back in the day, or anything else.

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This is why I am going with Biden, same basic credentials, but never cashed in on his Senate seat, and we know is not being supported by Trump and the Russians due to them manufacturing dirt on his kid getting a job.
Keeping Mitch McConnell in control of the Senate so Russia can continue to interfere in our countries elections.

That is something at least to admit the Russians helped Bernie. I have no clue why and hope it is something innocent too, but I also get worried that we are talking about Putin and the Russian military supporting one of our Presidential candidates, just like they did Trump. Whatever their reasoning, we at least know it is not in our best interests.

And it could be something very embarrassing from when he visited the Soviet Union back in the day, or anything else.

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This is why I am going with Biden, same basic credentials, but never cashed in on his Senate seat, and we know is not being supported by Trump and the Russians due to them manufacturing dirt on his kid getting a job.
Biden is punch drunk but go ahead
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