Benghazi: The Real Libya Story Is No Story

What makes me the most upset in this whole situation is that an American citizen was arrested in a effort for the admin to further their story that it was due to a video. When we all know now, thanks to the house, they already knew that was not the reason for the attack on our consulate. And yes consulates and embassy's are the same thing. Sovereign US land. Sick of hearing that from libs. Educate yourselves.

Not even close
Embassy and consulate refer to government representations in a foreign country. A country will have only one Embassy in another nation whereas it will have a number of consulates in various cities.An embassy is the larger representation, but a consulate is only a smaller version of the embassy. Consulates in a sense can be called junior embassies. Embassies are permanent diplomatic missions generally located in a county’s capital. Consulates are located only in bigger cities and not in the capital city.

Read more: Difference Between Embassy and Consulate | Difference Between | Embassy vs Consulate
No not minutes. The consulate was attacked for well over an hr. That is in the record. They had time to run around the grounds and engaging the SEALS and a Lib force that fell back before the superior fire power. One SEAL infiltrated from outside because he heard the calls for help on his tactical net. His Dad is pissed and that is powerful. His brave son will surely get the Medal of Honor. And that brands the cowardice of those that also could have not done nothing.

The assault force had time to search the grounds. They took documents. They found the inner cage with Stevens and 2 others, but could not get in. Had time to go to the generator house and douse down the cage with gallons of fuel oil and torch the place. They used mortars and held a perimeter back from Libs and 15 Americans of some ilk. Then 6 hours later an elaborate trap was sprung on the safe house. The record shows that assets, including ships and reaction forces were re-positioned and then HELD. How long does that take, you morons?

They are just going to sit and watch with a drone and then try to tell Damn Lies?

Minutes, my ass. You have no idea what you are talking about. It is in the record. Congressional. These document have been made public. You are tap dancing from sickening dis-information. Why did they need dis-information? Why were they worried about "dis-infromation"

That is the word Obama used off mike to that guy in the second debate. He lies to the National camera and then makes some other, even more weird comment to the questioner. Dis-information?

You have no clue what the shit storm is to come. It calls to question his Oath of Office.
No not minutes. The consulate was attacked for well over an hr. That is in the record. They had time to run around the grounds and engaging the SEALS and a Lib force that feel back before the superior fire power. One SEAL inflitrated from outside becuase he heard the calls for help on his tactical net.

The assault force had time to search the grounds. The took documents. They found the inner cage with Stevens and 2 others, but could not get in. Had time to go to the generator house and douse down the cage with gallons of fuel oil and torch the place. They used mortars and held a perimeter back from Libs and 15 Americans of some ilk.

Then 6 hours later an elaborate trap was sprung on the safe house. The record shows that assets, including ships and reaction forces were positioned and then HELD.

Minutes, my ass. You have no idea what you are talking about. It in the record. Congressional. These document have been made public. You are tap dancing.

You have no clue what the shit storm is to come. It calls to question his Oath of Office.

Oh please cite this information
BTW what did ambassador stevens die from and where were the 2 navy seals killed?

the ATTACKS took minutes and where at 2 different locations

Now answer the real question
What kind of maggoty ass unamerican piece of shit
Would try to score political points from the deaths of americans overseas?
9:35 to 10:30 p.m. The consulate alarm goes off and Libyan guards call for backup as militants gain access to the compound. "They fire rocket-propelled grenades into the main building. Mr. Stevens, [computer technician] Sean Smith and an American security officer are inside," reports The Times. "The security officer makes it outside. He returns to rescue the others and finds Mr. Smith dead but does not find Mr. Stevens." At 10 p.m., the consulate is burning in flames and, according to the Journal, the security officer was joined by Libyan government reinforcements who just arrived. "They guard front and rear gates as militants begin to crowd at rear gate. U.S. and Libyan guards enter burning building." The guards were also unable to find Ambassador Stevens.

2 a.m. This is where phase two of the attack is reported to have begun and where evidence emerges, according to some observers, that the attack was pre-planned and coordinated. "As the staff is preparing to leave the second compound, it comes under fire. More than 20 staff members retreat to a building at the back of the compound," reports the Times. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both American security officers, were killed in the shootout. Describing the confrontation, the Times says "The attackers had lain in wait, silently observing as the rescuers, including eight State Department civilians who had just landed at the airport in Benghazi, arrived in large convoys. This second attack was shorter in duration than the first, but more complex and sophisticated. It was an ambush."
You are quoting news reports from two weeks ago.

That isn't the time line. The time line is part of the Congressional Record. There was laser marking of the mortar positions. There was night scope images uploaded. Assistance was denied. There were asset available to at least respond to the mortars.

There was a Navy SEAL that went in, against orders. All this takes time, no matter what you have been fed.
No, that isn't it. It just doesn't matter what you think.. You are so yesterday. You can't keep up. Do your own homework, Partisan. Dig for some real information instead of the pap political cover.
No, that isn't it. It just doesn't matter what you think.. You are so yesterday. You can't keep up. Do your own homework, Partisan. Dig for some real information instead of the pap political cover.

What cesspool should I dig in?

You are still a shit stain on american society trying to exploit the deaths of americans overseas for political gain
the annex came under mortar fire at 4am not 2am.At least 6 hours after consulate was attacked..

Around 9:40 p.m.
Agents hear loud noises, gunfire and explosions near the front gate. A barracks at the entrance housing the local militiamen is burnt down. Agents viewing cameras see a large group of armed men flowing into the compound. Alarm is sounded. Telephone calls are made to the embassy in Tripoli, officials in Washington, the Libyan authorities and a U.S. quick reaction force located at a second compound a little more than a mile away.

Around 4 a.m.
The compound's building is hit by mortar fire. The roof is hit and two security personnel are killed. One agent involved in the attack from the beginning is severely wounded. The men decide to evacuate the city entirely. They spend the next hours securing the annex and moving a large convoy of vehicles to the airport. They evacuate on two flights.

Sept. 12. The president, in the Rose Garden the day after the attack, uses the word "terror." He says: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
So, why the cover up? What is all the Inciting to Riot about. The Dad of one of the men killed says that SecStat Clintion came to him, personally. She promised him the maker of the video would be lock up. That happened. A message broadcast on Pakistan TV, prompted a Day of Rage. That happened. Riots around the world. That happened. Telling the UN about a video? Why?

Even today Obama took a softball from Brian Williams to imply that the CIA maintains the spontaneous aspects. A cover up to get re-elected? Has no one paid any attention?
Why not just go to!
The accurate timeline should be posted, shouldn't it?

Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: I could ask you, I could ask you how you do I duplicate that scenario?
Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me: in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get is between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq, and this President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.

So you are denying that Mitt Romney said he would politicize a Iran hostage crisis situation?
It's right there in the video

What does something that Romney said in a private donor meeting months before Bengazi have to do with the issue?

People are asking for answers... That is not political.
So you are denying that Mitt Romney said he would politicize a Iran hostage crisis situation?
It's right there in the video

Of course not. Right out of Axlerod's playbook wasn't it. Never let it an opportunity like this go to waste man.

Seriously though, that was sleazy of Romney, he's a sleazy man. But why in the hell are people focusing on what Romney said instead of what happened in Benghazi? We should be saying, well that was dickish of Romney, OK, now why are 4 citizens dead and the administration lying about how they handled things?

The left spent two weeks trying to convince us it was about a movie now they are trying to convince us Obama never said it was. It's shameful and the independents are seeing it.