Benefits of Root Growth Hormone (RGH) To Watering

God you are dumb. Just fucking dumb. Do some research. Honey is reported to increase cloning success. Same with aloe, willow, yucca etc.
I got a flat right now with 16 or 17 outta 16 or 17 that took. And I'm learning new shit. Unlike your ignorant dumbshit arrogant ass. Ive used clonex and rooting powder before as well. Have fun growing your usual "by the book" shit weed. How do you think any of your techniques or nute mixes you use came about? Say it with me, experi-fucking-mentation!

But whatever. Enjoy the dark ages, biatch. Shit weed just makes good weed more valuable up here.
Now I think I'll document something my experiments have shown, just to make you dark age fucks flip a bitch. I read that when pythium rot attacks a seedling, once the stem falls over it cant be saved. Well I know for a fact if you rip above the death, dip in clonex, and put in clone setup such as rockwool, that you can get them to root in about 2 weeks.
And for the record, honey + rockwool = less to no mold.
And I've started adding dawn to the occasional spray.
God you are dumb. Just fucking dumb. Do some research. Honey is reported to increase cloning success. Same with aloe, willow, yucca etc.

Oh. Honey's been "reported" to increase cloning success? But then you yourself reported that you "just lost 13 clones to 3 different types of molds because I used honey." So instead of maybe learning a thing or two from that, you go off on me and call me a "dark age fuck" for pointing out that maybe you should listen to your 13 dead clones instead of whatever stupid stoner fuck "reported" that honey "increases cloning success."

You've got a lot to learn, and I won't even waste my time trying to teach most of it to you because it's a waste of effort. I'll just tell you two things - first of all, what you've seen "reported" or what you've seen other people post about does not mean jack shit. All that matters is what actually works. You brag about how you're "learning new shit," but the one thing you should have learned from your little honey fiasco (that maybe it doesn't really work after all), you obviously didn't learn at all, because it clearly bounced right off your head. Learning means believing what you see with your very own eyes, not what some 12-year old total stranger on the internet "reported" from his mother's basement when he was so probably so stoned he didn't know the difference between honey and transmission fluid.

Second thing is - people here disagree all the time. I've been around here about 8 or 10 years I guess, and I know we don't always see eye to eye. We disagree a lot, we argue, and yeah, we even fight. But in my time here, one of the things I've liked the most about this forum is that most people are mature enough to be able to disagree, argue, and even fight without having to personalize and attack one another.

Your first response to my post in this thread was "How bout you kindly walk the fuck off since you apparently don't know what the shit you are talking about." That's the kind of childish shit I've come to expect on some other forums, but for the most part RIU has done a damned good job of keeping this site free of that crap. Speaking for myself, I would appreciate it a great deal if you'd save that kind of stuff for other forums, and not spoil the friendly, helpful atmosphere we've all worked so hard over the years to help create for one another here. Please don't take this personally; I'm not trying to lecture you. Just saying that this is a much better place for everyone - you included - if we can keep that stuff out of here. You and I may never be friends (and that's fine; not everyone likes everyone else) but it doesn't need to be like this. K, man?
Oh. Honey's been "reported" to increase cloning success? But then you yourself reported that you "just lost 13 clones to 3 different types of molds because I used honey." So instead of maybe learning a thing or two from that, you go off on me and call me a "dark age fuck" for pointing out that maybe you should listen to your 13 dead clones instead of whatever stupid stoner fuck "reported" that honey "increases cloning success."

You've got a lot to learn, and I won't even waste my time trying to teach most of it to you because it's a waste of effort. I'll just tell you two things - first of all, what you've seen "reported" or what you've seen other people post about does not mean jack shit. All that matters is what actually works. You brag about how you're "learning new shit," but the one thing you should have learned from your little honey fiasco (that maybe it doesn't really work after all), you obviously didn't learn at all, because it clearly bounced right off your head. Learning means believing what you see with your very own eyes, not what some 12-year old total stranger on the internet "reported" from his mother's basement when he was so probably so stoned he didn't know the difference between honey and transmission fluid.

Second thing is - people here disagree all the time. I've been around here about 8 or 10 years I guess, and I know we don't always see eye to eye. We disagree a lot, we argue, and yeah, we even fight. But in my time here, one of the things I've liked the most about this forum is that most people are mature enough to be able to disagree, argue, and even fight without having to personalize and attack one another.

Your first response to my post in this thread was "How bout you kindly walk the fuck off since you apparently don't know what the shit you are talking about." That's the kind of childish shit I've come to expect on some other forums, but for the most part RIU has done a damned good job of keeping this site free of that crap. Speaking for myself, I would appreciate it a great deal if you'd save that kind of stuff for other forums, and not spoil the friendly, helpful atmosphere we've all worked so hard over the years to help create for one another here. Please don't take this personally; I'm not trying to lecture you. Just saying that this is a much better place for everyone - you included - if we can keep that stuff out of here. You and I may never be friends (and that's fine; not everyone likes everyone else) but it doesn't need to be like this. K, man?
I've been on this site for years. Nothing has made it before my eyes that has been more ridiculous than this post.

Imma save this.
It's called trollitup for a reason.

I see your account currently has 506 messages and only 79 likes. Kinda hints at the quality of your content. And for how long your account has been open, I think that's fucking hilarious. The oldest accounts I ever see are 2008.

Go read a book. I know people like you in real life. The general reputation of their grows is outstanding. They grow the best termite infested hemp buds ever. They take your view. To them their is still only two types of weed, sativa and indica. Strains are nonsense to them.
Oh. Honey's been "reported" to increase cloning success? But then you yourself reported that you "just lost 13 clones to 3 different types of molds because I used honey." So instead of maybe learning a thing or two from that, you go off on me and call me a "dark age fuck" for pointing out that maybe you should listen to your 13 dead clones instead of whatever stupid stoner fuck "reported" that honey "increases cloning success."

You've got a lot to learn, and I won't even waste my time trying to teach most of it to you because it's a waste of effort. I'll just tell you two things - first of all, what you've seen "reported" or what you've seen other people post about does not mean jack shit. All that matters is what actually works. You brag about how you're "learning new shit," but the one thing you should have learned from your little honey fiasco (that maybe it doesn't really work after all), you obviously didn't learn at all, because it clearly bounced right off your head. Learning means believing what you see with your very own eyes, not what some 12-year old total stranger on the internet "reported" from his mother's basement when he was so probably so stoned he didn't know the difference between honey and transmission fluid.

Second thing is - people here disagree all the time. I've been around here about 8 or 10 years I guess, and I know we don't always see eye to eye. We disagree a lot, we argue, and yeah, we even fight. But in my time here, one of the things I've liked the most about this forum is that most people are mature enough to be able to disagree, argue, and even fight without having to personalize and attack one another.

Your first response to my post in this thread was "How bout you kindly walk the fuck off since you apparently don't know what the shit you are talking about." That's the kind of childish shit I've come to expect on some other forums, but for the most part RIU has done a damned good job of keeping this site free of that crap. Speaking for myself, I would appreciate it a great deal if you'd save that kind of stuff for other forums, and not spoil the friendly, helpful atmosphere we've all worked so hard over the years to help create for one another here. Please don't take this personally; I'm not trying to lecture you. Just saying that this is a much better place for everyone - you included - if we can keep that stuff out of here. You and I may never be friends (and that's fine; not everyone likes everyone else) but it doesn't need to be like this. K, man?
And when I say reported, I mean hard fucking science.
I first found this site in 2012. Joined in 2013.
Left in 2014.
Came back and achieved over 100 likes in a week or two before leaving again.
Now I'm back.

RIU is the biggest joke ever. Great laughs.
And when I say reported, I mean hard fucking science.
I first found this site in 2012. Joined in 2013.
Left in 2014.
Came back and achieved over 100 likes in a week or two before leaving again.
Now I'm back.

RIU is the biggest joke ever. Great laughs.

OK, I gave it my best effort, and now I give up. You're an idiot and an asshole beyond redemption; please go back to whatever institution you go to whenever you "leave again."

Oh, but just out of curiosity, because I always enjoy a good clown show - please show me the "hard fucking science" that proves you didn't kill the 13 clones you said you killed. I mean, I understand that to a lot of people, all science is really hard, but in this case I mean the solid science, not the science that is difficult for you to comprehend.
OK, I gave it my best effort, and now I give up. You're an idiot and an asshole beyond redemption; please go back to whatever institution you go to whenever you "leave again."

Oh, but just out of curiosity, because I always enjoy a good clown show - please show me the "hard fucking science" that proves you didn't kill the 13 clones you said you killed. I mean, I understand that to a lot of people, all science is really hard, but in this case I mean the solid science, not the science that is difficult for you to comprehend.

You gonna say heating pads hurt clones if someone turns the heat up to high and kills a batch? It was a combo of grower error in my case. 1 - perlite and honey = mold.
2 - cold + humid + dark + sugar = mold
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Fuck this. I'm tired.
This is called research.
And just so we are clear, I read about this year's ago in a botany/horticulture book. Then I asked around and found growers I know personally who said it had worked for them. My broke ass went down to the garden supply store and they were out of your good old chemical/hormone. So I figured I'd try something I had around the house. It does work but better with willow branches is what my friend, who's been growing weed for 40 years BTW, told me. No harm no foul in my own mistakes. But I'm experimenting in about 2 months when I take clones again. Bet you'd be jealous when I find an organic method that has healthy roots in 5 days reliably. Or I'll find out clonex is the most reliable. Either way, your mentality is bat shit crazy. I could actually get the mold off and had healthy as fuck cuts still, but the mold was the sign for me it wouldn't work in my situation and I trashed. How will you ever improve without trying something new. I lost 13 cuttings. Big whoop. I took 50 more that same week with powder and rockwool ($20 i was saving so i could go see my nephews birth) had a couple times I couldn't spray, also had heat issues. Got 12 on that maybe more. Still rooting.

Keep on growing the same way for years and see what happens when you become known for schwag. Cannabis is getting legalized everywhere. So now you have so many more people with much better educations in this field than you, using their imagination and competing to grow the best weed. I've seen a strain test in Oregon come in at over 35% THC and loads more oils. Imagine when the experimenters make that the norm or even schwag and corner the market because they "overcomplicated it," by using a couple practices deemed wierd and stupid. You'd be laughed at.
Last thing.... Google honey and brix levels in plants. Read thoroughly. Then complain about using fucking ORGANICS. Theres a whole section here on it. Have you never seen it? Love to see them rip on your future thread called "only stupid people use kitchen supplies" be sure to rip on baking soda and vinegar and honey and molasses and syrup and sugar. Then rip on the nutes. Weed doesn't like worms wtf lol.
Last thing.... Google honey and brix levels in plants. Read thoroughly. Then complain about using fucking ORGANICS. Theres a whole section here on it. Have you never seen it? Love to see them rip on your future thread called "only stupid people use kitchen supplies" be sure to rip on baking soda and vinegar and honey and molasses and syrup and sugar. Then rip on the nutes. Weed doesn't like worms wtf lol.
Also if u can get a cut of a real piece of plant of the aloe vera squeeze the gooey stuff and dip the cuttings in that, it works awesome as a rooting hormone
Last thing.... Google honey and brix levels in plants. Read thoroughly. Then complain about using fucking ORGANICS. Theres a whole section here on it. Have you never seen it? Love to see them rip on your future thread called "only stupid people use kitchen supplies" be sure to rip on baking soda and vinegar and honey and molasses and syrup and sugar. Then rip on the nutes. Weed doesn't like worms wtf lol.
Also crushed egg shells as a calcium supply
I have a 100% rooti g rate on clones. In the past i used a clone dome and root plugs, dipped cuttings in clonex. Now i am using a diy bubble cloner, works great.
I have a 100% rooti g rate on clones. In the past i used a clone dome and root plugs, dipped cuttings in clonex. Now i am using a diy bubble cloner, works great.
Yeah, I had another issue with a batch getting too hot and the rockwool killing rooted plants, so now I'm building a diy bubbler.

I guess the cold was helping my previous success rates, and making sure the heat mat wasn't overkill. Bubblers are so much nicer.