Benefits of Root Growth Hormone (RGH) To Watering

Yeah I know about molasses. Good for the micro organism in the soil. Which was why I was saying I wouldn't put honey in my soil. Wouldn't it kill some of the good bacteria?

At the amounts you should be using, I don't think honey would have enough anti-bacterial strength to affect the soil biology much. It's like chlorine/chloramine in tap water. It's present at levels to keep water sanitary within a closed system. It's not enough to disinfect a wall of dirt. A pinch (1/16 tsp/gal) of sugar a few hours before mixing will encourage microbial action to reduce that effect.

I use sugar. Sometimes a 1/4 tsp molasses instead. I thin that's just my superstitiousness. I don't think there's much difference between the two. The latter has minerals. But, at the quantities we should be using, it can't add much compared to what a plant needs and is supplied through the soil and nutrients.

It's just to feed the soil biology, as far as I can tell.

I like how @saiyaneye is thinking outside the box. Using rooting hormone as a feeding supplement might not be good, but I admire the creativity (compared to following a boutique, proprietary schedule).
This grow is going to be experimental, I want to try some new things and see how well they work.

I am going to probably alternate between sugar, honey, and molasses water.

Cinnamon is alkaline (PH UP) I don't know how much is too much though...Cinnamon is also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. It also has good amounts of sodium, iron, and manganese, along with small amounts of zinc, copper, and selenium. Another thing about cinnamon is that it has excellent fungicidal and pesticidal properties. The sodium may be the only bad thing in the cinnamon for our babies. Seems like it would be a great micro nutrient for flowering
In Depth Cinnamon Nutrient Profile

How many MG of Cal and Mag does CalMag+ have per dose? Just wondering?

Any suggestions for something everyone has that can be used as PH Down?
I may start a thread on this. If i can figure out an acidic common house hold thing most people have. Pretty much any salt is acidic, you do not want salt in your plants though. How about lemon juice, I have heard of people using that.
I use GH Rapid Root and GO Bio Root for seedlings, clones and in veg for the first few weeks. It helps to boost root growth.
I was reading about Honey actually last night as a root growth hormone? Who would have known. Think of mixing honey and some molasses. They honey has added carbs too.
Bump, little old but

Just lost 13 clones to 3 different types of molds because I used honey.
Was out of regular supplies (take root or clonex and rockwool) so tried raw honey and perlite. No signs of wilt, so I checked on them/dug them up impatiently 4 days in. Mold everywhere, most the stems dead.
Last time I do that. Now instead of 13 (plus a few clones later) i will get at most 4 to work with this grow.
Maybe dawn would help. Idk.
Cinnamon added to honey?
May try. Gonna do some cloning experiments in a couple months. Maybe I'll document my different methods this time so people know im not shitting them when I say "I have a good idea of what would happen if..., Because of my previous experiments."
Lemon juice, honey, cinnamon, truffles sauted with seared bacon fat, red wine vinaigrette...for Christ's sake, It's a weed. A freakin' weed. With all due respect, people need to stop overthinking things they don't really understand yet to begin with, and just plant the damned things.

And no, don't use rooting hormones on plants that are already growing. Ever. Those are for helping a plant that has no roots start a root system - if it's already growing, it already has a root system, and you can actually kill your plant. Just leave it the fuck alone!
Lemon juice, honey, cinnamon, truffles sauted with seared bacon fat, red wine vinaigrette...for Christ's sake, It's a weed. A freakin' weed. With all due respect, people need to stop overthinking things they don't really understand yet to begin with, and just plant the damned things.

And no, don't use rooting hormones on plants that are already growing. Ever. Those are for helping a plant that has no roots start a root system - if it's already growing, it already has a root system, and you can actually kill your plant. Just leave it the fuck alone!
How bout you kindly walk the fuck off since you apparently don't know what the shit you are talking about.
How bout you kindly walk the fuck off since you apparently don't know what the shit you are talking about.

Says the guy who lost all his clones because for some stupid-ass reason he thought it would be a stroke of genius to dip them in honey. Speaks for itself.

Meanwhile, I have about 20 clones right now that I just dipped in rooting powder and stuck 'em in moist coco. Looks like 100% strike rate at the moment, and they all seem to be doing fine.

But yeah - yeah, absolutely. I clearly "don't know what the shit I'm talking about."

But enough of this... hurry along now, and see what else you have in your kitchen to pour all over your plants. Have you tried tabasco sauce yet? Let us know how that one works out when you're through with the honey.
Says the guy who lost all his clones because for some stupid-ass reason he thought it would be a stroke of genius to dip them in honey. Speaks for itself.

Meanwhile, I have about 20 clones right now that I just dipped in rooting powder and stuck 'em in moist coco. Looks like 100% strike rate at the moment, and they all seem to be doing fine.

But yeah - yeah, absolutely. I clearly "don't know what the shit I'm talking about."

But enough of this... hurry along now, and see what else you have in your kitchen to pour all over your plants. Have you tried tabasco sauce yet? Let us know how that one works out when you're through with the honey.
God you are dumb. Just fucking dumb. Do some research. Honey is reported to increase cloning success. Same with aloe, willow, yucca etc.
I got a flat right now with 16 or 17 outta 16 or 17 that took. And I'm learning new shit. Unlike your ignorant dumbshit arrogant ass. Ive used clonex and rooting powder before as well. Have fun growing your usual "by the book" shit weed. How do you think any of your techniques or nute mixes you use came about? Say it with me, experi-fucking-mentation!

But whatever. Enjoy the dark ages, biatch. Shit weed just makes good weed more valuable up here.