Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama


Well-Known Member
I am not incorrect. Look up every other President who released their college transcripts. GWB didn't, his were leaked. Clinton didn't, George HW Bush didn't, Reagan didn't, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman (who never received a college degree like Abraham Lincoln), FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, etc. etc.. never once were they asked. Moreover, Obama shouldn't as he's not running for office. Once more, he's not required to release them, thus he shouldn't need to release them. You're just falling for a GOP/Rush Limbaugh line; good job on that one.
Why would you think it is acceptable for a president to not show his or hers transcript? In the real world, if you have no experience, the first thing a potential employer does is look at your transcripts. Why should the president not have to?
After all, Obama promised to be the most transparent president, right? Another example of ideology clouding common sense.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Why would you think it is acceptable for a president to not show his or hers transcript? In the real world, if you have no experience, the first thing a potential employer does is look at your transcripts. Why should the president not have to?
After all, Obama promised to be the most transparent president, right? Another example of ideology clouding common sense.

Because all former Presidents were able to demonstrate their political chops.

Releasing transcript will not make you a great leader that is so much BS, some of the greatest folks in the world/History never made it past High School let alone College.
Ben Franklin
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Never went pass High School
We've had 9 Presidents who also never went pass high school 3 of which you keep in your wallet (Jackson, Washington, Lincoln) and 1 recent President who never got a college degree (Truman).

Even Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree, yet he is Gov. And also ran for President until he dropped out but had plenty of supporters.

Obama studied poly-Sci at Columbia and was President of Law review at Harvard, maybe you're one of those who believes he wasn't vetted? If he had Bullshitted trust me somehow it would get out.

Higher Education don't mean shit in politics, that's for the "real" world of business. Nice try though!



Well-Known Member
Because all former Presidents were able to demonstrate their political chops.

Releasing transcript will not make you a great leader that is so much BS, some of the greatest folks in the world/History never made it past High School let alone College.
Ben Franklin
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Never went pass High School
We've had 9 Presidents who also never went pass high school 3 of which you keep in your wallet (Jackson, Washington, Lincoln) and 1 recent President who never got a college degree (Truman).

Even Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree, yet he is Gov. And also ran for President until he dropped out but had plenty of supporters.

Obama studied poly-Sci at Columbia and was President of Law review at Harvard, maybe you're one of those who believes he wasn't vetted? If he had Bullshitted trust me somehow it would get out.

Higher Education don't mean shit in politics, that's for the "real" world of business. Nice try though!

You know the only reason the fright wing is pushing for this is to see if he got in from affirmative action


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it is acceptable for a president to not show his or hers transcript? In the real world, if you have no experience, the first thing a potential employer does is look at your transcripts. Why should the president not have to?
After all, Obama promised to be the most transparent president, right? Another example of ideology clouding common sense.
The best laid plans of mice and men..

Not ideology, reality.


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it is acceptable for a president to not show his or hers transcript? In the real world, if you have no experience, the first thing a potential employer does is look at your transcripts. Why should the president not have to?
After all, Obama promised to be the most transparent president, right? Another example of ideology clouding common sense.
I've never had to present my transcripts to a prospective employer, just show where I've gotten my degrees. Employers cannot look up your transcripts anyways since it would be a violation of federal law. As I said, no President ever has had to release their transcripts. Obama going to Colombia, Harvard and teaching at the University of Chicago's Law School should speak for itself just as I don't need to see Ben Carson's or Donald Trump's transcripts knowing that they went to Yale and Chicago respectively.

This is the definition of a moot argument.


Well-Known Member
I've never had to present my transcripts to a prospective employer, just show where I've gotten my degrees. Employers cannot look up your transcripts anyways since it would be a violation of federal law. As I said, no President ever has had to release their transcripts. Obama going to Colombia, Harvard and teaching at the University of Chicago's Law School should speak for itself just as I don't need to see Ben Carson's or Donald Trump's transcripts knowing that they went to Yale and Chicago respectively.

This is the definition of a moot argument.
I am not questioning his academic achievements. I want all presidents to release their transcripts and with all of his bs talk about transparency, I thought he would start the trend. Obama is extremely intelligent and I admire many things about this man but at the end of the day he is just another politician.


Well-Known Member
I am not questioning his academic achievements. I want all presidents to release their transcripts and with all of his bs talk about transparency, I thought he would start the trend. Obama is extremely intelligent and I admire many things about this man but at the end of the day he is just another politician.
Most people running for President are twenty plus years out of college making their transcripts pretty irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Most people running for President are twenty plus years out of college making their transcripts pretty irrelevant.
I think you are misunderstood about my position. I am just curious to know how presidents perform academically. Didn't know showing your transcripts was a bad thing. I am proud of mine.:bigjoint:

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I think you are misunderstood about my position. I am just curious to know how presidents perform academically. Didn't know showing your transcripts was a bad thing. I am proud of mine.:bigjoint:
You should be proud in your achievement; disclosing one's college transcript bares no correlation to political acumen or setting a precedence towards transparency, transparency should be in the form of politics, not personal achievements.

I'll even go 1 step further, Imho income shouldn't be a prerequisite to becoming President either. Mark my word if Trump were to win the nomination, his wealth will be used against him like they did to Romney.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ben Carson: 'We Are at War' With ISIS

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday that he would defeat Islamic State terrorists by air-bombing their oil fields, blocking their propaganda on social media, arming local forces in Syria — and by banning Syrian refugees from coming into the United States.

"We are at war," the retired pediatric neurosurgeon said in an op-ed piece in The Washington Post. "It is not a war against an opposing nation."


Well-Known Member

See not even close, although at this point I would have to admit that Carson is done, hoist on his own petard...
Carson does not have the loud, braggadocios voice of Trump, who seems to easily gloss over any personal deficiencies by simply speaking more loudly and dispensing platitudes...
Such as, "I will pick the best team and America will be great again".
Carson lacks this ability, therefore he is toast. It is all over for Carson as his poll numbers will continue to plummet.

But back to the question as to who is the bigger more demented liar, Obama wins hands I said, not even close.

Dissembling and prevaricating is what Obama does best.
Truly pathetic and lamentable, as we will all see how history truly judges his dysfunctional and failed administration.

All False statements involving Barack Obama


Well-Known Member
See not even close, although at this point I would have to admit that Carson is done, hoist on his own petard...
Carson does not have the loud, braggadocios voice of Trump, who seems to easily gloss over any personal deficiencies by simply speaking more loudly and dispensing platitudes...
Such as, "I will pick the best team and America will be great again".
Carson lacks this ability, therefore he is toast. It is all over for Carson as his poll numbers will continue to plummet.

But back to the question as to who is the bigger more demented liar, Obama wins hands I said, not even close.

Dissembling and prevaricating is what Obama does best.
Truly pathetic and lamentable, as we will all see how history truly judges his dysfunctional and failed administration.

All False statements involving Barack Obama
Face it, your boy is done. He's been exposed. Sorry, you're going to have to find another token to build up.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ben Carson: 'We Are at War' With ISIS

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday that he would defeat Islamic State terrorists by air-bombing their oil fields, blocking their propaganda on social media, arming local forces in Syria — and by banning Syrian refugees from coming into the United States.

"We are at war," the retired pediatric neurosurgeon said in an op-ed piece in The Washington Post. "It is not a war against an opposing nation."


Well-Known Member
I am not incorrect. Look up every other President who released their college transcripts. GWB didn't, his were leaked. Clinton didn't, George HW Bush didn't, Reagan didn't, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman (who never received a college degree like Abraham Lincoln), FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, etc. etc.. never once were they asked. Moreover, Obama shouldn't as he's not running for office. Once more, he's not required to release them, thus he shouldn't need to release them. You're just falling for a GOP/Rush Limbaugh line; good job on that one.
Interesting, as even at his point, Obama's have not been "leaked"? Even when running they were never "leaked"...hmmm?
I also noticed that now you do not seem as eager to discuss candidates for POTUS and their college transcripts...all of the above mentioned were Presidents...what about recent candidates?


Well-Known Member
Face it, your boy is done. He's been exposed. Sorry, you're going to have to find another token to build up.
Wow, he was never my "boy"...and there is nothing to "face", as my post clearly states that I think he is done...why would I have to "face" something that I have stated???
You are even more confused and befuddled than I ever imagined.


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it is acceptable for a president to not show his or hers transcript? In the real world, if you have no experience, the first thing a potential employer does is look at your transcripts. Why should the president not have to?
After all, Obama promised to be the most transparent president, right? Another example of ideology clouding common sense.
your desire for the transcripts is a transparently racist ploy.

give up already.


Well-Known Member
find another word already.

Truly pathetic and lamentable, as we will all see how history truly judges his dysfunctional and failed administration.
with your history of failed predictions, including a romney landslide victory, a benghazi nightmare scandal, and climate change being a hoax, i'm gonna rest easy knowing obama will go down as one of the best presidents ever. top 5 or 10.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, as even at his point, Obama's have not been "leaked"? Even when running they were never "leaked"...hmmm?
I also noticed that now you do not seem as eager to discuss candidates for POTUS and their college transcripts...all of the above mentioned were Presidents...what about recent candidates?
More semantics.

My point was: he was never asked to when running and why should he now that he holds office? It bears no merit and it's just a play by the GOP and tin foil hatters. Moreover historically it's never been an issue once again look up the list and see when it was relevant when they were running or if it even came up.

Really it's not that hard to use logic.


Well-Known Member
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ben Carson: 'We Are at War' With ISIS

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday that he would defeat Islamic State terrorists by air-bombing their oil fields, blocking their propaganda on social media, arming local forces in Syria — and by banning Syrian refugees from coming into the United States.

"We are at war," the retired pediatric neurosurgeon said in an op-ed piece in The Washington Post. "It is not a war against an opposing nation."
Ben Carson: Unable to process foreign policy?
Ben Carson Is Struggling to Grasp Foreign Policy, Advisers Say
Will Foreign-Policy Ignorance Actually Hurt Ben Carson?
