Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama


do you ever find different words in the thesaurus, dummy?

.College records most certainly matter when running for POTUS...(requirements notwithstanding), the employers of the competing candidates are US voting taxpayers...they have no right to know? Seriously?
Especially when it is purported that a particular candidate is sooo much smarter than his opposition?
Convenient, and simply additional dissembling...typical of an Obama acolyte.
Reality is a Bitch indeed!

2008 called. they want their racist attack back, you dumbass.
I do not have a horse in this race is way too early for me to hitch my wagon to any of the diverse horses running.
I do not back Carson, I simply don't like to see his character assassinated so glibly.
Bullies and charlatans, as well as myopic political zealots simply ruffle my feathers.

I am in full agreement with you that Mr. Zappa was a unique and singularly perspicacious genius!

i have quotes of you sucking the cock of the GOP, the war on terror,an the patriot act. this is why you have me on ignore, because i had the "mendacity" to remind you of your own bullshit.

you goddamn fucking loser. shut the fuck up already.
Obama is a professional prevaricator

didn't you (as expected) copy and paste an article (from NYT) to cite your spam, then deny that NYT was right when i pointed out that they do not think climate change is an elaborate hoax, as you believe?

you are an idiot beyond all belief, and a hypocrite to the expected amount.
Once again, you are woefully is a right wing Huff Post contributor imploring Obama to release his records.
All Candidates, President Obama Included, Should Release University Transcripts

Here are some recent Candidates whose records were

I am not incorrect. Look up every other President who released their college transcripts. GWB didn't, his were leaked. Clinton didn't, George HW Bush didn't, Reagan didn't, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman (who never received a college degree like Abraham Lincoln), FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, etc. etc.. never once were they asked. Moreover, Obama shouldn't as he's not running for office. Once more, he's not required to release them, thus he shouldn't need to release them. You're just falling for a GOP/Rush Limbaugh line; good job on that one.
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not GOP is not slim. he is rather fat.

one of the mods looked up his email address on one of his previous accounts, which led us to his youtube videos.



not GOP is the fat one.

YT? Subbed.
Obama has no class. He's a narcissist, and a loser.

All of the seats Democrats have lost in the senate, the house, the city, state, and local levels;
have been because of Obama. Right now the self-absorbed ego maniac is a one man majority

Yet, he's sitting in the Oval Office..and you?
Lol so they pulled up his email account and kept digging thru old sock accounts which does not mean it's his or theirs. You are pretty dumb to guess and point finger.. typical dem @UncleBuck

Here's the thing, once you violate TOS, it's open season meaning 'the law' no longer protects..For shame, sock puppets.
It gets old after a while. I've been having to deal with this retard accuse me of being a previously banned member ever since I signed up. Everything from beenthere, to washere, freedomworks, munchbox, and chumlee. He is simply trying to tire me out with personal accusations. I have figured that out in a month, why can't you?

You've been keeping track, impressive..
Here's the thing, once you violate TOS, it's open season meaning 'the law' no longer protects..For shame, sock puppets.
I understand but you have to make a fake email account so are they saying there Just assuming it's him as a fake email sock account how do you prove he is or was someone with no connection.
Reread my post, Wavels, I put up ample explanations for everything including what you needed to read. I did read the YoungCon article, it was pretty evident. Semantics is not all I have, put that card back in the deck - you're the one trying to play it (I mean one doesn't need to read farther than "the most mendacious POTUS in history" to see who's really playing semantics). This thread is comparing Obama and Carson. Carson is sitting there saying that the media is lying about what he said, when he stated it very clearly. He's trying to shift the blame versus the current sitting President who clarifies or in the beginning of his book clearly states that he's changed some things. I mean, really, have you even read his books? I have, I remember the introductions and forwards. Moreover, candidates are not required to release their college records. It's just a show so the GOP can point fingers at Obama and go "HMM! HMM! SEE HE'S HIDING SOMETHING." There is literally no point in releasing college records, because they don't matter. Most employeers anyways don't give a shit about your GPA five years out college/past an entry level position. I can't believe you don't see that, and if you don't that's pretty laughable. Have a nice day. ;)

It gets old after a while. I've been having to deal with this retard accuse me of being a previously banned member ever since I signed up. Everything from beenthere, to washere, freedomworks, munchbox, and chumlee. He is simply trying to tire me out with personal accusations. I have figured that out in a month, why can't you?
Being as overweight as you are, is unhealthy. You should really do something about your obesity
A foreign policy adviser to Ben Carson was rebuked by the retired neurosurgeon’s campaign Tuesday after providing the New York Times with unflattering comments about the 2016 contender.

Duane Clarridge, an 83-year-old former CIA agent, suggested Carson was unable to grasp important information about the Middle East.

“Nobody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East,” Clarridge told the Times.
Ben Carson’s Advisers Terrified of Carson Presidency
Ben Carson Admits He Needs To Learn Foreign Policy
Ben Carson's Advisers Think Ben Carson Is Weak on Foreign Policy

Ignorance seems to be catching up to our friendly neighborhood republican token.