Believer's of Jesus Christ: Smoking Cannabis

If could be.
I don't think the Jewish people had midle names back then. Plus his last name wasn't Christ, he was only call after his death starting in the book of acts I believe. During his life he was called Yeshua in Hebrew or Jesus in English. Tho prophecies prophesied the coming of some one known as the Christ, which Jesus was. I'm not a bible scholar tho so I might be a bit off but it's my belief from "my" level of understanding. I'm gonna research this more tho.
I don't think the Jewish people had midle names back then. Plus his last name wasn't Christ, he was only call after his death starting in the book of acts I believe. During his life he was called Yeshua in Hebrew or Jesus in English. Tho prophecies prophesied the coming of some one known as the Christ, which Jesus was. I'm not a bible scholar tho so I might be a bit off but it's my belief from "my" level of understanding. I'm gonna research this more tho.
This is known. He would have been called son of Joseph, or something stupid if he were real. But it's just another ancient fable re-told.
Are you breaking the 10 commandments? No. Then it isn't sin because it isn't against the law of god.
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
There's literally churches in california that are built around this plant ----Christian----they smoke have service grow there own plants and instead of pot lucks they smoke or trim there gardens .....I was raised in church as a kid so I'm familiar with the weed is the devil situation .....but once it healed my sister from having life threatening seizures ...those same people act like the same devil plant is a gift from God says to obey the laws of the land and I'm sure you still roll through stop signs and probably speed to church ....I don't think a person would be sent to hell for smoking weed if a person taking opiate medication would go to heaven ......further more wine is mind altering and all through the bible .....but it also says don't drink until drunkeness .....if God had a major problem with canabas I think it would be clear in there .....there's way worse things that are man made than canabis that are QUOTE legal and way more mind altering ....I respect the way you feel and I'm no angel but I think like mentioned earlier in the post if you don't love it more than God and use it responsibly your alright's a God given plant IMO ...just my 2 cents ....peace
I sometimes chant the rosary and old hymns while gardening and thourougly enjoy the experience. i also like drawing eastern orthodox icons while medicated it peaceful and spiritual. i find nothing conflicting with beleif and cannabis use...
Religion as a business ,I have no use for.Their are as many charlatans posing as profits and priests as their are real.I was raised Southern Baptist,"So all of You are going to burn in hell unless you repent now"I was never Baptized in the Church and according to my grandmother,that's why I turned out so bad.Everybody has favorite quotes from the Bible,I am no different
"Judge not lest Ye be judged"
Revenge is mine Sayeth the Lord.
Let those living without sin,cast the first stone (not sure if that is a quote from the bible)Do what YOU feel is right.If smoking weed makes you feel better,and puts you in touch with YOUR higher power,how can that possibly be a bad thing?
"To know God,is to love many things". Leonardo Davinchi
I'm writing this for those who believe in Jesus Christ, not for those who will make jokes and do not understand. In today's age we will put almost anything in to our bodies without a second thought (caffeine/over the counter drugs/nicotine). I myself try to avoid these things. I have been smoking cannabis for about 5 years now and I'm beginning to think it may be separating me from Jesus. At the same time I know it has benefits and can be an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

The Bible clearly states that we should not alter our minds or harm our bodies. There are so many drugs used now days that do more harm than good (pharmaceuticals). I do NOT want to steer away from God, I know he is truth. I just want to be able to go to sleep at a decent hour in peace.

I want the opinions of those who actually believe that Jesus Christ died for own sins.
Can anyone out there share their feelings about this subject? This has been on my mind for some time now!
so what does getting a good nights sleep have to do with your belief in your God? Or do you just feel guilty and you're lamenting your guilt? I smoke ever day before bed for the same reasons as you. Didn't change anything.
so what does getting a good nights sleep have to do with your belief in your God? Or do you just feel guilty and you're lamenting your guilt? I smoke ever day before bed for the same reasons as you. Didn't change anything.
Religion as a business ,I have no use for.Their are as many charlatans posing as profits and priests as their are real.I was raised Southern Baptist,"So all of You are going to burn in hell unless you repent now"I was never Baptized in the Church and according to my grandmother,that's why I turned out so bad.Everybody has favorite quotes from the Bible,I am no different
"Judge not lest Ye be judged"
Revenge is mine Sayeth the Lord.
Let those living without sin,cast the first stone (not sure if that is a quote from the bible)Do what YOU feel is right.If smoking weed makes you feel better,and puts you in touch with YOUR higher power,how can that possibly be a bad thing?
"To know God,is to love many things". Leonardo Davinchi
Are you breaking the 10 commandments? No. Then it isn't sin because it isn't against the law of god.
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

I've come to understand that cannabis/tobacco and even food is weakness of the flesh.. We all have our individual struggles and we all cope in different ways! Cannabis and food are my go to for worldly comfort. I now know and understand this is just a crutch for my flesh that I do not need, only desire..
Jesus Christ is the only that I NEED.
I've come to understand that cannabis/tobacco and even food is weakness of the flesh.. We all have our individual struggles and we all cope in different ways! Cannabis and food are my go to for worldly comfort. I now know and understand this is just a crutch for my flesh that I do not need, only desire..
Jesus Christ is the only that I NEED.
true...but God wants you to enjoy what life has to offer...just don't let it become a substitute for him.
I've come to understand that cannabis/tobacco and even food is weakness of the flesh.. We all have our individual struggles and we all cope in different ways! Cannabis and food are my go to for worldly comfort. I now know and understand this is just a crutch for my flesh that I do not need, only desire..
Jesus Christ is the only that I NEED.
Its clear that your trying to find the way , and the MM will put you on the right path . you say "you know that Cannabis is just a crutch that you do not need,only desire " Your desire that is leading you toward God is also leading you toward the Cannabis . God states clearly that it is for food , ( smoking it is cool also ) but it wont get you to the place your striving for , oil will .
Great thread. This is also something that has been on my mind.

I don't know where I stand on it yet. So far I believe that marijuana can be enlightening or it can be destructive (spiritual sense) it all has to do with the person in any given situation.

Example: Dude knowingly selling to someone who isn't financially fit and uses the substance to hide from its problems. You're enabling that person. Which is leading them down the wrong path.

The provider who sells. That's a different discussion than the person who uses.
I've come to understand that cannabis/tobacco and even food is weakness of the flesh.. We all have our individual struggles and we all cope in different ways! Cannabis and food are my go to for worldly comfort. I now know and understand this is just a crutch for my flesh that I do not need, only desire..
Jesus Christ is the only that I NEED.
You are the biggest moron I've come across in a while. Your sub-100 iq will keep you in bondage forever. Enjoy your life of guilt and shame, while I masturbate all over stacks of Bibles and sin like the wind.
Genisis 1:11 reads to me that God's opinion on any fruit with seeds as "good" for man to use. Man, including God's people have been fooled. Man has decided to exclude cannabis from the interpretation of His will for a blessed life for us. Instead, that intention has been polluted by sin. The more that is learned from this wonderful cannabis plant, the more I believe that prohibition was the work of the enemy and part of that pollution (killed, stolen, or destroyed) of the good things that God has given us. This plant has so many medicinal, industrial, and spiritual uses that are better than our best non cannabis alternative, how can you not conclude that cannabis is for our use, a blessing from God. However, God's people are destroyed by lack of knowledge and we have been fooled and/or kept from the truth. Don't let any man or evil thing keep you from understanding or God's intended blessings for man by providing cannabis.
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I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and was baptized 4 years ago. I use cannabis daily. If it's becoming a issue where all you care about is that next hit (which I myself have not seen with cannabis) then I would say yes it's a sin. Same thing with alcohol , I myself do not see a issue with a man having a drink to unwind from the day, now the drunk behind the liquor store I would say yes there is a problem there. And if you use cannabis for medicinal reasons do not let anyone tell you it is a sin. This reminds me of a line from Sho Baraka - Madoff , The same person addicted to caffeine
Likes to look down at the person who does smoke weed
The war on drugs is the war on us, import make money then lock 'em up
I said doctor can you fix my ills
He thinks fixin' my ills is givin' me more pills
I'm not a Christian. I don't believe in a God, one or many. That said, I don't disrespect those of faith...

But it's all about what you do with it. Faith OR cannabis. Or donuts. Healthy relationships with all of these and more can be discerned by the results of your actions.

Is your cannabis use adversely affecting your life or helping it? How about your interactions with others? Considering these questions will lead you to the truth.

It has precious little to do with God.