being territorial.


Well-Known Member
ah, now im just upset that i didnt have that little tidbit of info last night! i totally would have said that too...hahaha

she'd be your favourite too dude, she's a big girl. haha! im usually opposed to any type of negativity toward big women (ok, no, im opposed to negativity purely based on size i guess), but girls who act like her are so common among big girls. and it gives us such a bad reputation. i notice that a lot of overweight chicks act just like she did, i guess they feel the need to be loud and obnoxious to get attention, because their looks dont do it...i dont know...i dont act that way.
soo true, fattys have this tendency to throw themselves at a dude, be loud and go the extra mile.. poor things really.,, i mean if they acted with some more self respect a dude can pick up on that, cos deep down dudes love a challenge.. disclaimer: im aware that not ALL fatties are hoes


Well-Known Member
just curious do you happen to kinda dig on the guy she came with? could play a small factor, either way if you are all friends just bring it up in the next smoke sesion. something like man that chick was annoying the other night and see what everyone else thinks of her.
oh no, i wasnt into the guy she was with or anything, that was my first time meeting him too. all the guys that i hang out with over there are a lot younger than me...i dont think of them like that lol. they're more like my stoner family :D


Well-Known Member
lol thats so funny you say that about fat girls being tricks because every fat girl I know in "real life" will suck your dick whenever you ask.

So did you beat this bitches ass yet sarah?


Well-Known Member
soo true, fattys have this tendency to throw themselves at a dude, be loud and go the extra mile.. poor things really.,, i mean if they acted with some more self respect a dude can pick up on that, cos deep down dudes love a challenge.. disclaimer: im aware that not ALL fatties are hoes
hahaha ah. dude im a total fattie myself...and still a virgin :D so im glad you added the disclaimer. and you're totally right, guys can tell when a girl has more respect for herself. guys tell me all the time that they like talking to me and hanging out with me...because im just really laid back and easy to talk to.


Active Member
i find that to be different though, its your girlfriend. someone that you spend time with and you know really well. i dont think that when you first meet people that you should be joking around like that. we dont really do much of that type of joking anyway. the guys will razz each other every now and then, but thats because they've known each other for years.

and can you guys honestly tell me that you'd be cool with someone being loud, high pitched, and obnoxious when you're trying to relax and chill out with a good buzz?...its a total buzz kill :-|
True, and when someones loud and obnoxious I leave the area and make fun somewhere else


Well-Known Member
lol thats so funny you say that about fat girls being tricks because every fat girl I know in "real life" will suck your dick whenever you ask.

So did you beat this bitches ass yet sarah?
hahaha no, and i doubt i'll have to. i think its highly unlikely that i'll see that chick again. i dont think she'll end up being a regular, she just happened to be hanging out with that dude on friday.


Well-Known Member
Haha the exact same thing happened the other day at my buddy's baby's mama's birthday party. A co-worker of his brought his new girl which is a total square. She thinks weed is the devil/gateway and all that mindset. Me and my girl ended up leaving because she was such a close-minded bitch, probably a racist too because I caught her rolling her eyes after my girl said good-bye to everyone. People like that just need to stay in their house and never leave. It is a tough situation though because how do you tell someone you think they suck without coming off like a bitch yourself?! Haha well maybe she won't come back.
I know what you mean, people like that aggravate the fuck outta me when I'm trying to chill and be stoned.

In my experience Fat chicks are pretty bad about that in general, I guess they feel like that is the only thing that can make them stand out in a crowd, since their looks don't do it. Kinda sad really, but I do understand the reason why they are the way they are. I have a soft spot in my heart for fat/chubby girls, lol.


Well-Known Member
i still cant figure out this bloody multi quote thing, so im going to reply to a couple posts manually :D lol

omg dude, i would totally lose my shit on someone like that. i'd push that chick right out the door and down the stairs. too bad for her if she loses her footing on the way down haha. im not concerned with this girl thinking im a bitch really lol. if she comes back her and i will likely have words :D lol

@The Bong Ripper:
it really is unfortunate that so many big girls act that way...but i mean, im sure i've acted like that in the past too. but since i started toking and since i did a therapy program, i've calmed down so much. even though im a "fatty" lol, i still get a lot of respect from guys because of the way i act. im just myself all the time, im not really concerned with attracting any attention, good or bad. so i just talk and joke around and stay really laid back. and guys typically are very nice to me, they treat me really well, and enjoy my company. and i know its because of the way i act.

but this is one funny part that i completely forgot about lol:

i could hear her across the room talking to one of the guys there, and they were talking about being "anti social" and she was saying that she's anti social in the sense that she wont talk to people unless they talk to her first. so i kinda returned with "yea, im anti social too. but im the sociopathic type..." haha. i figured it was the least aggressive way to issue a warning to her :D


Well-Known Member
I saw that shit on national geographic once . . . . . . . .

the dominant male of the pack basically chases the coyote that did something wrong until it realizes it is completely exiled.

so I guess you can take that idea and use it for this chick . . . .


New Member
Sneaky.... and VERY effective.... PLUS you get to sit there like a Gremlin ... and WAIT for it to kick in. The facial expression should be worth everything!!


Well-Known Member
Of course...if she EVER passes out from partying.... warm glass of water....and a camera.
lol im not quite that nice. i can think of some pretty evil things to do to someone whilst passed out :D or maybe i shouldnt smile..i should use this guy ---> :twisted: