being territorial.


Well-Known Member
So i last night im chilling with my boys at a buddies house. and this guy who goes over there a lot when im not around was there with this chick. i hadnt met the guy before, but i've heard all about him from the rest of our group of friends. then this chick was someone that he just randomly had with him and she wasnt really a "regular" in our group of friends. I thought she was obnoxious and irritating and i couldnt stand her. and im being nice. i was totally standoffish and didnt talk to her really at all. she was introduced to everyone but she was just chatting with a couple of the guys there. now, im totally all for new people coming in to join our regular group that all hang out together, but i hate when they bring over random friends who are really high strung. because we hang out and we all toke together, we're really mellow and chilled out and low key. this girl was loud and obnoxious and would just randomly make high pitched loud sounds while talking to people..totally harshing the mellow, buzzed, calm atmosphere that we had going on.

what do you guys do in this situation? i totally ignored her. thankfully they didnt stick around long, but i think if she had stuck around i would have put my foot in her ass. i know im just being territorial, not wanting some new annoying person over there...but its not my house, and so thats why i shut my mouth, out of respect for my friend because its his home. but i think he probably wasnt too impressed with her either, so what do i do in that situation again? should i ask permission from my buddy to kick her loud mouth out when she gets to be too much?


Active Member
Logic dictates that bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes, therefore if this girl was an obnoxious bitch one can also assume she is either a trick and/or hoe, and hoes don't have rights so deck that bitch.


Well-Known Member
Cat fight....
[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Logic dictates that bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes, therefore if this girl was an obnoxious bitch one can also assume she is either a trick and/or hoe, and hoes don't have rights so deck that bitch.

funniest thing ive read all day! i never thought id hear "logic dictates" and "tricks and hoes" in the same sentence


Well-Known Member
Logic dictates that bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes, therefore if this girl was an obnoxious bitch one can also assume she is either a trick and/or hoe, and hoes don't have rights so deck that bitch.
I must agree, that logic is infallible. :D


Well-Known Member
haha thanks for the replies guys! :D they're really funny!

and one of the things that really bugged me was the way she was joking around with one of the guys there...they were just playing around im sure but he said something and she was just like "fuck you!" to him...and we dont really joke around like that. i understand she was just playing around, but we dont play around where we talk to each other like that. we all have major respect for each other.


Well-Known Member
Logic dictates that bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes, therefore if this girl was an obnoxious bitch one can also assume she is either a trick and/or hoe, and hoes don't have rights so deck that bitch.
hahaha thats so funny dude :clap:

its pretty true though i guess. we dont have many bitches that come over to my buddies place. the rest of the girls i've met over there (that have been the g/f's of some of the guys in our circle) have been some of the coolest people ever. some of the sweetest girls. this one wasnt haha.


Well-Known Member
Ppl who say F U alot...usually have had that said to them quite often.
ah, now im just upset that i didnt have that little tidbit of info last night! i totally would have said that too...hahaha

she'd be your favourite too dude, she's a big girl. haha! im usually opposed to any type of negativity toward big women (ok, no, im opposed to negativity purely based on size i guess), but girls who act like her are so common among big girls. and it gives us such a bad reputation. i notice that a lot of overweight chicks act just like she did, i guess they feel the need to be loud and obnoxious to get attention, because their looks dont do it...i dont know...i dont act that way.


Well-Known Member
Someone said fuck you to there friend and that bothered you? Did you stop to wonder if maybe you're making up reasons to hate her? Because around here that's the norm, and when you take offense to something like that you lose cool points. :p

Maybe you are Jealous of her?


Well-Known Member
Someone said fuck you to there friend and that bothered you? Did you stop to wonder if maybe you're making up reasons to hate her? Because around here that's the norm, and when you take offense to something like that you lose cool points. :p

Maybe you are Jealous of her?
nah dude, i dont do the "jealous" thing since being in therapy. and yea, it wasnt just her saying fuck you to my friend, it was just her snotty attitude in general. i wasnt the only person there that didnt like her. she was irritating my other friends i dont think that it was just me making up reasons to dislike her, otherwise i'd probably be the only one who was bothered by her.


Well-Known Member
just curious do you happen to kinda dig on the guy she came with? could play a small factor, either way if you are all friends just bring it up in the next smoke sesion. something like man that chick was annoying the other night and see what everyone else thinks of her.


Well-Known Member
I say fuck you to my girlfriend all the time...
i find that to be different though, its your girlfriend. someone that you spend time with and you know really well. i dont think that when you first meet people that you should be joking around like that. we dont really do much of that type of joking anyway. the guys will razz each other every now and then, but thats because they've known each other for years.

and can you guys honestly tell me that you'd be cool with someone being loud, high pitched, and obnoxious when you're trying to relax and chill out with a good buzz?...its a total buzz kill :-|