beggining of powdery


Well-Known Member
So with my on going battle with mites i've been forced to take my attention off the plants, and put it toward constant sprays to knock the mites down. I haven't washed my leaves with water yet because of the cold nights and working till 7pm, so i do have some residue built up.

well i put up some pest strips in my little greenhouse and turned outtake fan off at night but left ground fan on to let the strips gas build up to hopefully take care of the remaining mites...

problem being now looks like i have very small amount of white residue glaze and im not sure if its the beginning of powdery mildew or what. under a microscope looks like lil grains of salt, but not very much to know what it is.

what should i do? spray my leaves clean with just water, spray with PM wash, or what?

I dont wanna use ed rosenthals zero tolerance fungicide or organicide because im starting to flower and dont wanna burn my hairs


Moderatrix of Journals
you could google image "microscope powdery mildew" and see if it comes up with a similar photo. i'm somewhat inclined to think it could be spray residue though.

if it turns out to be powdery mildew, give them a spray with 1 part skim milk to 10 parts of water. there's a substance in milk that kills it.

i know it sounds weird (i totally thought it was) but it works.


Active Member
dude, so many threads on this (hell, i just responded to one yesterday) that's its obvious your not even trying to do a search


Well-Known Member
Mighty Wash for the mites, there is NO residue and you can USE as MUCH as you WANT with no Negative effects to your girl even in bloom. Also regarding the PM, just get some Safer Fungicide spray from home depot..


Well-Known Member
Well i have a gallon of PM Wash, Dyna-Gro Neem, and Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt

From my readings some of the best and cheap things are 1part of milk (1% or skim) to 9parts water, also high ph water does great (so water from your hose is good, and can spray early in the day everyday), and then Neem Oil with a wetting agent.

Once home from work (early afternoon) I hooked up my adjustable spray nozzle onto my hose and sprayed the bottoms of my plants and then the tops (hopefully riding all the build up from my sprays, the mites underneath, and any PM spores), and then let them dry out in the after noon sun. Tomorrow i'll get up early and either spray with water and wait till they dry to spray with neem and pro-tekt or just use the neem/pro-tekt right away.


Well-Known Member
i just wanna try to stay as clean and natural as i can. heard good thing about eagle20, but rather not use it, specially since im in early flower.

I sprayed them down twice with a hard spray mode on my hose..saturday early afternoon, and again sunday morning. Today (monday) after work i mixed up the neem oil and the silicate (pro tekt) and gave them the best spray down i could (oddly enough dont think i noticed any PM signs but some of my fan leaves on 2 plants turned yellow n got rust spots after the two cold water downs). the greenhouse is so full i still need some trimming up to do to cut down some cluster zones and allow better airflow.... id rather have less good herb than more thats prone to heavy mold or who knows what.

think i'll wait a few days and spray down good with water ( apparently PM hates high ph water, and it'll wash off my neem), and then that afternoon or the next morning i'll hit with the neem again, and then two more water sprays 3 days apart and let it rid out from there and hope it works?


Well-Known Member
well i'm not seeing any PM this morning

How long does eagle20 stay in the plant, and is it a one time spray or only holds pm back for so long?

See im in a small greenhouse, and covering everything only takes so long, and from what an old friend told me, as long as you drench all the spores with neem and reapply again and keep them suffocated the PM goes this is true i have no idea, but two water sprays and then a neem spray seems to be doin good so far. I didnt even have PM that bad, was just alittle here and there.

I get at least 7 hrs of direct sunlight and PM hates that, plus when i got PM it was because i turned my low fan off at night and shut my door, now i dont and leave the fan on (was trying to let pest strips fill the greenhouse up with gas to kill mites). So so far I have dramatically decreased the humidity over the night period, increased air flow, sprayed down all the spores then drenched the plants and greenhouse in neem.