

Well-Known Member
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

— John Gillespie Magee, Jr

F-14D Tomcat, "Anytime Baby"



Well-Known Member
i know your really happy about your new suit for w/e ,but even in redneckistan big words don't make you any smarter, even rich assholes don't use fancy words.
I feel this is suitable. :grin: I believe @ :43 this song was made for this exact moment.


Well-Known Member
It is cool regardless, or in spite of the veggies, which may last a few hours then wilt, but 3D landscaping kits of well known landscapes seems like a very creative idea