Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011

Nice, is that chicken wire hard to work with? I thought about doing something similar.

Peace out
If I had the choice I'd go with something bigger like rabbit fencing, or the poly-mesh garden plastic.
But honestly it wasn't that bad. I wouldn't be upset if I had to use it again. It's not so rigid like rabbit fencing, so it easy to work with, but the wire is so thin, that if the plants are big/strong enough they can cut themselves on the chicken wire.
Just a shot update this time as things are pretty smooth for now. The WWBB is less than impressive. I sptted some male flowers yesterday. I don't think that strain is supposed to go that long but idk. I'll probably use it for my little bubble hash, BHO, edibles and keif. Samples of Northern Light BLue have been promising. SSH can be transplanted as soon as possible. I'll probably do it later today. Well that's all for now.
As for the next cycle, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, I have a few friends in town that I plan to hit up for clones. He's got Blue Dream and a bad ass Skunk he made called Hillbilly. I'm hoping that works out.
The SSH is coming along nicely. It's been in 12/12 for almost a week now I think but it's still not showing any signs of sex. Cool with me.







White Widow x Big Bud





Northern Light Blue











the buds look fat as f, nice growing beanz,
well al be watching 0.o , i guess i din't follow very well but i thought your Sog was in soil are you going all hydro this time around ?
well al be watching 0.o , i guess i din't follow very well but i thought your Sog was in soil are you going all hydro this time around ?
No, it's in soil for the moment. I put hydroton over the soil as a mulch sorta thing... and to detour the gnats. I took some of the slime from the stick traps I have and wiped it on the edge of the glass which worked surprisingly well.
its ok Konna, din't you know.. Beanz sold his soal to be able to grow like that :) .. ahahahaha.. i crack my self up
I'm lovin the extra help you got in, more hands for the harvest eh mate... How the smurf did you manage that one... :lol:
Garden is lookin smurftastic too
Oh Beanz they look awesome I wish mine looked like those!!!!!
its ok Konna, din't you know.. Beanz sold his soal to be able to grow like that :) .. ahahahaha.. i crack my self up
Now you guys are just being too nice....
I know my plants look shitty. Idcare if you say so. Lol

Sorry. Maybe I'm just a little bitter about my dry harvest weights for the Sugar Black Rose....
7.17oz dried to 39g. An once and a quarter.

I'm lovin the extra help you got in, more hands for the harvest eh mate... How the smurf did you manage that one... :lol:
Garden is lookin smurftastic too
Weed grower smurf takes care of the garden while I'm sleeping lol. My little niece came over one day with a happy meal from McDonalds. They're giving away Smurfs as the toy to promote the movie. When I saw that it was the gardener I thought to myself, "OMG it's weed grower smurf...I must have him." I took it when she wasn't looking after the obligatory 3 minutes it takes a 4 year old to get tired with something.
I think his name is gardener smurf or something. HAHa
Took the kids to McDs today, they got Greedy & Hefty Smurf, damn it! lol They started a battle with them, it was quit amusing.

Anyways, that 7 to 1.5 oz sounds like maybe an over dry? I've seen 8 to 4 or even 3, but nothing like that. I feel your pain!

Peace out

Now you guys are just being too nice....
I know my plants look shitty. Idcare if you say so. Lol

Sorry. Maybe I'm just a little bitter about my dry harvest weights for the Sugar Black Rose....
7.17oz dried to 39g. An once and a quarter.

Weed grower smurf takes care of the garden while I'm sleeping lol. My little niece came over one day with a happy meal from McDonalds. They're giving away Smurfs as the toy to promote the movie. When I saw that it was the gardener I thought to myself, "OMG it's weed grower smurf...I must have him." I took it when she wasn't looking after the obligatory 3 minutes it takes a 4 year old to get tired with something.
I think his name is gardener smurf or something. HAHa
Took the kids to McDs today, they got Greedy & Hefty Smurf, damn it! lol They started a battle with them, it was quit amusing.

Anyways, that 7 to 1.5 oz sounds like maybe an over dry? I've seen 8 to 4 or even 3, but nothing like that. I feel your pain!

Peace out
Maybe. I did decide that next time I'll only dry them for a week. This time I dried them for like 11 days. It's koo tho man. It's my first indoor grow. I'm happy to have pulled anything at all. I'm learning new shit everyday, that's why next time should be that much better.
My garden was amateur hour anyways lol, don't think I don't know that just cause you guys are too nice to say so! Lmao
I need a better bulb, a better hood, better consistency in the nutes (some of the nutes I used were 8 years old and I ran out at the end and started to have to skimp on doses) a better medium, and a better system in general. As long I don't get busted, the next garden will always be better than the last.

I say this after every harvest! I always feel like I can do something better next time. Great job man, looking good!
Thanks bo, I truely feel the same way. I'm always taking note of my fuck ups and shit that didn't work so it don't happen again. If I could have a garden like your for real, I'd be happy.
Thanks bo, I truely feel the same way. I'm always taking note of my fuck ups and shit that didn't work so it don't happen again. If I could have a garden like your for real, I'd be happy.

Well this is just how we liv and learn, it is for me happens even with my veggies. but my current grow has so many f ups so i hope i can do it a lot lot better next time.
Seem no matter how hard you try something will go wrong at some point, what doesnt kill us will only make us stronger!