Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011

Looks great is your cam on a seting that makes the light greenish or is that the light?
Yeah, I couldn't get a good shot in the new room once the HPS was on. I tried turning on the bathroom light but that made the shots green. These are actually the best out of like 50 shots lol. I suppose I coulda just turned the HPS off but I don't like turning it off and on.

wow quite a setup you got there beanz, more space this time ?
Yeah thank god. I should've done this from the beginning but for some reason I can't think of, I didn't. Right now I'm just unsing the cabinet top, but I have plans to eventually take out the shower doors and build a 3' x 5' drain table sticking out of the shower, over the toilet. I plan on putting two 400w CMH over that set-up. I working up to it.
Hows u pal all well i hope new and updated sets of pics for todays lst grow..and improved set just been on..703 and a few pages back lad..
so can someone tell me why the drowning works, i got a little low down on BKB's thread but i am still at a los, does suffocating the roots start curing the buds ?

Don't quote me as i'm going by memory and cutting a long story down but when you drown the roots the plant gets starved of oxygen and then it starts to breakdown tissues, the tissues start to ferment into a form of alcohol which somehow helps the cure, it happens in nature so someone tried it on indoor ganja and wala.
I tried it with 7 out of 10 there is a difference the smoke is smoother easier on the throat much better.
i cant stop thinkin about doing it. can i do it in an airpot?

With an airpot you can probably get away with either putting them in a bigger bucket and then filling that with water or slowly pour water in until you can saturate the medium, once you've saturated the medium it's just a case of keeping it sodden by pouring more in when needed.
Yeah, I couldn't get a good shot in the new room once the HPS was on. I tried turning on the bathroom light but that made the shots green. These are actually the best out of like 50 shots lol. I suppose I coulda just turned the HPS off but I don't like turning it off and on.

Yeah thank god. I should've done this from the beginning but for some reason I can't think of, I didn't. Right now I'm just unsing the cabinet top, but I have plans to eventually take out the shower doors and build a 3' x 5' drain table sticking out of the shower, over the toilet. I plan on putting two 400w CMH over that set-up. I working up to it.

I was watching one of Subcool's videos on YT and he used to have the same problem with the HPS messing up the camera. I think he used a polarized lens from a pair of sunglasses that he just put right over the camera lens and it fixed everything.

I dunno if it's the same problem for you but I'd give it a try maybe. Also I heard that magnetic ballasts give you the lines over the video.. Idk it's worth a try if you have a spare pair of sunglasses lying around lol
this is what happens when you grow great plants Beanz, you get feends on you asking for more .. ahahahaa
Sharing a link about flushing with scientific links.

This thread was posted by Riddleme , who i consider to be a champion myth buster.


This was a great link J. Even though it took me 2 days of my free time to read it all. It confirmed several thoughts I had and proved some of my assumptions to be myth. I really got a lot out of the fermentation process, and I'm going to try to flood one of my NL plants to see if it makes a difference. I've seen a grower in Hawaii a couple of yrs ago that uprooted the whole plant, cleaned the pro-mix from the roots and then stuck the roots into a vat of boiling water for 30 sec. He said that this started the fermentation process, which I never really understood till I read this. Thanks again for the link.
Just a shot update this time as things are pretty smooth for now. The WWBB is less than impressive. I sptted some male flowers yesterday. I don't think that strain is supposed to go that long but idk. I'll probably use it for my little bubble hash, BHO, edibles and keif. Samples of Northern Light BLue have been promising. SSH can be transplanted as soon as possible. I'll probably do it later today. Well that's all for now.
As for the next cycle, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, I have a few friends in town that I plan to hit up for clones. He's got Blue Dream and a bad ass Skunk he made called Hillbilly. I'm hoping that works out.
The SSH is coming along nicely. It's been in 12/12 for almost a week now I think but it's still not showing any signs of sex. Cool with me.







White Widow x Big Bud





Northern Light Blue









