Yeah, I couldn't get a good shot in the new room once the HPS was on. I tried turning on the bathroom light but that made the shots green. These are actually the best out of like 50 shots lol. I suppose I coulda just turned the HPS off but I don't like turning it off and on.Looks great is your cam on a seting that makes the light greenish or is that the light?
Yeah thank god. I should've done this from the beginning but for some reason I can't think of, I didn't. Right now I'm just unsing the cabinet top, but I have plans to eventually take out the shower doors and build a 3' x 5' drain table sticking out of the shower, over the toilet. I plan on putting two 400w CMH over that set-up. I working up to quite a setup you got there beanz, more space this time ?
so can someone tell me why the drowning works, i got a little low down on BKB's thread but i am still at a los, does suffocating the roots start curing the buds ?
i cant stop thinkin about doing it. can i do it in an airpot?
Yeah, I couldn't get a good shot in the new room once the HPS was on. I tried turning on the bathroom light but that made the shots green. These are actually the best out of like 50 shots lol. I suppose I coulda just turned the HPS off but I don't like turning it off and on.
Yeah thank god. I should've done this from the beginning but for some reason I can't think of, I didn't. Right now I'm just unsing the cabinet top, but I have plans to eventually take out the shower doors and build a 3' x 5' drain table sticking out of the shower, over the toilet. I plan on putting two 400w CMH over that set-up. I working up to it.
They're getting bigger. I can transplant them anytime now.sweet lad..cant wait..hows the babies doin...
They're getting bigger. I can transplant them anytime now.
Sharing a link about flushing with scientific links.
This thread was posted by Riddleme , who i consider to be a champion myth buster.