BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member

Fucking finally lol i have posotive confirmation at least one is a female!! i checked it this AM and no white hairs and over the course of maybe 6-8 hours about a dozen are showing ><



Well-Known Member
well i have at most 4 clones that i know are female now on 24/0 lighting. just took them a couple days ago so im not sure how many will root if any, havent had much sucess with clones so far but i did everything legit this time so should be alright.

now if the other plant would do something, i really dont care about the 2 mothers as at this point they are pretty small and i will be lucky to get a 1/2 oz off the big one prob less off the small one.


Well-Known Member
I bet that's a relief :)

Congrats man.
well i was afraid all would be male and this entire adventure was a waste of time, at least i have something to work with now this way i can take my time with my next setup, figure a few things out and get a decent grow going on as i will have a bit of money to play with soon and i dont have to rush anything.

Bud Farmer

Well-Known Member
Good deal on the female! Man, I can't wait to get me an indoor grow set up. Just gotta get the new place finished up. Hopefully I'll have enough cash left over to start the grow. Remodeling is way too expensive.


Well-Known Member
i have spent about 150 bucks so far and alot of that was wasted due to going through 3 cabs this grow.

invest 25$ at walmart in 4x26w 6500k and 4x26w 2700k another maybe another 20$ on wiring Y's and fixtures and get something set up man :) dont need no fancy cab and light as long as you give it the right temps, enough light and good soil if will grow :)


Well-Known Member
i have spent about 150 bucks so far and alot of that was wasted due to going through 3 cabs this grow.

invest 25$ at walmart in 4x26w 6500k and 4x26w 2700k another maybe another 20$ on wiring Y's and fixtures and get something set up man :) dont need no fancy cab and light as long as you give it the right temps, enough light and good soil if will grow :)
Check my my journal I just posted my newly placed "Scrog in a box" about ghetto growing! (and cheap). I have less than $30 in that box.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you got at least one confirmed lady bro!! That's great news! Let's hope there is one more in there :)! Been missing all you fools on RIU. I'll be back Saturday to catch up!


Well-Known Member
Yay Congrats on ur baby girl!!!
thanks im so excited, now to figure out how to finish this catastrophy of a grow off so i can get a decent yield, im thinking once this other plant shows sex just doing a mini SoG with the clones and calling it a day!!


Well-Known Member
nothing new today, my clones are looking a bit wilty, not sure if this is normal or not. i have been spraying a couple times a day with room temp water and only have 1 26w 6500k CFL on them a good ways up and they are in the hazy plastik milk jug so they arent getting alot of light, also lights are on 24/0.

if anyone has a better idea on a humidity dome that will fit the plastic tray i have the jiffy pucks sitting in i would love to hear it as i dont think the milk jug is holding moisture that well. i have a heating pad underneath the jusg and some fishtank gravel in the bottom of the jug for a couple reasons 1) it allows me to keep a little water in bottom for increased humidity without the peat pellets absorbing it 2) the bottom of the milk jug is not flat so it allows me to have a flat surface to put the tray on.


my first "bud" pics lol even though there really is not a actual bud there :)


Well-Known Member
Plastic wrap works wonders. :) Or go buy one of those $3 super delicious super processed cakes from safeway and use the plastic dome. But really, plastic wrap works wonders. You can get that CFL closer to the cutting as well - not super necessary but it isn't going to hurt them at all and may help to a degree.

Why pennies? Increase acidity?


Well-Known Member
and also on the veggies. the dam dog got my pepper plant but its a good thing i have another one in my cab growing strong. just tied down my cucmbers again they are making thier way nicely around thier pots nicely. going to go see if i can find any reading on training cucumber plants lol since i just went ahead and did it without any research ><

i know these arent as cool as canabis but hell might as well keep updates of them as well in here :)



Well-Known Member
Plastic wrap works wonders. :) Or go buy one of those $3 super delicious super processed cakes from safeway and use the plastic dome. But really, plastic wrap works wonders.

Why pennies? Increase acidity?
they tell me wich ones come from wich mother lol. bad idea?


Weed Modifier
plastic wrap, to cover the if humidity is up to 95% or high as you can get it...I use an airstone in a little cup of water,placed inside ( milk jug ) to raise humidity to 95%.

just remove plastic once a day to allow fresh air to circulate for like 5-10 min.


Active Member
idk if id even have them in a humidity dome? Why not drop that light down, and add one more! Also they have humidity domes on Amazon pretty Cheap if u want one! I just know at some MJ disp locations they do nothing but cut, clone, and place the plant on a shelf under a long fluorescent bulb!


Well-Known Member
idk if id even have them in a humidity dome? Why not drop that light down, and add one more! Also they have humidity domes on Amazon pretty Cheap if u want one! I just know at some MJ disp locations they do nothing but cut, clone, and place the plant on a shelf under a long fluorescent bulb!
just trying to do it the way i have read everyone else does i guess. the low light i read was to keep the plants from trying to photoshynthisize so much and forces them to develope roots.

took the pennies out and used some pieces of plastic. penies were just lying around and i figured they would serve as decent markes. was not thinking of the effects copper has on plants lol.

the penny probally wasnt releasing enough to actually kill them but better safe than sorry