BBB - Bowls Before Bed

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Well-Known Member
Ok, tonight we're smoking keef bowls again my loves.

I got my first negative rep today. So this bowl before bed is for everyone who has ever given me positive rep. Thank you guys, I feel the love, and you guys know I love you too! If I could collectively tackle you guys and smother you all with love, I would. But that'd be more of a dog pile than a tackle wouldn't it....anyways.....

So, if you've repped me, and you read this, this bowl's for you!


Well-Known Member
I would give you sympathy rep, but I have to spread the love around first
*offers to shake your hand* awww fuck it *tackles you to the ground and smothers you in REAL love*

lol, thanks for the sympathy, but it's ok. I've received way more positive rep than negative. And I think the person who gave me neg rep gave it for personal reasons, so I don't really consider it.

But thank you sgt, you know you rock my socks. *hits the bowl especially for you*


Well-Known Member
Gee your swell :)

I wish I could reciprocate, but I seem not to be able to ration out what I get....I just love to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I smoke EVERY night before bed but these last 2 nights I've been forced to call it a night w/o a smoke and I must say.. I cant sleep nearly as well or as easily as with bud.
I'm gonna without a doubt lay off smoking before bed for the simple fact that I dont want it to interfere with sleeping patterns : [


Well-Known Member
I wanted to go to work tomorrow....but I'm starting to feel a cold coming on. I hope it's not full blown by tomorrow morning, or I'm not gonna make it!

I STILL haven't gotten more keef. Another reason I really hope I don't get sick...cuz the plan is to go pick it up on my lunch break tomorrow. We'll see how that works out....

It's time for the bowls before bed. Goodnight you guys.


Well-Known Member
I GOTTA have more cowbell! (come on, I know someone out there gets it...)

That cold I mentioned? Yeah, full blown now. I'm sick and I'm not happy about it.

But I AM happy that I got myself some keef today! And some OG Kush....bomb.

So that's what we're smoking tonight loves. Just the OG, no keef. My lungs can't handle it in their weakened

Here's to...change.

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
whoa today is the first time ive not been FUCKED UP since like saturday lmao weve smoked like 75 blunts since saturday and gone through like 200 beers i gotta go to work soon
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