BBB - Bowls Before Bed

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Well-Known Member
lol, that works for me Chiceh!

It's been a long busy night, got VERY fucking high because it was someone's birthday and we just kept smoking.

I'm going to smoke a keef bowl and hit the sack soon.


Well-Known Member
i have a bit of insomnia. i was taking some medication one time and it kicked that shit into full scale. weed puts me to bed, if i dont have any smoke my internal clock is hella fucked up and i cant sleep for shit thats why im up right now.. -.-

i remember as a kid my mom would have plenty of tylenol PM on stock at all times.


Well-Known Member
YouTube - Vicious Traditions

Anyone ever seen that movie Mr. Brooks? I didn't want to see it when it came out, but I watched it and I really liked it. Keven Costner and William Hurt have a really good dynamic, and they play they're characters very well.

That song plays in one of the final scenes, and I like it. So that's what we're listening to tonight.

Problem: I'm almost out of buds. Why you ask? Because it's my brother's birthday, and I went out with everyone last night. And I decided to get him a tattoo for his birthday, so I need to keep money aside for that.

I don't even know what he wants yet, but I've dropped up to $200 on birthday tattoos for my OTHER brother, so I'd feel wrong not giving him the same.

So, what little I have is all I'm GOING to have until NEXT Friday. I mean...well, I know I could get some from people if I really wanted. But I have like a gram and a half of keef. I picked up a bunch for yesterday, and way more than needed, lol. So I have that...I just won't have anything to put it on soon.

Oh well, keef covered bowls tonight, probably straight keef bowls later this week.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Damn, did you stay up all night? What is the time difference there? Or am I just messed up, lol. Wake n Bake! :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
*sings* It's been a

It's been a long day. Filled out bridal shower invitations and put together wedding invitations and cut things and glued things (fuck YOU glue dots), went out to lunch, went shopping, bought my dress for the wedding...

Got a lot done. Pretty tired. Smoking a bowl with the last of my keef on it.

Work tomorrow. Fun.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a damn good book. Read it in one day because I couldn't put it down. Random, I know, but I gave my copy to someone today, and it's on my mind.

Night you guys.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Heya Wikid, How ya doing?
I am guessing you are a bride's maid in this wedding? That shit gets expensive eh? A few years back most of my friends decided to get married all within 6 months of eachother. So that year I had my own, was in 2 and had to attend 4 others, lol. I almost had to a get a loan to pay for it all, lol. Wake n Bake! (as you can see from my rambling I already started, lol):mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
YouTube - Nick Lowe I KNEW THE BRIDE (when she used to rock & roll)

In honor of all the wedding related stuff I've been doing lately, we're rockin that song tonight people.

YouTube - Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light

lol, and that song, cuz speaking of the wedding made me think of it. When I was younger, my best friend's mom told me what that song really said, because I thought it said 'wrapped up like a douche' lmao

Tonight we're smoking master kush with keef....because we need to get to bed. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, it's making me slightly giddy at work in the mornings. And slightly bitchy until I get my coffee.

So, time to start smoking....


Well-Known Member
I'm going mimi....

BUT FIRST! We must smoke a bowl. Why you ask? Because we're not going to get to sleep without it.

Sooooo....tonight we're smoking a master bubba cross, with some OG Kush keef. Yaya!


Well-Known Member
Got an oz, no name on the vacuum sealed bag but supposedly is med. bud from Cali :eyesmoke: guy said it was Afghan Kush... it has A.C.C. on the side of the bag, anyone in Cali know what that stands for? It also has the date 7/16/08 on it, what is that for? I shall return in the morn, gnite! :peace:


Well-Known Member
A.C.C. is the "alternative care consultants".
i wouldnt doubt some the strain. ive seen quite a bit of afghan coming through the clubs recently. all i can say is, lucky you.
7/16 is probably the date it was received by the dispensary. most of the clubs use a date based inventory to ensure freshness. so the stuff you have must be quite excellently fresh. i need a friend with a vacuum packer...


Active Member
a BBB is highly recommended. Not necessarily RIGHT before bed, maybe like 30-45 mins before....throw on an episode of arrested development/the office from and im set


Well-Known Member
A.C.C. is the "alternative care consultants".
i wouldnt doubt some the strain. ive seen quite a bit of afghan coming through the clubs recently. all i can say is, lucky you.
7/16 is probably the date it was received by the dispensary. most of the clubs use a date based inventory to ensure freshness. so the stuff you have must be quite excellently fresh. i need a friend with a vacuum packer...

Thanks a lot my friend :) It is definitely a treat to have this here in Louisiana.
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