BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
nice pics man. looks like quite a bit of crystals. what kind of cam are you using? i used a crazy canon camera. the rebel slr. its supposed to be amazing but i cant take pics lke that. it has all the super macro stuff. oh well. i even saw others pics on this cam and they are better than mine. my pics are perfectly clear but cant zoom in that close. Either way you should be smoking any day. or is some already dry? i had to buy weed today. hopefully the last i pay for this year. nothing like the Asian Sensation weed. hate smoking it but for 80 bucks a dime you cant go wrong. its hydro but they grow it in basically little weed factories and the only way for them not to get caught is using fifty million ionizers. the weed smells barely like plant and has very little taste because of this. but any other dime is 110 so whatever.
The camera I have is a Minolta Z6, it's a 6 mp. It has macro, super macro and a lot of stuff I've never used. I do have some different lens things. More macro, telephoto and some filters. I'll have to try the macro one next time. I have used it before. This camera takes really good closeups if i can get the light right. It will focus as close as 1/2 inch. The zoom in macro doesn't work to good though, It doesn't focus well. The optical zoom is ok but the digital zoom sucks. It's not an slr camera. Your slr should take really good pics, If other people can you should too. Just need to learn how to use it. The first 2 pics are the clones that have been in flower since the end of Jan, so a little over 7 weeks (and in hydro) the second are the mom and have been in flower since Dec. 1 (in soil). But still not done yet. It's been looking like it's almost done for weeks now. I have that one and another that went in at the same time. Not done yet either. And yes I have been smoking of them both. (and I still have a couple OZ's from my last outside grow and also some hash I made from the buds from that grow, So no shortage of stuff to smoke. The wife doesn't smoke so at least I don't have to worry about her hitting my stash. Those are the ones I smoked when I forgot to pump the gas that I had paid. It's pretty good!!! But no amber trics yet and still looks not quite done. You had to buy weed, man that sucks. I've bought weed only 1 time in the last 7-8 years. I don't smoke a whole lot most times so it does last me quite a while.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think the plants in the pics could be dyed. Most plants wont take up a dye unless they are cut from the plant and the dye doesn't have to go through the roots. Being a Vikings fan all my life I do like the color purple. Well most times.


Well-Known Member
Ive read allot of information on how to flush. Ive done my research on flushing when the trich are half amber/half cloudy. Ive read to use molases. Ive read to flush with phd water. Ive read to not just use phd water but also 25% its nutes.

So here is the thing. I gotta harvest asap for unseen circumstances. I know right now is not the right time but its better that i get this harvested now then to have someone else harvest for me and lock me up.

So I want to know the best way to flush so i can harvest in a week. I dont have any money to buy molases.


Well-Known Member
Well guys i got it flushing in nothing but pure distilled water... how soon untill i should chop it down? I hear 2 weeks for dirt and one for hydro....


Well-Known Member
you wil be fine after just several days of straight water. actually you should use slightly higher ph than normal hydro water. try 6.5. it will block out any nutes stored in the medium and prevent any from being uptaken by the plant. Then the plants can start to break down the nutes in the leaves and stem. Also whether you believe or not. The crystals on the bud are there for protection. for the last week if you keep your plants in complete darkness for the flush it will force the plant to produce every last crystal it can to survive. I watched an hour long video on white widow and they all said that this is not placebo and really works. I am trying it. Most of the taste of the bud is in the drying and curing. if you do those properly it will taste great. Also warmer water when flushing can dissolve faster and more per cubic inch. Also plants can be dyed with dye sometimes. cells in a plants roots are selectively permeable. they decide what gets uptaken. i dyed a plant blue 8 years ago and still have the leaves. it worked. but its cheating. Oh yah and 1 more thing. if you want your plants extra blue i asked the lady at the hyro store and she said add aluminum to the res. She said either baking soda or powder. forget. I think i heard it in here once also but decided to ask today over the phone. they use it to naturally change a plants colour. it is safe and natural. not cheating. maybe it was you guys who told me this. if so it seems like the idea is real. let me know

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Just be careful with what you use to dye a plant. Because you will be smoking it also. I haven't read much on dying them but I did a little and decided not to try it. I've also seen that a few days is good for hydro when using plain water. I did see something about the dark thing also. But it was saying like 36 hours, I'm don't think more would hurt. I can see the ph thing helping 1982. But would probably depend more on your medium With hydrotron and DWC as long as you rinse it good and put it in plain water there should be no nutes left to worry about. But like in ebb and flow you have more medium to deal with. Baking soda is a powder. I used to use it to ajust ph.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Do not use molasses in hydro!!! I did once and it fucked up my plant. It will cause root rot. I found out after I did it but I did save the plant, only to have it go hermi big time when I put it into flower.


Well-Known Member
You dont have to use soda. there are aluminum products made for hydro and soil i found out. I'm not saying that i would artificially dye weed either. just tried a small plant once and it worked. took about a month to absorb. it wasnt overnight at all. Your buds will come out good dont even sweat it. the quality is in the drying and curing. dont rush. you will be sorry. and dont dye your weed. i do think you should try this darkness idea. whichever 1. seems they could have some truth behind them. the video i watched about it was great. its on youtube under white widow i think. you should be able to find it. they tell you basically anything

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya the darkness sounds like a good idea to try 1982. I think it was a guy here, his user name is "sayword". He said he saw it in a book by Jorge Cervantes. I'm going to try to remember to try it. I figure it can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
sounds logical to me. i'd sacrafice a weeks worth of weight growth for insane crystals. i'm trying it for sure. ive seen many pics of both kinds of plants i'm growing. i'm growing them in an average clean setup. i figure if they look better than most of the similar grows than i will contribute it to that. plus i should be able to notice. i should be at the end within 2 weeks. i'll try it.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Maybe you can get us some good before and after pics. That would be cool. Hows the camera going? Have you been playing with it? You should be able to take some really nice pics with it.


Well-Known Member
i found out about the cam. it has a macro setting and thats what my pics were taken with. the guy at the camera store i called said that if i want to go closer i need anoher lens. he was talking about how zoom differs with macro settings and such. i'm no expert but he said that for 160 theres a really nice lens for my cam and he said its actually designed for aquarium details. he said that i would be able to stand back further letting the cam get more light which was a prob i had. might check it out. but i'm sure in 2 hours you cant perfect a camera completely. sick of using it though cause the filesize takes forever to upload. i'll def perfect it before harvest. plus i might just buy it use it and return it. lol


Well-Known Member
its the cannon dslr. its the cheapest slr in their linup but still great. ive asked some people about their pics and they did say that many of them had really high end lenses and cams. i want to zoom in on individual trichs.


Well-Known Member
lol ive bought things before just to use them and return them. Im looking for a better camera as well. You guys keep saying that you want a camera that can take macro pictures. Are you really growing that big of a plant? Last time i checked you should be investing on a MICRO lense to get close up shots of the plant and bud.

It takes me up to 5 minutes to upload 4 pictures. I am using a 8.2 megapixel kodak camera. It takes good pictures but does shitty on close up shots of bud. Im going to get rid of it at some point and to buy a new camera that i can switch out the lenses on it.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about the Canon cameras but I would think you should be able to get good close ups without extra lenses. Have you tried holding it really close and not using the zoom.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I can't change the lens on my camera but I do have some extra lens things and filters that I can use with an adapter.


Well-Known Member
if your camera is 8 mp. and its 1 of the big 3 names they should have an adapter for putting lenses on it. my cannon has 1 available for 30 bucks that allows nearly all cannon lenses to fit. i think nikon and kodak both may have. unless you have 1 of the regular pocket cams. either way i'm going to check out this lens that he says is great. i dont know that much about cams. I do want to zoom in like crazy though. basically i want an 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch square to be full size pic. its a nice pic. plus if you could zoom in like that imagine what youd learn