BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Plants look good, nice little belly action in that first pic!! And we thought it was your girl who wanted to be the porn star haha. I see some yellowing and spoting? Are you working on that? I would agree with 1982, the 400 would not make it any faster. But you would have more bud. But you would have a lot more heat to deal with. You would have to do some more cooling. Air cooled hood would be great. It would be worth it though. I looked ar the lowriders before and they sound pretty good. But I want something I can clone so I can keep making known females.


Well-Known Member
Those pictures look really cool. Between the close up shot and the fire looking background the pictures turned out great.

Trying to get some bud shots tonight. Not to bad , at least the close ups are in focus pretty good. It's easier to do after the bud is off the plant.
The first 2 are a clone of the one in pic 3. That is the one that has some purple on it. 4th is a different plant I think, but might not be.


Well-Known Member
nice pics man. looks like quite a bit of crystals. what kind of cam are you using? i used a crazy canon camera. the rebel slr. its supposed to be amazing but i cant take pics lke that. it has all the super macro stuff. oh well. i even saw others pics on this cam and they are better than mine. my pics are perfectly clear but cant zoom in that close. Either way you should be smoking any day. or is some already dry? i had to buy weed today. hopefully the last i pay for this year. nothing like the Asian Sensation weed. hate smoking it but for 80 bucks a dime you cant go wrong. its hydro but they grow it in basically little weed factories and the only way for them not to get caught is using fifty million ionizers. the weed smells barely like plant and has very little taste because of this. but any other dime is 110 so whatever.


Well-Known Member
do you mean to tell us that you are paying $110 Canadian dollars for a dime bag (2 grams) of weed? I can get some schwag weed for 10 bucks a dime...

nice pics man. looks like quite a bit of crystals. what kind of cam are you using? i used a crazy canon camera. the rebel slr. its supposed to be amazing but i cant take pics lke that. it has all the super macro stuff. oh well. i even saw others pics on this cam and they are better than mine. my pics are perfectly clear but cant zoom in that close. Either way you should be smoking any day. or is some already dry? i had to buy weed today. hopefully the last i pay for this year. nothing like the Asian Sensation weed. hate smoking it but for 80 bucks a dime you cant go wrong. its hydro but they grow it in basically little weed factories and the only way for them not to get caught is using fifty million ionizers. the weed smells barely like plant and has very little taste because of this. but any other dime is 110 so whatever.


Well-Known Member
a dime where i live is 14 grams. 2 grams is a twenty sack, 3.5 grams is a half bag. 7 grams is a nick. 14 dime. and so on. its the only place with these names ive found. lol not 2 grams. 14


Well-Known Member
no i totally liked that article on purple and i seriously read thru every single word on it..

im considering majoring in history and to know stuff about the significance behind purple and purple bud is awesome. I had no idea that the color originated from some small creatures or that it was the Kings fav color. I really freakin dig that blackberry bud and the blueberry cross too.

if your making fun of me for posting that big ass sheet its not my fault the site did it.


Well-Known Member
yah i knew about the royalty thing but didnt know it was 1 of the rarest colours in nature. whatever that bud is its the nicest looking ive ever seen. Did you guys see the pics of the guy yielding 2 pounds dry off 1-2 plants and a 400? its real.
but it aint purple. lol. and you can tell by the background that the colour wasnt altered.


Well-Known Member
Ive always went by this... a nickle was a gram, a dime was 2 grams, a 20 bag was 4 grams, a quarter is 6.5 grams, a half is 14 grams, an ounce is 30 grams


Well-Known Member
lucky bastard!!! lol our ounces are 28 grams. everywhere i go i have to learn those terms there. no one understands me. also just told you where i live as nowhere else in canada does this. and i dont think the states. maybe theres some crazy story to do with rival gangs or something. maybe i'll google the terms and see whats up. somethings def behind it.


Well-Known Member
nice pics. the first 1 looks like it could be the strain above the 1 we love in that long post. dark purple, leaves included. that dried bud looks amazing. not baked in thc but it prob tastes really fruity. or thats how i imagine it. where i live there is white widow and all the white strains all over. but never seen real purple like these pics in my life. 1 thing for sure is that there is no saying how they got them that colour. could be dyed but it lookes def like the strain. you would think more people on here would have original pics. i'll believe that 1 bright bud when i see it. lol has to be possible


Well-Known Member
well i got some amber and cloudy trich showing but the vast majority are still crystal clear... :D ive pickd a few buds off in the last week and its givin me a nice energetic high

