BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

it seems the po-po is getting nosy

Half a million cannabis growers in UK homes: Criminals are switching over from harder drugs because of more lenient jail sentences

•Hundreds of thousands of suburban homes have been converted into marijuana factories by gangs switching from hard drugs
•They are taking advantage of more lenient penalties which say they won't be jailed if they are caught growing fewer than ten plants in a single house
•Even growing nine plants is enough to make around £40,000 a year

By Jack Doyle

PUBLISHED: 19:18 EST, 14 October 2013 | UPDATED: 01:56 EST, 15 October 2013

A staggering half a million people in the UK are running secret cannabis farms in their homes.

An explosion in production of the drug means hundreds of thousands of suburban houses have been converted into hidden marijuana factories.

The booming industry is fuelled by gangs switching from hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin because of the more lenient penalties for cannabis, police say.

An investigation found dealers know they will escape jail if they grow fewer than ten plants in a single property – even if they are growing the dangerously potent skunk form.

Even nine plants is enough to net around £40,000 a year.

The allegations sparked fury among anti-cannabis campaigners who said police were letting dealers get away with it.

Mary Brett, of Cannabis Skunk Sense, said: ‘Nobody is going to smoke this much in a year on their own. These people should be hauled before the courts for this.

‘This amounts to decriminalisation of the supply of a Class B drug. Nobody in their right mind thinks that anybody would grow nine plants and not supply.’

The extraordinary scale of the problem was revealed in an ITV documentary. It found 80 per cent of the drug that is smoked in the UK is produced here – compared with 65 per cent a few years ago.

Police figures show the average number of cannabis farms discovered every month in 2008 was 252.

Drug mansion: All kinds of properties have been found to be used by unscrupulous drug dealers

But by last year that had nearly trebled to 656 – and the number is still rising. Merseyside police alone said they find two houses a day filled with the plants.

Filmmaker Conor Woodman said cannabis growers can ‘make £40,000 a year’ adding: ‘One single mum told me her bedroom tax pales into insignificance compared to what she makes from the cannabis in her spare room.’

The figures were drawn from a recent report by the Independent Drug Monitoring Unit which estimated that the number of growers could be as high as 504,000 – one producer for every 44 households.

The documentary found shops selling all the equipment to grow cannabis – for as little as £400. The ‘hydroponics’ kit included tents, lights and ventilation systems, which increase the yield and strength of the drug.

Police say gangs are switching from large production warehouses to dozens of smaller growing centres. These can be set up in hours in converted lofts or garages. Often rented properties are used for a short time then abandoned, leaving huge power bills.

Superintendent Mark Harrison of Merseyside Police said ten houses with 30 plants each would give ‘the same yield and the same profitability’ as large commercial sites.

Neighbours can be alerted by blacked-out windows, hot walls, condensation, a pungent smell and visitors at unusual times. Police use thermal imaging cameras to see the heat given off from the powerful lamps that help the plant to grow indoors.

Forces in the North West of England have reported growing tension between cannabis gangs, resulting in a surge in reported shootings.

In London, police seized cannabis worth £2.6million in a single month of raids in August and made more than 350 related arrests.

Scotland Yard said it shut down 37 marijuana factories and recovered more than 2,700 plants, alongside vast amounts of cash and weapons.

The revelations will raise concerns about the amount of super-strong skunk cannabis on Britain’s streets.

Anti-drugs campaigners say a growing number of users are being hospitalised with ‘mental disorders’. In just three years, the number admitted for treatment has increased by 50 per cent. It is particularly harmful when smoked by young teenagers whose brains are still developing.

Police have faced scrutiny for adopting a softer attitude to drug-taking. It means a ‘less robust enforcement approach’ on drugs such as cannabis, with more offenders receiving on-the-spot fines.
Exposure: Britain’s Booming Cannabis Business, ITV1, 11.05pm, tomorrow

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did you notice?
the dangerously potent skunk form.

hello dippy elsie

Where to start? with misinformation, lies & propaganda or all three.

This country is as great as it is backward at times.

And indeed hello dippy baby:) been toking her all week.
I think that article was written by a 7 year old, it is like something you would hand in for your primary school project.....
wish i'd made 40k out my bedroom this year like haha

blacked-out windows, hot walls, condensation, a pungent smell and visitors at unusual times. = you're doing it fucking wrong lol
It is just so ass backwards when the media makes weed to be out this scary dangerous drug that's gonna kill their babies and make people go insane and wanna go off raping people and shit. What makes it the most sad is honestly there are a lot of ignorant people who read articles such as this one and just accept it for the truth. The most interesting thing to me is all the lies that are spread about weed and then the OBVIOUS truths with real statistics of how harmful the legal drugs are swept under the rug. Tobacco, alcohol, and prescription drugs kill hundreds of thousands a year in the us, and I'm sure in other countries its the same although to be completely honest I haven't done that research. I would much rather have a ton of stoners living around me then a bunch of drunks.
wish i'd made 40k out my bedroom this year like haha

blacked-out windows, hot walls, condensation, a pungent smell and visitors at unusual times. = you're doing it fucking wrong lol

Yea if your doing that, I bet they are also throwing pounds of trim out in there garbage pails right in front of their house and all the other newbie mistakes. Seems to me they are catching the careless growers who honestly probably aren't even growing that great of weed if they are making those kind of errors. Certainly nothing strong enough to make people go to the mental hospital.
Personally I think the people who end up in the looney bins through weed, would have ended up there through something else if weed wasn't around....i.e schizophrenia is a genetic illness and will out itself eventually. But yeh, it's nice to have something to blame our faults on.
The way the statistic was obtained it could just as easily be assumed that if your schizophrenic you may prefer cannabis. Causality in those studies is completely subjective to interpretation, any statistician will affirm that.

@ papa, it is true that the populace has enough low information participants that will believe anything they are told on an ongoing interval that any message can be reinforced to a significant percentage of the people. It sure makes it hard to have faith in mankind, it's places like this where you get affirmation that your at least not completely surrounded by ignorant bastards. lol
Not to offend those who are religious, but I would say organized religion is the same way...half truths cloaked in lies and the spread by those wanting power. Its not by accident that many church holidays fall on pagan holidays. Christmas being the most obvious example. Dec 25 is a pagan holiday, but to ease people into believing in the church, they made it the birth of Christ (who most historians say was born sometime in the spring months) to replace the pagan holiday. Its been the practice for those in power to control the thoughts of those the rule. In older times, religion was a great way. This day in age, seems more like social media is the method of control. I personally am not religious, but I am see why people are. It would be nice to believe that this life means somethings and there's an amazing paradise waiting for you.
Personally I think the people who end up in the looney bins through weed, would have ended up there through something else if weed wasn't around....i.e schizophrenia is a genetic illness and will out itself eventually. But yeh, it's nice to have something to blame our faults on.

Yea I think the same. Unstable people taking any drug can snap, hell I know a girl who can't have caffeine without hearing voices. Thats not caffeine's fault.
Week minded people that's wot I reckon:)
wot is BB entering into the cup this year? Wot ever it is I'm sure it's a banger :)
righty, my pal hasn't crocked any of the yins! thank god lol. going to check on them saturday. this weekend me and the bests are hiring a cider press :fire: am well excited though we'll not be able to try it til the summer but thems the breaks. bottling my latest brew next week. brewing a belgian trappist tripel next week. i expect to be nothing short of pissed right through december and january. got to do something to pass the time til the crops done.

Rasclad BB are entering the blue pit & DOG possibly something else, still TBC

as for drugs making you loopy hahahah yes. yes they do. who'd have thunk it eh. weed is psychoactive as are hallucinogens both can make you crackers and one can trigger the other. not really rocket science eh

have a good weekend all!
Any of them. If you can brew beer all you gotta do is distill it! Build a moonshine still and get runnin. Especially if you make some good strong beers i bet theyd taste amazing stilled.
righty, my pal hasn't crocked any of the yins! thank god lol. going to check on them saturday. this weekend me and the bests are hiring a cider press :fire: am well excited though we'll not be able to try it til the summer but thems the breaks. bottling my latest brew next week. brewing a belgian trappist tripel next week. i expect to be nothing short of pissed right through december and january. got to do something to pass the time til the crops done.

Rasclad BB are entering the blue pit & DOG possibly something else, still TBC

as for drugs making you loopy hahahah yes. yes they do. who'd have thunk it eh. weed is psychoactive as are hallucinogens both can make you crackers and one can trigger the other. not really rocket science eh

have a good weekend all!
Nice mate ain't tryed the blue pit! 5 weeks today n I'm in dam can't bloody wait!! Wen u landin?
My buddy made some apple shine, also made some peach sine and regular white lightning.... Was amazing, gets you reeeeeal shitty lol but a clean ass drink no super crazy hangovers! Unless you go absolutely ape shit.

Mmmmm blue pit deserves a trip to the cup,, gonna go pack a bowl right now. Its the strongest ish in my stash.
Any of them. If you can brew beer all you gotta do is distill it! Build a moonshine still and get runnin. Especially if you make some good strong beers i bet theyd taste amazing stilled.
hahah i like your thinkin! i actually have the plans already, a mate built one a while back with a fish tank heater, i'm just a bit concerned i'll drink the poisonous stuff so i didn't build it. that and the beers around 8% as it is 40 pints worth... not sure i need anything else to get me tight/blind :)
Nice mate ain't tryed the blue pit! 5 weeks today n I'm in dam can't bloody wait!! Wen u landin?
think i land at the arse crack of dawn on the saturday, like literally about 6am
My buddy made some apple shine, also made some peach sine and regular white lightning.... Was amazing, gets you reeeeeal shitty lol but a clean ass drink no super crazy hangovers! Unless you go absolutely ape shit.
Mmmmm blue pit deserves a trip to the cup,, gonna go pack a bowl right now. Its the strongest ish in my stash.
real just fruit shine is lovely, i've had various fruit 'wines' haha wines my arse they were loopy juice. there's a fine line between ape shit pissed and fallling off the pavement pissed eh :razz: i'm still tight from last night. eyeing up a leftover GnT thinking about a bacon sandwich. early KO today. 12:45 i'm off to grab a batch of garry ablett's afore the game.

im gonna have to grab some

right bacon butty, bong rip and i'm back on it! BOOM.
i never knew a gary was a universal term in the uk. gary abblet, what a fucking legend.

rip gary


have a nice weekend don, take it easy on the garys lol