Hey Amber, he's alive but and I'm only guessing here by the lack of response he's had to do a bit at her majesties pleasure. He had loads going for him, social worker reports n stuff but I think previous for growing has tipped the balance. Don't worry tho, you can't keep a good cowboy down. He'll be back for sure.what the fuck happened to cinderz? PLEASE CINDERS PLEASE be alive! oh my gawd he was soooo sweet and such an amazing grower with the most incredible positive personalitly ...we were such great friends and then he just disappeared!! and he was so funny and such a nice guy. Ill be praying a praying for his safety. Hoping that he will make it back from the depths of hell. sorry I must go now, my husband is chasing me around the house with a cucumber and butcher knife.lol Have a swell day. ill take some veg porn donnzie, would love to see what you got in the works this holidayze seasone. peace out lil bro.
Don what was the genetics on the smelly fingers again? I remember her loveliness just not her genetics.
Damn west take it easy killer. Hahahah.
Well good luck Mate sorry to hear bout cinders...Yeah i'll be on TV before ya know it..LOL... then the gig is up..LOL.. Sorry to hear bout your security concerns and I hope it works itself out in your benefit...Did the fairy arrive???Hey Hem,
you'll have to go dark soon or we'll see you live on the PGA lol that would be a trip eh. still no word from cinders mate. guessing he had to do a stint![]()
Well, it's weird having no plants again lol. and a pain in the arse having to take a bit out of the stash to bring home on the daily. hope the week passes quick. i want my babies back. i'm terrified the sitter will forget to water them or some shiz. they're in like 4oz coffee cups![]()