Baywatcher's Basement Blowout


Well-Known Member
The entire flash shoe (both built-in and external trigger) of my D200 has b0rked. :( I can pay $365 to get it fixed, or I can pay $800 for a new D5300 camera body. I've decided to do the latter, but not until I have a job...

The last of the autos has come down. The Blue Mammoth produced a respectable 2.25 oz bud and .75 oz trim. Not the best looking stuff, however, I'm having it all run as oil.

We completely re-built my flower chamber last week -- it now has 4x 1000 watt HPS lights in it, mylar on the walls and the ceiling sealed back up. It is freaking *bright* in there now. My basic plan is to hopefully take enough out of this room to pay the $10K it is going to cost to add a 2-head 3-ton minisplit into the other half of the basement, cut it in half, and put two 6K rooms on a flipbox, turning my existing flower chamber into the veg room.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking to two different pre-startups about a technical founder role. One of them I think has a 75%+ chance of actually getting off the ground. The other I am skeptical that it will ever get enough traction to make money, but it's in the medical mj space, so I'm willing to be convinced otherwise and to work on it while the more promising one ramps up. In the case of the first one, I'd draw half salary + equity. The second would be 100% equity.

As far as *real* jobs, I've sent out a few resumes, but I'm still being very picky about what I apply for in terms of location/commute and job duties. It will be 2015 before I get to the "ok take anything" level of panic...

Meanwhile, I'm going to blow some glass :)


Well-Known Member
Nice and Nice!! It would be sweet to get into the MMJ industry for sure in a more official sense atleast :). Though your already in a state you can be compliant with so thats a good start. Have fun on the torch, its gonna be a few days before I get a chance to again.


Well-Known Member
Didn't turn off the water completely when I was filling the rez, now there is 3" of water standing in my basement. I caught it just before it got into all the power strips. Wet vacced 120 gallons so far, taking a break. While I normally don't think it's healthy to be drinking bourbon in the afternoon on a Monday, today I am making an exception.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit man that sucks!!!! I can't imagine not drinking after having that happen to me. Atleast it didn't fry the electric.


Well-Known Member
Didn't turn off the water completely when I was filling the rez, now there is 3" of water standing in my basement. I caught it just before it got into all the power strips. Wet vacced 120 gallons so far, taking a break.
Shitty dude. i wish i was close I would lend you a hand. Vacuuming water sucks huge smelly balls.

While I normally don't think it's healthy to be drinking bourbon in the afternoon on a Monday, today I am making an exception.
Umm ^^^^^^ this. Only black rum with dark beer.

Oh shit man that sucks!!!! I can't imagine not drinking after having that happen to me. Atleast it didn't fry the electric.
Yeah the silver lining here for sure. It could have been much worse


Well-Known Member
Seems to be. The humidifier is showing 45% RH down there. I'm going to take it down to 35% I think, then let it back up to 50% where I normally keep it.


Well-Known Member
The Dinafem Blue Hash is down and drying. I've got one more of it about to go in flowering, then I'll let it go. It remains incredibly short and bushy, which would be cool if plant count wasn't an issue, but I really need to get some big plants going forward. The Hazeman P.O.W. that I'm flowering in 2 gallon pots (I started sexing them when they were tiny) is looking like a fantastic plant. I ended up with 3 females out of a pack, and they are three distinct phenos. One has enourmous, fat buds that smell exactly like grape soda. The second is thinner, but the entire plant is a dark purple, with more of a chem smell. The third has the same big bud structure as the first one, but more of a fruity smell. I'm pretty sure that they are going to come close to equalling the harvest weight of both the Blue Hash and the OG13 in 7 gallons... I plan on growing all three assuming they test decently.

I'll try and get some phone pics, if nothing else.
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Well-Known Member
Sweet man, sounds like a good run. Getting the different phenos is pretty neat if they are all dank esspecially!


Well-Known Member
Whattayaknow? Pics.

The first one is the three 2-gallon POWs that were put in flower pretty much immediately after they graduated from red cups in order to sex them. The second pic is a couple of Cotton Candy plants. All are at day 55.

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Well-Known Member
BW are you still using the same soil mix as your original post? I want to go full organic and am looking into super soil. and i see you said you water with u use a silica suppliment? And have you changed from using just compost tea? no molasses, enzymes etc?


Well-Known Member
I am still using the same soil mix. On water, however, I got tired of throwing 80% of the water down the drain for RO, so now I'm using plain tap water. I fill a 50-gallon trash can (which is what led to flooding my basement last week...) and have four huge airstones on the bottom. I let it outgas overnight.

I have added one element to the watering regime -- I've been having sporadic micronutrient deficiencies (zinc most recently). I've begun to add Age Old Liquid Soil Tracepack ( to my water and it has cured all my micro problems. Not only does it work, but it is pretty damn cheap as these things go ($26/gallon locally). This is in *addition* to CalMag+. Plants in the last two weeks of flowering get nothing but straight aerated tap water.

I've stepped up my compost tea game as well with a 12-gallon bioreactor from In addition to using it directly in the soil, I also got a battery powered sprayer, and foliar spray the plants in veg after running the tea through a 400 micron filter.


Well-Known Member
Fuck i'm lazy. Ill just use regular super soil and pee in it like the other Boobs ive seen around here.... :) dammit farmings hard. I just want to water with plain water and grow gigantic buds just dripping in resin. Is that so much ask?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow since 1999. And it's *legal*. After 15 years of underground growing, I cannot tell you how exciting it is to be doing something where I'm not (as) worried about the cops kicking the door in.

How I Grow [Updated May 2013]

I grow in organic dirt, using homemade Supersoil. The only thing I add is a teaspoon of soluble Mycogrow to each pot. I use Roots Organic as my base soil.

I plant in Geoplanters. I use the 2-gallon size (with the velcro strips for easy re-potting) for the first 4-6 weeks of veg, and the 7-gallon size for the final 2-4 weeks of veg and into flowering (get the ones with handles).

I water with RO water.

My flowering room has one 1K HPS light (soon to be two when I have enough plants in flowering) and an 800 watt Solarstorm LED light.

Hey man as just wondering if your light was a " 1000 watt but 800 actual watts" iv seen a few LEDs like that and was wondering what you would actually go by
I want to mix some led into my grow but the 1000 I saw was like 2500 US dollars
And it said 800 actuall watts so I was like wtf ha?


Well-Known Member
Doubletake: LED lights never run at their full wattage. The LEDs themselves, if run at 100% capacity, burn out really fast. If I recall correctly from when I did all my research, 70-80% is a good ballpark figure (so a 1K runs at 700-800). $2500 is a bit steep. My two Blackstar 900s were around $1100 each. They have totally been worth it. I've converted a bunch of friends over to the "LED in veg" religion. I get way tighter internode spacing with LED over MH, and don't have any cooling problems at all. I still think HPS is the way to go in flower, but LED all the way for cloning and vegging.

Cannabidude: The friend I have locally who, hands down, produces the most weight per plant (minimum 8 oz, up to a pound on some), uses 100% Promix for a base, and Hydrogro ( at 800 ppm (roughly 1 teaspoon of A and B per 5 gallons). No dirt mixing.

He has spent some time helping me tweak my operation (tl;dr - grow solid genetics and much bigger plants, 3 per 1K HPS light). I'm going to see if I can get my yield up near his sticking with supersoil, but if I can't, I can totally see switching to his system for anything that isn't personal headstash. There is no difference in taste, smell, etc., it's just not organic...