Baywatcher's Basement Blowout


Well-Known Member
Keep your chin up BW you're the shit. You'll get it worked out. Remember you can survive on love if you have to. From the looks of your garden you got plenty of it. :)


Well-Known Member
I need the 'like' button back. :) Thanks for all the positive thoughts people. Unsurprisingly, I'm in a much better headspace this week than I was last week. I've gotten OSX running in a vmware machine on my PC so I suddenly have a Mac dev platform back (my mini died an ugly death awhile back), and I've already started doing some small consulting stuff on the side doing some javascript and Google maps integration.

Yesterday the four surviving Cotton Candy plants went into 2 gallon pots, along with the Buddha Tahoe. Ten of the POW seedz went into red cups, we'll see what comes up. The last auto (La Diva) will go into a 7 gallon here in a few minutes when I head downstairs.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had the skills and know how to pick up spare work on the side. Since my injury I've been having a hell of a time trying to figure out what I'm gonna do next. I will prolly be able to go back to the same type of work, but don't really wanna. I've been in retail management the previous 5 years or so.


Well-Known Member
I'm around 50 and in the same boat bro and with similar circumstances as TC.You can survive on Love my friend.


Well-Known Member
You two old farts are fallin apart. Im still young and dumb. Well actually i need a nap right now, maybe not so young. :( :):):)


Well-Known Member
My advice on that would be that it has *never* been easier to learn new skills. If you want to learn to code, there are a billion websites that will help you. The same can be said of pretty much any skill.


Well-Known Member
Thats the tough thing for me, is I don't want to just do SOMETHING, I would really like to do something I can actually enjoy. From what I've read into coding for example, I do not think I have the right mind set for it. I have been learning about 3D design a little, and took a 3D printing class the other day, and have been enjoying that. Though I'm very unsure how to turn it into a job. I think part of my uncertainty comes from the fact that I've never had to "search" for a job very hard, and I've always done things that came kinda naturally, not anything I've had to learn. Mostly an internal challenge I suppose, something for me to work on I guess.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to just do SOMETHING, I would really like to do something I can actually enjoy.
Sometimes you see something that strikes home profoundly. I see myself in this statement. I have always felt exactly this way. I mean really. You're going to spend a very large portion of your time doing this thing, you might as well enjoy it. I find the satisfaction of completing a project i fell invested both unique and immensely gratifying. That's part of why I enjoy growing. Keep it real TC. Working sucks, that's why i want to get paid to fuck around. Now if only i could find an employer who doesn't laugh in my face when i tell them that.... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
All five Purple Haze went into 2-gallon pots yesterday. That leaves me with nine P.O.W. still in red cups for another few days.


Well-Known Member
All 9 P.O.W. are now in 2-gallon pots. I've started topping some of the early stuff, and am a couple of weeks from having the clone cycle running again.


Well-Known Member
In other news, the plants are doing good :)
Good always feels good when the plants are thriving. I started my first vegetable garden this year! Its going well so far. I also pulled down my first Special Ed, I'll have to get pics up of the current running. Friend of mine has been working on this strain for a couple of years now and i gotta say he got the name right. I need a crash helmet to keep from hurting myself. btw... PICS!!! BW you do great pics lets see the ladies. :)