Bath Salt Suicide


Well-Known Member
Haddaway, I think thats what I took and I did the same exact thing.. I think they all understood but jesus it was embarrassing


Well-Known Member
Haddaway, I think thats what I took and I did the same exact thing.. I think they all understood but jesus it was embarrassing
Exactly, they could tell I was tweaked the fuck out. It seriously what I would imagine someone doing a all night coke binge would be like. I'm in a store. *walks around store extremely fast while friends wait at the counter, and keep on walking in the same path over and over" And I swear I would start talking a million miles a second. About like 9 different things. They're just like, damn, where can I get that shit?


Well-Known Member
Jesus now synthetic meth too? when will it stop?
Ive done speed and i dont like going that fast, and this shits faster? God daaaaammn!
Definitely, just posted that in another thread. Most "embalming fluid" is actual PCP. Some is actual formaldehyde, but rarely, or used in combo with PCP and formaldehyde most of the time.
That is a myth... and dangerous advice. You should really research things like this before posting it on the internet as the truth.


bud bootlegger
That is a myth... and dangerous advice. You should really research things like this before posting it on the internet as the truth.
nice first post cream.. i was just going to say the same thing.. i've smoked plenty of wet, and it's not embalming fluid.. never was, never will be.. it's an urban myty, and one i'm shocked to see haddaway spreading as he's usually spot on, but not this time..

The term "embalming fluid" is often used to refer to the liquid PCP in which a cigarette is dipped, to be ingested through smoking, commonly known as "boat" or "water." The name most likely originated from the somatic "numbing" effect and feelings of dissociation induced by PCP, and has led to the widespread and mistaken belief that the liquid is made up of or contains real embalming fluid. Occasionally, however, some users and dealers could have, believing this myth, used real embalming fluid mixed with, or in place of, PCP.[27][28] Smoking PCP is known as "getting wet", and a cigarette or joint which has been dipped in PCP may be referred to on the street as a "fry stick," "sherm," "leak," "amp," "lovely," "KJ (an abbreviation for 'Killer Joint')," "toe tag", "dipper", "happy stick," or "wet stick." "Getting wet" may have once been a popular method of using PCP, especially in the western United States where it may have been sold for about $10 to $25 per cigarette.[citation needed]


Well-Known Member
Ah PCP. Come around on the other side of town. How did I get here? It's strong stuff.

But, the bath salts???? Just read a news story. A police man saw this young guy yesterday in Miami, chewing and eating the face off a homeless man. Chewed man is still alive but when the Hannibal refused to stop on command, the cop killed him. Suspected bath salts.


Well-Known Member
But, the bath salts???? Just read a news story. A police man saw this young guy yesterday in Miami, chewing and eating the face off a homeless man. Chewed man is still alive but when the Hannibal refused to stop on command, the cop killed him. Suspected bath salts.
Bath salts the spawn of the Zombie Apocalypse


bud bootlegger
Ah PCP. Come around on the other side of town. How did I get here? It's strong stuff.

But, the bath salts???? Just read a news story. A police man saw this young guy yesterday in Miami, chewing and eating the face off a homeless man. Chewed man is still alive but when the Hannibal refused to stop on command, the cop killed him. Suspected bath salts.
i heard that story too, i was thinking more coke, meth binge, but idk shit about these bath salts..


Synthetic drugs are shit..........Only by pure, No one really knows the long term effects from these drugs there railing or ingesting its quit sad. They can be doing more damage than they really think, this generation of drugs takers is a horrible batch........ to bad you cant shoot there chemists


Well-Known Member
In all reality Bath salts and brands like them are all highly potent substances, more potent then the drugs they are trying to replicate.

Usually someone who buys this stuff on a whim and doesn't fully understand the amount and potency will snort WAY more then what they would need to.

1 dose of this potent stuff is about the size of a match stick head and that's being generous.
I took about half that dose and still felt extremely high, paranoia and euphoria would hit me in waves.

You could just imagine if someone snorted 1/4 of this stuff... Im sure that is where most if not all the horror story's come from. Irresponsible people looking to get high with out any knowledge of the substance.


Well-Known Member
I think the heading should have been "Even bathslats coulnd't stop man commiting suicide."


i cant believe this stuff is still legal
I agree but to be fair its a real thing that ppl use outside of getting high, im only 26 and i remember when Home Depot use to sell the plant Salvia Divinorum and naturally kids abused it and now its illegal to grow though you can buy the buds at any smoke shop. I hate to say this but kids these days just mess everything up and i use to be a wild teenager, point in case i walked into Frys Electronics one day with 800 bucks in cash, i bought a 900 watt computer power supply, some RAM, and Dust Off... I got carded for a valid ID beacuse and i quote "people use this to get high" i looked the guy in the face saying "do you really think that with 800 bucks i would go and get high on a 3 dollar can of Dust Off?" ooo but sure enough ppl do.


Active Member
Ive taken them bunch. These people who are going crazy are just going wild and taking way too much. ive never even come close to a halucionation


Well-Known Member
i knew a guy that would snort a gram a day and he tweeked out on that shit for 9 days. we called him sir bath salt. i dunno what brand it was called but it was $35/g and came in a little tube and this dude would probably bust out anywhere from 150-200mg and rail that shit like it was nothin. he never reported any hallucinations but he was pretty delerious from time to time


Well-Known Member
one of my friends cousin has been staying strung out on these for the past couple months...I wish he would just kick it on over, or straighten up and fly right...i am getting tired of someone having to leave parties to go make sure he isn't going to hurt himself...


Well-Known Member
I had some pure MDPV a while back.. It was nice.. I tried some bath salts called "white girl" and I didnt really care for it.. Me and 4 other people did a half gram of it over 24 hours.. I didnt care for the comedown or the stimulant effects.. Pure MDPV is where its at though.. do 10 mg of it every hour till you wanna go to sleep and stop.. Never had a problem going to sleep after using it, but I have a somewhat tolerance for stimulants..