Bath Salt Suicide

mdpv is nice its a stimulant no way its going to lead you to commit suicide... seriously i bet that dude was totally fucked in the head to begin with.

As Darth said people need to know what drug there ingesting. Dont take shit you dont know what it is, common sense people common sense
Large doses of MDPV are KNOWN to cause psychotic breaks, and severe stimulant psychosis, much worse than even large methamphetamine binges.
Okman so I read two pages of the thread link you have and I still don't know what this is? Could you just tell me in a simple plain english-type way. No offense, i just wanna know.
If your gonna be a dick about it, i'd rather you just ignore me tho.
Okman so I read two pages of the thread link you have and I still don't know what this is? Could you just tell me in a simple plain english-type way. No offense, i just wanna know.
If your gonna be a dick about it, i'd rather you just ignore me tho.

Nah, man, I didn't mean to sound like a dick, I was really out there at the time and probably didn't convey what I meant to. Sorry, that usually isn't like me.

Bath salts are manufacturers taking advantage of Research chemicals. Do you know what a Research Chemical (RC) is? They find the most popular and addictive of these new and unresearched chemicals, and makes 100's of different combinations (sometimes just one chemical, but not usually for the popular ones sold in head shops) of these that will cause the most compulsive dosing. People get tricked into thinking it's "safe" because it's legal, when a lot of the time these combos are much more dangerous than similar illegal drugs such as cocaine, or meth. They then get addicted, redose, get stimulant psychosis which is extremely dysphoric, they have a panic attack while in this mind-state, and think they are about to die. Either they go to the hospital or act like nuts. If you actually get the pure chemical and dose safely, this is much harder to happen. But these companies are taking advantage of poor ill-informed (mostly teenagers, but many adults also), they don't tell you what chemicals are in the mixtures, since it's a "manufacturer secret", nor the dosage. This causes massive overdose very frequently because many are sensitive to the effects, take a lot because of the compulsivity of wanting to redose on these chemicals, and not understanding their dose response curve (who could, if you don't know which chemicals they are!)

Again, sorry if I came across as a dick in the post you quoted me on, was just trying to hammer a point home, might have not been the best way to make the point looking back. Hopefully I cleared some of your confusion on this subject up. I am very tired, or this post probably would've been a lot more detailed and very, very long. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me/ask anymore in this thread.
Nah, man, I didn't mean to sound like a dick, I was really out there at the time and probably didn't convey what I meant to. Sorry, that usually isn't like me.

Bath salts are manufacturers taking advantage of Research chemicals. Do you know what a Research Chemical (RC) is? They find the most popular and addictive of these new and unresearched chemicals, and makes 100's of different combinations (sometimes just one chemical, but not usually for the popular ones sold in head shops) of these that will cause the most compulsive dosing. People get tricked into thinking it's "safe" because it's legal, when a lot of the time these combos are much more dangerous than similar illegal drugs such as cocaine, or meth. They then get addicted, redose, get stimulant psychosis which is extremely dysphoric, they have a panic attack while in this mind-state, and think they are about to die. Either they go to the hospital or act like nuts. If you actually get the pure chemical and dose safely, this is much harder to happen. But these companies are taking adantage of poor ill-informed (mostly teenagers, but many adults also), they don't tell you what chemicals are in the mixtures, since it's a "manufacturer secret", nor the dosage. This causes massive overdose very frequently because many are sensitive to the effects, take a lot because of the compulsivity of wanting to redose on these chemicals, and not understanding their dose response curve (who could, if you don't know which chemicals they are!)

Again, sorry if I came across as a dick in the post you quoted me on, was just trying to hammer a point home, might have not been the best way to make the point looking back. Hopefully I cleared some of your confusion on this subject up. I am very tired, or this post probably would've been a lot more detailed and very, very long. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me/ask anymore in this thread.

Great answer.
Thanks man.

I didn't think you were being a dick btw, I could see that you were passionate bout the subject. I though you were gonna give me one of those "let me google that fo you" links or tell me to look it up or something. I care because I wanna know, but I know I'll never buy the stuff anyways (cause like you said it's marketed to teenagers and ppl who just don't know any better) so I don't care enough to google it. Thank you for the thorough answer.
lol, serious? I once met a kid who said his Drug of choice was weed dipped in embalming fluid, and his dealers dealed it. I was like wtf, I wonder what it feels like..
nah i was just playing im not gonna smoke embalming fluid, or drink it or use it at all, lol............unless i need to dissolve some pcp ;)
Definitely, just posted that in another thread. Most "embalming fluid" is actual PCP. Some is actual formaldehyde, but rarely, or used in combo with PCP and formaldehyde most of the time.
yeah embalming fluid is most commonly used as a dissolving agent for pcp, thats why wet smells like formaldehyde, but fucks you up like pcp.
Does anyone know whats inside the 'white rush' bath salts? I knew when I bought them, I'm just having a hard time trying to think of if it was MDPV or mephedrone. Something I THINK said it was mephedrone. Whatever it is, those 'psychotic breaks' you guys are talking about, I had one. We all had one. All four of us. NONE of us stopped talking for about 4-5 hours. Then I got home, close my eyes, couldn't sleep, felt like shit, couldn't masterbate, watched my chest wiggle and squirm with its wierd, abnormal heart beats. Thought cops were listening to me through the door the entire time. Though cops tapped into my xbox headset, kept opening my door and trying to scare the shit out of 'the cop behind there' just because I wanted to have a conversation with him and 'redeem' myself.. Thank god I even got home that night lol

And why is everyone calling pcp embalming fluid now? Its NOT emblaming fluid.
my dad did this shit when he was in his 20s called "tick" i looked it up and it said it was just pcp. ever heard about that?
And why is everyone calling pcp embalming fluid now? Its NOT emblaming fluid.

First off, embalming fluid is actually nick name for pcp, originally its likely it was just a nick name, but after the slang term was confused for such a long time, people actually started mixing pcp with embalming fluid, pretty much so they didn't have to tell you its pcp, Wet, is almost always embalming fluid, i've smoked it, it smells 100% like embalming fluid. but it deffinatly had pcp in it. I've also heard (cant confirm) that pcp is easily soluble in formaldehyde, thus one more reason its used.

here is what erowid has to say about it,

"There appears to be a current trend of the use of substances known alternately by the slang names 'embalming fluid', 'fry', 'formaldehyde', 'wet', 'water', or 'amp'. These are sold in a variety of forms including cannabis joints or regular cigarettes dipped in liquid and cannabis leaf or tea leaves dipped in liquid. In all of these forms, the material is then smoked. Despite the variety of names, there is good reason to believe that these are all various preparations containing PCP.

In most instances PCP is not mentioned when the substance is sold or discussed. In fact, there are constantly re-circulating rumors that substances being sold by these names do not contain PCP, but are instead actually the fluid (formaldehyde) used for embalming as would be used in a mortuary. But there is evidence to support that this is primarily a case of confused slang terms. 'Embalming Fluid' is a common street slang term for PCP and has been for many years. PCP can come in liquid form, so the term 'fluid' is fitting. It is entirely possible (actually quite likely) that the confusion between PCP and embalming fluid (formaldehyde) has gone so far as to cause a new trend where PCP is actually mixed with
formaldehyde (or other 'embalming fluids') and used as a recreational psychoactive. But there is little evidence that the formaldehyde itself causes any pleasant or desirable effects."

it goes on to say smoking it could cause cancer....
my dad did this shit when he was in his 20s called "tick" i looked it up and it said it was just pcp. ever heard about that?
pcp has been sold as anything but, for years and years. like i said, most people dont like it, and wouldn't buy it if they knew thats what they were doing

ever seen the intervention with the chick who cant stop smoking pcp, she liked it.... lol
pcp has been sold as anything but, for years and years. like i said, most people dont like it, and wouldn't buy it if they knew thats what they were doing

ever seen the intervention with the chick who cant stop smoking pcp, she liked it.... lol

i got to check that episode out. the last time i saw someone on pcp was on cops and this dude who was fucked up on is was crawling down the stairs and speaking some fucking nonsense. i bet he was having a hell of a time though.
pcp has been sold as anything but, for years and years. like i said, most people dont like it, and wouldn't buy it if they knew thats what they were doing

ever seen the intervention with the chick who cant stop smoking pcp, she liked it.... lol

D00d, that chick was fucking WACK! constantly walking sideways! I enjoy the effects as well, but there is NO way I could get addicted to it.... It's like super K. Wonder if she actually quit or not. She was even hooking just to get PCP... now THAT I've never heard of.... maybe meth or crack or heroin.... but hooking for PCP? wow.

That show is great IMO. Only because I was a hardcore opiate addict and can feel for some of those people.

As for those bath salts, I would stay away. Seen a few people on it, and they are annoying as fuck. Even more annoying than tweekers. And they seemed to be hallucinating like a tweeker would be after a week binge. I enjoy my sleep.
I tried it - no biggie tbh - there is always gonna be some new scary drug out there - its really not the new scary drug but the dumbasses who dont have any business experimenting with drugs to begin with that usually find themselves in these situations ... hate to sound so mean ... but ...natural selection does kinda work .....
intervention rules. i love how you never see a tripper on there. the closest thing you may see is somebody pop a tab every once in a while. maybe if it was around in the 60s, they could have had Syd Barrett on. awesome.
intervention rules. i love how you never see a tripper on there. the closest thing you may see is somebody pop a tab every once in a while. maybe if it was around in the 60s, they could have had Syd Barrett on. awesome.

I think I saw someone who did DXM. His name was Robcypher, I know him personally. He took a shit in a bucket. lol
Yeah people who do bath salts are just annoying. I was annoying as FUCK when I did them, I COULD NOT STOP TALKING. If there were any sober people around us at that time, they wouldv'e hated us all by the end of the night. That shit was definitely stronger than the meth that I tried.

I think I saw someone who did DXM. His name was Robcypher, I know him personally. He took a shit in a bucket. lol
Right on xD lol
Whenever I did mephedrone and was around sober people, holy shit did I get on their nerves. I think I talked for four hours straight.