Barr's use of the government to attack minority communities continues to ramp up.

Barr testifies tomorrow morning. I wish it actually mattered other than how many times he purgers himself if he ends up with a criminal investigation for breaking the law for Dear Leader.
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“Where’s my Roy Cohn?” That was President Trump’s famous lament after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. But in Sessions’s eventual replacement, William P. Barr, Trump may have done even better — by his standards — than Cohn, the notoriously unscrupulous defense lawyer.

As Barr prepares to testify before the House Judiciary Committee for the first time as Trump’s attorney general, he has instead come to resemble another disgraced lawyer of the past: former attorney general John Mitchell, whose misplaced loyalty to President Richard M. Nixon outweighed the duty he owed to the Justice Department and the country.

Mitchell lied incessantly about Nixon’s role in Watergate and other misconduct, no matter the consequences — which in Mitchell’s case eventually included disbarment and prison. Barr’s long series of distorted, dishonest and false statements in defense of the president may not land him in criminal jeopardy, but they are familiar steps on that same crooked path — steps that the Judiciary Committee should press Barr to explain.

They begin with Barr’s misleading declarations about the report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in the interregnum before its release, including minimizing powerful evidence of obstruction of justice. A Republican-appointed federal judge ruled that Barr’s statements were “distorted” and showed a “lack of candor.”

I was preparing to serve as an impeachment counsel to the House Judiciary Committee at the time. As I write in a new book, my colleagues and I were astonished that Barr would sacrifice his reputation to protect Trump. Yet that episode turned out to be just the start of Barr’s service in defense of the president.

When a whistleblower later came forward to report that the president had pressed Ukraine to interfere in our elections, Barr’s Justice Department advanced a fanciful legal theory that the complaint did not have to be provided to Congress despite an express statutory instruction to the contrary. The federal Council of Inspectors General found that was “wrong as a matter of law and policy.”

Some of Barr’s most troubling behavior has come in two cases where there is evidence of an obstruction of justice conspiracy involving the president: the Justice Department’s move to ask for a lighter sentence than recommended by career prosecutors for Trump’s political adviser Roger Stone and its decision to seek dismissal of the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, notwithstanding Flynn’s guilty plea.

This disturbing record is startling to those who have known Barr. Before signing on with Trump, Barr, who served previously as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, was known as a staunch conservative and a fierce advocate for strong presidential power — but also as an institutionalist who would protect the Justice Department’s reputation. Unlike Mitchell, he did not have a long-standing personal or political relationship with the president he served. (Nixon and Mitchell had been law partners, and Nixon tapped Mitchell to be his campaign manager in 1968.) Yet Barr’s assiduous work on Trump’s behalf — distorting both facts and law to support the president — has overtones of Mitchell as attorney general.

As Barr appears before the House Judiciary Committee, these are important areas of inquiry:

On the Mueller report, the committee should compare Barr’s now notorious summary to what is actually in that document. A judge found that Barr engaged in “a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump.” Barr should be pressed to explain why he failed to disclose that Mueller lacked “confidence … that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice.”

On Ukraine, the committee should pin Barr down on what he knew about the decision to keep the whistleblower complaint from Congress. What was Barr’s involvement? Did he discuss the effort to suppress the complaint with the president or other White House officials?

The committee should also question Barr on his changing accounts of his role in the assault on peaceful protesters at Lafayette Square, examining his contacts with Justice and White House officials who said Barr ordered the actions. It is also imperative to address Barr’s role in the recent “surge” of federal law enforcement into Portland, Ore., and other cities.

On Flynn and Stone, the committee should probe Barr’s involvement and what conversations he had with the president, the White House or the handpicked prosecutors who moved to dismiss the Flynn charges and reduce the Stone sentence. Barr must also be asked how he can defend the later Stone clemency when he himself called the case “a righteous prosecution.”

Sadly, that’s not all. Barr should also be confronted about his statement that former Manhattan U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman — who was overseeing several investigations potentially implicating Trump — quit. Berman’s sworn account establishes that was not true. And a whistleblower has testified that investigations at the Antitrust Division have been infected with Trump’s partisan agenda.

Barr should answer for all of that — and more. And he should keep in mind how history remembers John Mitchell, dragged down alongside the president he sought to protect.
I was curious about the judge wanting to read the un-redacted Mueller report and how it was going. The Judge told Barr they had a meeting to go over the redactions and the judge had a spreadsheet full of questions. The hearing was supposed to be on July 20th, and I have not heard anything about this.

But I did double check and figured out why I have not heard anything about it, because Trump owned the news cycle by sending out his stormtroopers against the protests on July 19th.
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A federal judge who previously said that Attorney General William Barr “distorted” the findings of the redacted Mueller Report confirmed on Monday that he has finally read the unredactedversion. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton then ordered the Department of Justice to answer his questions “regarding certain redactions of the Mueller Report” at an ex parte (one party only) hearing next month.

The much-anticipated development in the lawsuit filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), BuzzFeed and BuzzFeed News reporter Jason Leopold comes months after the judge expressed his skepticism about the DOJ’s decision-making in no uncertain terms. The pandemic, as Judge Walton noted, more than threw a wrench in the matter and continues to do so. But Judge Walton, having reviewed the full Mueller Report in his chambers, made clear that he has some questions that the DOJ cannot answer remotely:

Having reviewed the unredacted version of the Mueller Report, the Court cannot assess the merits of certain redactions without further representations from the Department. However, because the Court must discuss the substance of the redactions with the Department, and because such a discussion cannot occur remotely due to the lack of a secure connection between the Court and the Department necessary to avoid disclosure of the redacted information, and in light of Chief Judge Howell’s May 26, 2020 Order, In re: Further Extension of Postponed Court Proceedings in Standing Order 20-9 and Limiting Court Operations in Exigent Circumstances Created by the COVID-19 Pandemic, Standing Order No. 20-29 (BAH), it is hereby ORDERED that the status conference currently scheduled for June 18, 2020, is VACATED.
Judge Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, ordered the DOJ to appear at a hearing on July 20 at 9:30 a.m. in order to “address the Court’s questions regarding certain redactions of the Mueller Report.” In a footnote, the judge said the DOJ should be prepared, “if necessary,” for a continuation of the hearing on July 21 and July 22.

Finally, Walton said he would at a later date let the DOJ know which topics the Department “should be prepared to discuss.”
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I was curious about the judge wanting to read the un-redacted Mueller report and how it was going. The Judge told Barr they had a meeting to go over the redactions and the judge had a spreadsheet full of questions. The hearing was supposed to be on July 20th, and I have not heard anything about this.

But I did double check and figured out why I have not heard anything about it, because Trump owned the news cycle by sending out his stormtroopers against the protests on July 19th.
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This sounds like another Constitutional crisis. Can Barr refuse to answer the summons? Do you think he will?
This sounds like another Constitutional crisis. Can Barr refuse to answer the summons? Do you think he will?
Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono advice and counsel, what you should expect etc. Boy you Americans sure do get a lot of free first class legal advice. Another liberal at war, only he's a pro and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him in the DOJ, he seems fully qualified. Bill wouldn't want this guy or any competent pissed off liberal lawyer, put him on the hot seat, he would catch on fire and disintegrate into ashes. Poof! Facts are a bitch and the constitution can be too.

If Nancy uses the inherent powers of the house to arrest Bill Barr before the election, it will be for a failure to show up for the hot seat (after he gets further in). That would be a very bad mistake on Bill's part, he would be arrested and held in the congressional dungeon (rent a cell from DC) until he testifies, then held again for further testimony scheduled weeks later... Get the idea, The sergeant at arms doesn't need to hire 200 retired FBI agents, his own security are lawfully bound to enforce this legal order and to deliver him to congress and they will. Maybe it's not safe enough in the polls yet to give Billy a wedgie, they are waiting for serious shit to happen in other cities. They want those senate seats too and might be playing a long game, no one will mind too much if they bust Barr and it will scare the living shit out of other Trump minions. Under Nancy's velvet glove, is an iron fist.
Bill Barr to Testify Before Congress. Here’s How I’d Cross-Examine Him.

Bill Barr is scheduled to testify before Congress. As a former career prosecutor, I have cross-examiner defendants in murder cases, RICO cases, arson cases, rape cases and many others. What I wouldn’t give to cross-examine constitutional scoundrel Bill Barr.
Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono advice and counsel, what you should expect etc. Boy you Americans sure do get a lot of free first class legal advice. Another liberal at war, only he's a pro and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him in the DOJ, he seems fully qualified. Bill wouldn't want this guy or any competent pissed off liberal lawyer, put him on the hot seat, he would catch on fire and disintegrate into ashes. Poof! Facts are a bitch and the constitution can be too.

If Nancy uses the inherent powers of the house to arrest Bill Barr before the election, it will be for a failure to show up for the hot seat (after he gets further in). That would be a very bad mistake on Bill's part, he would be arrested and held in the congressional dungeon (rent a cell from DC) until he testifies, then held again for further testimony scheduled weeks later... Get the idea, The sergeant at arms doesn't need to hire 200 retired FBI agents, his own security are lawfully bound to enforce this legal order and to deliver him to congress and they will. Maybe it's not safe enough in the polls yet to give Billy a wedgie, they are waiting for serious shit to happen in other cities. They want those senate seats too and might be playing a long game, no one will mind too much if they bust Barr and it will scare the living shit out of other Trump minions. Under Nancy's velvet glove is an iron fist.
Bill Barr to Testify Before Congress. Here’s How I’d Cross-Examine Him.

Bill Barr is scheduled to testify before Congress. As a former career prosecutor, I have cross-examiner defendants in murder cases, RICO cases, arson cases, rape cases and many others. What I wouldn’t give to cross-examine constitutional scoundrel Bill Barr.

he needs to not be around trumpy* can't create a constitutional crisis without him..i'm hoping nancy won't hesitate to play hardball.
Relentless pursuit is an ironic name for the operation, considering their obvious future, if they should lose. Anybody who thinks this is over with the election is very sadly mistaken.
Trump sending more federal agents to Portland in significant increase in force at courthouse

The US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday

The Trump administration is sending more federal officers to Portland as the situation heightened over the weekend between demonstrators and agents.

Federal agents were first placed in and around the city’s federal courthouse in recent weeks to protect it from the nightly protests taking place. In an effort to strengthen these forces, the US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday to assist

@father nature

Demonstrators sit and kneel as tear gas fills the air during a protest at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Ore., on Sunday. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)

The nexus. With more troops in Portland, they will be able to become even more terrifying. That's bad. He's going to send MORE troops to Portland. Totally sucks for us. Trump took a whack at Portland and now his fist is stuck in the tar baby. He's getting bogged down here. We aren't backing down. The community is supporting the protests. State and City government are hostile to Trump and forcing changes in Portland Police as this thing escalates. The feds on an island in the city. The nation will see Trump's fascist governance in stark images coming out of this example of mismanagement. It's a turning point.

Fewer resources will be available to attack other cities in a similar way. We are seeing protests in support of BLM and Portland ramping up. With Trump's goons tied down here, they will have less effect elsewhere. So go out and give them hell. People, do it. This weekend, go hang out in the crowds that are going to show up in a city near you. Add your voice. Do it safely, wear masks, bring water and dress appropriately for the heat. Don't go if you are high risk for Covid, I'm not recommending that. But if you raise your voice with others it will be heard.

The strategy in Portland is to wear them down. Night after night after night after night the same hundred or so troops are being taxed. They NEED those extra forces just to keep it up. What happens when they start to wear out?

This just in: leaf blowers are deadly weapons!!! lulz. They arrested a lawyer the other day and cited him for using a leaf blower in city limits. You can bet that lawyer will have them tied up in legal knots before this is all over. We are winning, folks.
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Trump sending more federal agents to Portland in significant increase in force at courthouse

The US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday

The Trump administration is sending more federal officers to Portland as the situation heightened over the weekend between demonstrators and agents.

Federal agents were first placed in and around the city’s federal courthouse in recent weeks to protect it from the nightly protests taking place. In an effort to strengthen these forces, the US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday to assist

@father nature

View attachment 4637330

The nexus. Trump took a whack at Portland and now his fist is stuck in the tar baby. He's going to send MORE troops to Portland. Totally sucks for us. It does is mean he's getting bogged down here. We aren't backing down. The community is supporting the protests. State and City government are hostile to Trump and forcing changes in Portland Police as this thing escalates, leaving the feds on an island in the city. With more troops in Portland, they will be able to become even more terrifying. That's bad. But also the nation will see Trump's fascist governance in stark images coming out of this example of mismanagement.

Fewer resources will be available to attack other cities in a similar way. We are seeing protests in support of BLM and Portland ramping up. With Trump's goons tied down here, they will have less effect elsewhere. So go out and give them hell. People, do it. This weekend, go hang out in the crowds that are going to show up in a city near you. Add your voice. Do it safely, wear masks, bring water and dress appropriately for the heat. Don't go if you are high risk for Covid, I'm not recommending that. But if you raise your voice with others it will be heard.

The strategy in Portland is to wear them down. Night after night after night after night the same hundred or so troops are being taxed. They NEED those extra forces just to keep it up. What happens when they start to wear out?

This just in: leaf blowers are deadly weapons!!! lulz. They arrested a lawyer the other day and cited him for using a leaf blower in city limits. You can bet that lawyer will have them tied up in legal knots before this is all over. We are winning, folks.

Demonstrators sit and kneel as tear gas fills the air during a protest at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Ore., on Sunday. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)
It might ultimately be better if it did spread, but in the right way. This is about votes in the end and that means a PR battle, not a street one, though that might be a part of it.

PS Everybody should be carrying the star and stripes, isn't that what you are fighting for? Good PR, the loonies don't own the flag and it looks real bad on TV when government goons attack people carrying it.
Brazen Bill will have other dates on the hot seat, he better show or he'll miss the election, sitting in the congressional dungeon, only a fool would let this desperate moron run loose during election season, he will be impeached or jailed by the house. Nobody gives a fuck what happens to Barr, he will quickly become a footnote, as Donald goes nuts and the news cycle moves on while he languishes.
Trump sending more federal agents to Portland in significant increase in force at courthouse

The US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday

The Trump administration is sending more federal officers to Portland as the situation heightened over the weekend between demonstrators and agents.

Federal agents were first placed in and around the city’s federal courthouse in recent weeks to protect it from the nightly protests taking place. In an effort to strengthen these forces, the US Marshals Service decided to deploy an additional 100 officers starting last Thursday to assist

@father nature

View attachment 4637330
Demonstrators sit and kneel as tear gas fills the air during a protest at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Ore., on Sunday. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)

The nexus. With more troops in Portland, they will be able to become even more terrifying. That's bad. He's going to send MORE troops to Portland. Totally sucks for us. Trump took a whack at Portland and now his fist is stuck in the tar baby. He's getting bogged down here. We aren't backing down. The community is supporting the protests. State and City government are hostile to Trump and forcing changes in Portland Police as this thing escalates. The feds on an island in the city. The nation will see Trump's fascist governance in stark images coming out of this example of mismanagement. It's a turning point.

Fewer resources will be available to attack other cities in a similar way. We are seeing protests in support of BLM and Portland ramping up. With Trump's goons tied down here, they will have less effect elsewhere. So go out and give them hell. People, do it. This weekend, go hang out in the crowds that are going to show up in a city near you. Add your voice. Do it safely, wear masks, bring water and dress appropriately for the heat. Don't go if you are high risk for Covid, I'm not recommending that. But if you raise your voice with others it will be heard.

The strategy in Portland is to wear them down. Night after night after night after night the same hundred or so troops are being taxed. They NEED those extra forces just to keep it up. What happens when they start to wear out?

This just in: leaf blowers are deadly weapons!!! lulz. They arrested a lawyer the other day and cited him for using a leaf blower in city limits. You can bet that lawyer will have them tied up in legal knots before this is all over. We are winning, folks.
Buy American flags of every size and tell others to do so, distribute them to the protestors along with a page of protocols for treating the symbol respectfully. This is Donald style reality TV, perception is reality, it's a PR war in the end, adopt patriotic symbols, a paper mache statue of liberty for instance like in Hong Kong. These symbols are true and appropriate for your cause, they evoke subconscious conditioned responses in your target audience that biasis them in your direction and the media will do the rest of the messaging. Have veterans carry them at the head or in front of every protest. Contact veterans organisations tell them the plan and they will run with the ball, flags and all. The flag bearers can even be retired officers and by act of congress gentlemen, for what it's worth, recruitment should be no problem, people will travel for this.

Just a suggestion from the pros to increase effectiveness, votes are the goal, the protests are a tool towards that end. Strategy and tactics apply in social political warfare too, this is not a normal election, it is a struggle for liberty.
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Jim Jordan's opening statement video is just making the point I am pointing out here.

In most of the violent acts they are filming after the violence, and showing things that are clearly being done by white people in most cases on a loop of the few actual examples of rioting designed to scare the American public into thinking that all the time spent in the last 50+ days have been nothing but violence.

Shame he doesn't show the violent act that started these protests off, not the astro-turf tea party-esc protests on the capital, but the actual one that Trump had ignited further with his photo-op.


There is not enough weed to stay mellow through Barr's 'I am a good guy who does good shit' statement.